
Jul 28, 2014

In 2064, humanity has clawed itself out of The Troubles, a thirty-five year period of social, political and environmental chaos kicked off by the brief yet horrifying Third World War. People have once again come together under the banner of progress and safety.
They say this time will be different.
They say humanity has been reborn.
We will see.​


Welcome to Tensei, a near-future game of strategy, diplomacy, and nation building. Gameplay is split between dealing with other players/npcs, and handling the economics and societal issues within your own polity.


New players are free to join as any NPC, but there are some conditions depending on whether you join a major, client, or minor NPC. As a major NPC, you will have the most freedom to pursue whatever path you'd like, though be warned that significantly straying from policies of previous turns will result in backlash from your population. As a client NPC, you will be expected to follow the lead of your 'parent' polity, or you will face severe backlash from your population or be outright denied by the GM (that's me, hi) if it is considered to out-of-character. As a minor NPC, you have the same freedoms and restrictions as if you joined a major NPC, but you have the added fun of probably not surviving any backlash. If you need any suggestions or help, send me a private message (conversation message?) or on Discord.


You are free to send orders in whatever form you want, as long as it is easily understood. This is a sample that you can use or modify.

Budget Changes
Social - Xep
Ed/Research - Xep
Security - Xep
Military - Xep
Other Spending
EP/MR spent on military units, province development, technology invention, or any other special uses.
Policy Changes
Changes to Freedom, Centralisation, or Tech priorities.
Military Orders
Any military movement or engagements.
Trade Groups
Any change to your trade group status. If you are a trade group leader, any changes in membership to your trade group.
Any other special projects you may have.


The Third World War was the culmination of several smaller flashpoints around the globe during the 2010s and 2020s that gradually brought in the competing attentions of the major powers. In the early 2030s, the first hostilities between major powers broke out. Initially they were fought in third-party nations, but quickly the evolved into larger and more direct attacks. Within a year, the first tactical nuclear weapons were deployed. By this time, the global economy was already in tatters, and in many parts of the world the far off brutalities of war were already overshadowed by the horrors of starvation. Full nuclear armageddon was avoided largely due to the states possessing them breaking down into anarchy as first the jobs, then the goods, and finally the food began drying up. The Third World War ended with a whimper, but the chaos of The Troubles roared on for two decades, reducing the world population to less than a quarter of its pre-war figure.

While the war itself was overshadowed by the carnage of near complete collapse of all world-systems, its scars are still felt in the desolated hulks of nuclear-blasted cities. Though only used in relatively small amounts, the aftermath of the nuclear war caused a period of global cooling, with the grey shroud of smoke, ash and debris engulfing the world, exacerbating the global famine with reduced sunlight and rainfall. In an odd way, the threat of rising sea levels was halted during the Troubles, but few were in the mood to celebrate.

After twenty years, the worst of the Troubles were past. The skies were still hazy most days, food was still scarce, communications were locally-limited for the average person, space was blocked off by a shell of wrecked satellites and space station debris, and warlords and thugs claimed most arable land for their personal fiefs, but there was a change coming. The population was stabilising, and the sun breached through the clouds more and more often. People were coming together again.

From the 2050s until the mid 2060s, the world was rebuilt. Global communication and travel was restored, large amounts of orbital debris was removed and replaced with space infrastructure, and nearly the entirety of the planet's land surface was under the control of new polities. The world after the Troubles is in no doubt more fragile than the pre-war world. The world’s recorded population shows the horrors of the last half century, but humanity is steadily growing again. This new era is one of a reborn world, one that may have learned from the mistakes of the old, or will simply repeat the cycle of violence before it. The decision is left up to the new generations that have been born into this reincarnated world.
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Update 0 - 2049
Update 1 - 2054
Update 2 - 2059
Update 3 - 2064
Update 4 - 2065

