Term 1 - Ministry of Trade and Technology: Doughnut Labs

Octavian X

is not a pipe.
Jan 11, 2002
deceiving people with images
Welcome to the Ministry of Trade and Technology. Just take a seat on that couch, and we'll be with you in a moment. If you're hungry, just take a doughnut...

No, wait... We haven't invented those things yet. :eek:

That's why the Trade and Tech office is here for you! Since we're not gonna be trading for a while anyway, we just need to invent stuff.

Minister of Trade and Technology: Octavian X
Deputy Minister of Trade and Tecgnology: naervod

Technology News
The first tech discussion is up! Go and voice your opinions! http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73985

Two new polls! Which tech shall we research after we discover math?
Informational: Which tech path should we pursue next?
I am curious on the plans the Trade and Tech department has for Term - 1.

Since I am hoping to get Iron Working so that we can hopefully raise an army.
To raise a "good" army that is, we will still need bronze working first. Reasoning to get Iron working first also is to see where the iron is early and plan are settler placement plan accordingly.
An application regarding the deputy position has been sent. Even if I don't get the position, I will still gladly look forward to working with the Trade and Technology Ministry in the coming term.
Wow, I didn't expect three applications. This will be difficult...

OK: Cheetah, naervod, and amirsan: Consider this you're first 'test.' I'll not respond to your first PMs directly. If you're reading this thread, it's good proof you're active. :)

Second: If you still intend to pursue this position, please send a PM detailing what you believe should be our tech strategy over the first term. Details are important, and I will be judging your answers not on tech path chosen, but on the answers themselves, more spefically: clarity, familiarity with the Tech tree, attention to detail, as well as attention to the big picture. Thank you. :)
OK, reply to that question sent.
Hi Minister Octavian,

I hope this does not spoil your quiz for the deputy position, that is a great idea and I hope you don't mind if I borrow it for the Internal Affairs ministry... :D

To best direct our settlement strategy, it would be helpful if the techs which reveal resources (Iron Working and The Wheel) were acquired as quickly as possible. Either trade or research works fine for me. :)
We can recover The Wheel from trade. Iron working on the other hand, I sincerly doubt we would beable to acquire by research. It would be easier to go for mathematics/currency (a path not taken by the AI much) and use those techs to trade off.

Also, there is always the lit/Great Library path.
Sent reply to the tech path question.

Yes, mathematics are a very usefull tech for trading early in the game. But if we find ourself on an island away from any other civ, or the civs we meet become hostile against us, it won't do us much good. :-/
Originally posted by Cheetah
Sent reply to the tech path question.

Yes, mathematics are a very usefull tech for trading early in the game. But if we find ourself on an island away from any other civ, or the civs we meet become hostile against us, it won't do us much good. :-/

Which is why we don't let them become hostile towards us. ;)
It will actually do alot good. Becuase with Math first we should be sure to get Currency or Construction first. So when we discover other islands and civs we will have much more to trade. It will take everyone else a minimum of 15 turns to research the one of the two exlusive techs we have (Masonry and Alphabet). So right off the bat we are 15 turns ahead or so! Then you must take into consideration how much they spend on research. So when we get Math 15+ turns before we should be able to get Construction or Currency before anyone else.

Anyways, the AI hardly ever go for this route anyways, but they will pay big for those who do. They usually go for the Alphabet Repbublic and usually get Iron Working and Mysticm way before we do. So going through that route wont do us hardly any good. ;)
I thank applicants for their willingness to serve the nation as Deputy Minister of Trade and Technology. All three of you submitted excellent answers, and all of you deserve this position.

However, I can only chose one person.

Therefore, based on his excellent response to the question, and his past history of service to Fanatica, I hereby appoint naervod to this office of Deputy Minister of Trade and Technology.

nearvod, your first duty may be coming soon. It's possible I'll be away this weekend. ;)
Originally posted by Strider
Also, there is always the lit/Great Library path.

Something tells me thats something well be going for.

In my opinion for military terms, getting Iron working should be a primary objective not only for military, but also for our settler placement. I also think that if we make a party in additon to our "civ-hunting" party to hunt down barbarians, Perhaps a goodie hut or two can give us some techs or cash. If all else fails, it at least will get some veteran warriors/added conscript warriors/more explored up map.
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