Term 11 Designated Players

donsig said:
I'll be in London from Nov 6 to Nov 16, so I will not be able to act as DP during that period. I'll try to continue to fulfill any JA duties that arise but I'm not sure how much Internet access I will have.

He said this in the Absence registry.
First turnchat will be Sunday, instructions should be in at 1200 GMT
GeorgeOP said:
I was hoping Donsig would be able to get a TC in before the 6th. I did see the absence thread.

Being fourth on the list I don't think that will happen. but if my turn comes up I'll play the save!
I need to swap with someone. My daughter's soccer team end of season party and son's 3rd birthday party are this weekend, and I'm buried in honey-do tasks as a result.
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