Player Writing Glossary:
If you want your writing listed here, send me a private message with your posts linked as below, and I'll copy and paste it in here.
Spoiler :
Society (Seon)
Beginning of EAEC
we burned jesus in seoul
a clinical description of philosophy and mysticism that was neither needed nor relevant
a guy and a girl talks about architecture and existential despair in seoul
an old man from distant lands dig through tokyo with bunch of kids that he doesn't even know the face of
The Start of Society
Structure of Society
Society Op Ed
Masks in the Society
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Reus)
2054 Government initiative to improve infrastructure and an outlook of next year's elections.
2055 General Elections
Union of South Africa (jackelgull)
Cape Town Daily - The New Scramble for Africa
South African Inquirer - South Africa - Zanzibar soccer match to take place
The South African Inquirer - In Speech Before Nation, President Outlines His Plan "For a New South Africa
Nordic Empire (inthesomeday)
Forward, Youth
Report from the Office of the Ambassador in Malmö
Excerpt from “Remembering the War”
Report From the Office of the Director of Mainland European Affairs
Report on the Colonization of the Arctic
Report from the Nordic Enlightenment Ministry on the Nordic Broadcast Organization
Excerpts from Live NBO News Script for [13 August 2057]
Oxford-Cambridge Directorate (J.K. Stockholme)
Doctor Storm, Welcome to the Control Room 2050
Chapter 2: Substructrualism 2055
Federation of Soviets of Russia (Terran Empress)
Speech by Comrade-President Aliyev Aleksei Rodionovich on the founding of the Soviet Federation
Breakdown of Government Organization of the Soviet Federation
Founding of the Greater Confederation of Soviets
Federation of South India (christopher_sni)
Federation of South India History
Federation to restart ISRO
Federation of South India/Dakshin Bhaarat ke Sangh (2049)

EDITORIAL: Divide and Rule by Dr. Anand Manu, Doctorate in History (ret.) Central University of Karnataka
Universal Basic Income coming to India

Federation of South India/Dakshin Bhaarat ke Sangh (2054)
Federation of South India Recent History
RSP/BDP/IP retain majority in Raashtreey Sabha

Public/Private Partnership formed to remove 'Space Junk'
Jawan 2050: An Overview
Space Station begins Construction
Subject: The New Outer Space Treaty

Federation of South India/Dakshin Bhaarat ke Sangh (2059)
General Election 2059
From: President Dhaval Balwinder Jain, Federation of South India
Federation to build Internet 2.5
Pushpa 13-6-56
Pushpa 25-11-2056
Pushpa 20-3-5
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The Nordic Empire
Spoiler :

Fascist Nord Flag.png

I'd like my borders on the map to be red like this flag. the ugliest yellow ever to disgrace a flag-- Kalmar style.​

Centralisation: High
Political Freedom: Moderate
Tech Expertise Priorities: Psych, Energy, Bio, Materials, Computing
Claims: Norway, Denmark, Iceland
The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries were, to many, the new Golden Age of Nordic civilization. The various Nordic nations experienced prosperity and economic growth, as well as the highest standard of living the world around and a diminishing income inequality. Compared to much of the globe, the Nordic states seemed damn near utopian.

As the 2010s drew to a close, however, one divisive issue continued to trouble the upward trajectory of the Nordic states: immigration. As the conflicts in the Middle East continuously intensified, refugees began to pour in to any country that would take them. At least, it seemed that way—demographic facts aside, the perception of most civilians in the European Union was that there were too many Muslims coming in and roughing up the place.

The rise of so-called “right-wing populism” promised a solution not only to this perceived problem, but also to what most of the population was coming to realize was a great scapegoat: “political correctness”. Multiculturalism. Modern liberalism in general.

The wars ramped up in the 2020s, and mainland Europe saw nation after nation close its borders and elect neo-fascist officials (as right-wing populists started openly identifying as in this decade).

By 2024, the first successful neo-fascist uprising in a Nordic state saw the Danish Prime Minister assassinated by a skinhead group. Denmark fell a few months later to a more organized far-right political party; martial law was implemented and legal persecution of the growing Muslim population began. Left wing dissent was silenced through force as the majority of the population came to back the new government.

The dawn of the new decade saw nuclear strikes throughout the Middle East. By 2030, terror attacks by not only radical Islamist groups but also by anarchist groups shook the Nordic states—except for Denmark, which boasted the safest and most stable population. In 2031, a nuclear threat in Oslo implemented by a pro-Denmark far-right group resulted in the deposition of the ruling party (privy to the fascist’s demands) and a messy attempt at unification with Denmark.

Eventually, in 2033, the two states were merged, and Sweden, Iceland, and Finland began to see a rise in right-wing violence. Much of Europe by this point had descended into chaos and the neo-fascist regimes of the Nordic states, likely due to their prosperity before the wars, remained a last bastion of civilization to much of Europe.

As such, a new refugee crisis began to affect the Nordic countries. Rafts and private planes from mainland Europe began flooding Sweden and Norway; the closed Danish border saw entire towns try and cross through bribery or sometimes through force. At first, some of the more moderate governments tried to be accepting of these refugees. However, by 2035, intensifying food shortages caused private citizens to take the law into their own hands.

