Term 2 - Culture Ministry


Idiot riding pedals
Jan 30, 2005
R³ x T's nbhd of North singularity
Well I'd like to open a thread for those who might wish to enlighten this old fool about how to win a cultural victory in CIV and what should we do in order to get that win.

I think we as a team could win any VC on mostly any level, but the cultural VC is the one I'm appointed to, so let's make some noise in the temple !!
Well, for starters to win with culture we need 3 cities with "legendary culture", which I think might be 20K, possibly adjusted for map size, but don't recall the exact number. This means we need to start culture buildings in the designated 3 cities when they come available, try for some wonders, and optimize for getting Great Artists.
While an organized religion is not necessary to get first, spreading religions to the three targeted "future legendary" cities is certainly helpful in the pursuit of a cultural victory. One, having a religion in a city provides culture. Two, the temples and monasteries produce modest culture. Three, and the big kicker, are the cathedrals (mosques, etc.) which double the city's cultural production.

Example: Get three separate religions in each of the three "legendary" cities, build three temples for each religion in those three cities. Building three temples of a certain religion opens up the possibility of building the cathedral-type structure of that religion (assuming map size, it can require 4 or 5 temples if the map is big enough). Build one cathedral in each of the three cities (each of a different religion). Add in the three monasteries in each city, and religion alone can account for 15 culture points per turn +50% gain on all other sources of culture (theatres, libraries, etc.).

[1 (for religion) + 3 (3*1 culture point per temple) + 6 (3*2 culture points per monastery)]*0.50 (for cathedral) = 15 culture points/turn.

You also have the added benefit of +30% research in each of these cities (from monestaries), +3 happy faces (from temples), +3 happy faces (from cathedral and incense), and +2 more happy faces in the city that builds the cathedral corresponding to our state religion (if we have one – or at least +3 happy faces for the three religions if we have “Free Religion” civic).

Not bad for a liberal use of others' beliefs!
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