Violence against immigrants at the borders and in their communities began to tear one last rift in Nordic political thought, between moderates and extremists. The Danish-Norwegian status quo government took a moderate position, which was not enough for many citizens.

What can only be called a Civil War started to envelop Denmark-Norway, as militias rapidly formed among urban fascists, with loose cooperation to some rogue police cells and rural guerrilla groups. Around 2036, some militants began to adopt fighting styles, slogans, and propaganda points that called back to the Viking heritage of the Nordic states. Gradually, these extremists managed to indoctrinate much of the public and most of the remaining official military and police, and massacre hundreds of thousands of immigrants, Muslim and European.

In 2038, the Empire was proclaimed, with a capital in Trondheim and de facto control over old-world Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. Aside from the bloody civil war, the Nordic countries fared better through the Troubles than most of Europe. While famine was widespread, radical national socialist policies and forced labor managed to revitalize agriculture and maintain food networks for most of the population.

Throughout the early 2040s, the Empire consolidated itself and its claims. The various monarchies of the old-world states were stomped out during the civil war, and there is no official monarchy today; however, the Parliamentary republics were also destroyed, with the earliest widespread administrative attempts after the civil war mostly carried out by military groups, with de facto control centered in the hands of local militias. In 2041, a new government was established, centered around an imperial oligarchy of veterans from the Civil War as well as old world wars.

Today, the society and economy are in accordance with the ideals of national socialism. There are not yet legal eugenics policies in place, but the general culture of the Empire has developed a specific ideal for Nordic children. After the ethnic cleansing during the Civil War, the country was mostly racially homogenized, and a fertility campaign of propaganda has begun to encourage large-scale reproduction. The majority of the Nordic population has reverted to agrarian occupations, with a makeup of about 70% farmers/fishers, 25% military, and 5% government employees or government-regulated entrepreneurs and scientists.

The beginnings of an invasive police state has rendered most personal freedoms a distant memory, as much of the generation now coming of age remembers only the Troubles and the new, orderly society provided by the imperial government. Militarism and authoritarianism are the cultural norm, as the remaining elderly populations are either highly conservative in their own right or suppressed and afraid of speaking out.

In 2049, the Empire is in a transitioning phase. Any direct influence of old world political thought has been phased out, with only the vague sentiments of anti-multiculturalism remaining as the root ideology of the imperial cult. Meanwhile, a new regime, with a solid foundation of indoctrination in fascism and racial supremacy, as well as state socialism and youth empowerment, is starting to settle in, with a strong military tradition and opposition to leftism and capitalism alike its international legacy.

The generations coming into the Empire, who will control its trajectory in the next ~20 years, have been brought up into an ordered Viking lifestyle and tradition. They value selflessness, purity, and victory, and through the Viking revival in the military, increasingly tend towards a cultural, societal, and religious blending of Norse traditionalism and fascist futurism. It is likely they will seek ethno-nationalist expansion and a consolidation of political power in the coming decades.
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United Nations of Earth
Ideology: Globalist
Centralisation: Low (25%)
Political Freedom: Wide
Tech Expertise Priorities: Materials > Bio > Computing > Energy > Pysch

Capital is New York, other two are Cores.

Extra: More later. The exact political structure will depend on how much land I control at the end of everything and how my stats look, but it will be some sort of capitalist democracy.

History: As World War Three began and the United States drifted into totalitarianism and discord, the United Nations fell into disuse. But the bureaucrats and dreamers who made up the many agencies of the UN still held onto the ideals of the institution, this included Secretary-Generals António Guterres (Portugal, 2017-2027) and Arnaude Labbé (Canada, 2027-2049). With the complete collapse of the United States in 2043, the provisional governments and terrified citizens of the Northwest of what formerly was the United States banded together to make a system that formally lived up the ideals of the United Nations instead of the compromised and bloated system it had become. Nations all across North America began to join the United Nations of Earth, embracing the ideals of democracy and freedom...
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High Centralization
Materials, Energy, Computing, Bio, Psych
More later
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East Asian Emergency Council
-Claims: South Korea (Capital), North Korea, and Honshu West
-Centralization: 50%
-Political Freedom: Average
-Tech Ranking: 1: Computing, 2: Psych, 3: Bio, 4: Energy, 5: Materials

Breakdown of order in East Asia during the Third World War were almost total. At the very front of the Third World War, Japan and Koreas bore the brunt of the usage of tactical nuclear weapons as well as direct clashes between modern armies of the pre-war nations. The survivors of various biological, chemical, and nuclear warfare that devastated the landscape did so huddling in whatever bunkers or shelters or even hobbles they could find.

Ultimately the old nations and powers that ruled over the Korean peninsula and the islands of Japan fell to dust. Governments of both Koreas ceased to exist--falling prey to various and rivalling reactionary and socialist rebellions that raged across the peninsula both during and immediately after the war. While the Korean peninsula was one of the starting hotspots of the Third World War, by the end of it the brunt of the fighting had moved on from the wrecked peninsula and into the Japanese Islands itself--with many elements of Chinese, American, and Korean expeditionary armies being stranded upon the islands when the fighting ended inconclusively due to breakdown of US and Chinese governments--with Japan and Korean goverments falling apart long before. With Tokyo and Seoul in rubbles and various confused ex-military organizations squatting out at various islands and ruins of Japan, majority of surviving population fled to Pusan and Nagoya, which survived the worst of the fighting.

East Asian Emergency Council was formed out of the these two cities by what remained of the two nation's emergency services, researchers, elements of armed forces, and engineers, struggling to devise means of surviving and constructing new shelters to combat the ongoing effects of the Third World War and ongoing ecological collapse. Here, they managed to create enclaves and blue zones safe from roving bands of warlords--comprised of former elements of Korean militaries, SDF, and even some American and Chinese expeditionary forces as well as the environment. Armed with the best minds of Tokyo and KAIST Universities and the technologies of various defunct zaibatsus and jaebols at their command, the EAEC managed to create sophisticated environmental prediction and mechanical labor technology, creating sophisticated and fortified compounds that withstood both the elements and hostile forces in post-war environment.

North Korea is a relatively recent acquisition by the EAEC, a project that entailed clearing out of minor Korean and Chinese Warlords in the area, reeducation of surviving population, and reconstruction of basic infrasructure and urban enclaves. With proof of concept complete in Korean peninsula, EAEC now turns its gaze upon reclaiming what is left of Japan--a difficult path in more ways than one. The people will certainly demand once a semblance of order is established in both of the peninsulas for a return to democracy and a transition away from an Emergency Council. While mostly compliant so far, certain political cabals have begun to form within the heart of EAEC itself among the various universities that train the next generations of EAEC scientists and engineers, chief among them being KAIST. These cabals, although trapped in inter-disciplinary and university rivalries currently, often openly criticize plans for democratization or the fact that they only share an advisory role within the current government despite the EAEC growing more and more dependent upon the technologies and personnel supplied by these universities. Even more insidious are various remnant and whispers of surviving globalist sympathizers, seeking to recreate the environment that led to Japan and Korea's economic miracles pre-war through corporatist policies, or worse: socialist extremists within the Council itself seeking to extend the mandate and authority of the Council in order to ensure the continuation of various welfare and emergency policies guaranteed by the current EAEC charter: something that will almost certainly earn the ire of the population. Giving into the demands of the population itself for a democracy also is a problem for the EAEC--as it fears that a breakup of Japan and Korea may yet be possible still even with the dissolution of national identities and adaptation of official bilingualism.

Nevertheless, the EAEC, currently headed by Councillor Yuna in Pusan Enclave, is proceeding ahead. Elected among the emergency servicemen and councilors with the mandate of not only restoring Honshu, but ensuring unity of post reclamation EAEC, she is the voice of compromise in an increasingly divisive EAEC council. It remains to be seen if she will have the political savviness and charisma required to see the relatively nascent organization through its most transformative period yet.
I wish to claim Paris, Normandy and Burgundy-Lorraine for a French power.
Oxford-Cambridge Directorate

When food imports disappeared, the super-rich abandoned the country, the political class gave in to the War - it was the universities that stopped the descent into anarchy. With their advanced computer simulations and some of the brightest policy specialists on earth, Oxford and Cambridge guided England towards a "calculated" social collapse. They made the best of a bad situation and gained enough legitimacy among the population to abolish the monarchy, end the House of Commons, and proclaim technocracy across England (and Wales).

Ideology: Futurist
Centralisation: medium (50%)
Political Freedom: Average
Tech Expertise Priorities:
1. Pysch
2. Computing
3. Energy
4. Bio
5. Materials​
Claims: England South (capital), England North, Wales

The government of the Directorate is dominated by the elites of Oxford and Cambridge, which collectively possess a majority of directors in-charge of the highest political office of the nation. Other universities also receive representation, but to a much smaller degree. The chancellors of Oxford and Cambridge in-effect possess vast powers to influence the decisions of government. They are chosen by internal processes open only to experts, scientists, professionals etc. of each university - in short, post-war England is a university-based technocracy with two poles of power (Cambridge and Oxford) that manage the political system.

Meanwhile, the wider society remains free and liberal. Freedom of the press, speech, movement, private property, etc. are all enshrined and protected by the government. There is a strict division between the executive (the directors) and the judiciary (though the legislature is entirely appointed by the executive). The press frequently criticizes the government, and can occasionally precipitate a shift from one university clique to another, but never shall the people get a vote.

As far as Oxford and Cambridge are concerned, the debate over economy - whether markets are better than state ownership - is absurd and the answer is always case-by-case. Therefore enterprises are private or public depending on the prevailing view of the state's top economists.


Doctor Storm, Welcome to the Control Room 2050
Chapter 2: Substructrualism 2055


Anglo-Celtic Alliance 2055
Atlantic Alliance 2055
Trade Conference of Independent States 2060
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I already claimed burgundy Lorraine , couldn't see the name since I'm on my mobile phone

I am planning to play as a power starting in France; hence it is important all French claims are secured for unification before I may begin to ensure the rise of the S.U.D.S.

Plus Paris kinda needs to be safe on all sides.
The Niijima-Haus Directorate

The Niijima Corporation, Haus Financial, Yatsuba Heavy Industries and more, all could be found in Singapore, contributing to society....contributing, that's a nice word. It's what must be done. What other option is there? Not contributing? That means you are a waste. That means you are a drain. That means you're worse than nothing. These great corporations knew when society fell that if they did nothing, Singapore collapsed. So they contributed. And that's why you're here today!

Ideology: Futurist
Centralisation: medium (50%)-some businesses are run according to free market principles, others such as utilities are not.
Political Freedom: Average-So long as you're contributing and you don't stick out too much, you have a good bit of leeway to live your life.
Tech Expertise Priorities:
1. Computing, specifically AI if possible
2. Energy
3. Materials
4. Psych
5. Bio
Claims: Malaya (capital) , Sumatra, Borneo

Федерация Советов России
Federatsiya Sovetov Rossii
The Federation of Soviets of Russia

Soviet Russia

Ideology: Socialist
Centralisation: High
Political Freedom: Wide
Tech Expertise Priorities: Energy, Materials, Psych, Bio, Computing

  • Muscowy
  • Ingria - Karelia Leningrad
  • Komi - Archangelsk

Extras In chronological order of posting:

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Polity Name: Union Socialiste des Sociétés Démocratiques (U.S.S.D.)
In English: Socialist Union of Democratic Societies (S.U.D.S.)
Ideology: Socialist: the U.S.S.D has adopted a democratic socialist model with anarchist leanings. Due to its desire to increase the effeciency of its direct democratic model and its dreams of using automation to help create a anarchial utopia the U.S.S.D. has futurist influences in its socialism.
Centralisation: Low
Political Freedom: Wide
Tech Expertise Priorities: 1st Psych, 2nd Energy, 3rd Computing, 4th Material, 5th Bio


Extra: added later: history, characters, political structure, whatever you want.

Governmental System: Direct Democratic Confederation; the electorate are

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Current World Map for those of you who want to know how the world is looking before joining.

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There's something rather strange about that map lol
Planning on joining as an Isolationist nationalist power in South America, Gran Columbia!
Sahel Protection Alliance
Alliance de Protection du Sahel
تحالف حماية الساحل
ⵜⴰⵎⵉⴾⵔⴻⵙⵜ ⵜⵉⵏⴰⵔⵉⵡⴻⵏ

Ideology: Militarist
Centralisation: Medium
Political Freedom: Moderate
Tech Expertise Priorities: Materials, Energy, Psych, Computing, Bio
Claims: Mali, Azawad, Mauritania
The third world war, though barely involving Africa, was not without consequences for the continent. With France occupied by the war, Western Africa was left to fend for itself. This resulted in the formation of the Sahel Protection Alliance, designed to represent Western Africa on the world stage in the years to come.
Although the four governments currently comprising the SPA (Mauritania, SADR, Azawad, Mali) are oficially democratic, it is very clear that real power in the country lies with the joint military command, comprised in proportional parts of a joint Mali-Azawad command and a joint Mauritania-SADR command. The Current Joint Chiefs of Staff are Sekou Toure for MALAZA, and Idrissa Alman for MAUSAH.
The Joint Command is located in Bamako, Mali, while the civilian Union Parliament is located in Nouakchott, Mauritania. Further cities of note are El-Aaiun, SADR, as the "Research Capital" of the SPA, while Timbuktu, Azawad forms the de facto headquarters of both the SPA's environmental agencies and military operations.
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