Term 5 Foreign Affairs


Retired Moderator
Mar 2, 2003
Here's the Term 5 FA office. Here should be posted thoughts on negotiations, treaties, embassy building, war declarations, espionage, etc. We are nice people who would never do anything mean to anyone :mischief: Also, I would like an Ambassador program to start, so if you are interested in being an ambassador, please post here. The position of chat rep is also open.

FA Department Members
FA Leader: Bootstoots
FA Deputy: Gingerbread Man
FA Chat Rep: none at the moment

America: CivGeneral (and Mara Jade ;))
Resource totals

H=Horses I=Iron S=Saltpeter C=Coal

Greece: HIS[C]
Aztecs: HIS(C)
America: IS(C)
Persia: HISC
Russia: HISC
China: HISC
Germany: HISC
England: HIS (note that all resources are received via trade)
Japan: HIS

Brackets indicate that a civilization has a particular resource within its borders and can use it but hasn't linked up the resources yet, parentheses indicate that a civilization has a resource within its borders but hasn't discovered the appropriate tech yet.

Wonder Status

Universal Suffrage: Being built in three civilizations
Germany - Frankfurt
Persia - Persepolis (29 turns to completion)
Babylon - Ur
I would, I mean Mara Jade and I would like to sign up for the Ambassador possition :).
Originally posted by Bootstoots
Each ambassador has to pick a country to be ambassador to, so which country would that be?

Mara and I would be Ambassadors to America (Though I have told you this in a chat ;) )

Throughout the term, I would like for your office to track the wonders each country has started, if a wonder has been started a rough estimate on the ability to complete the wonder before Fanatica does, and the resources that each country has available to them.

I know it's a lot, especially the resources item, but that's a one time item that you could ask ambassadors to do. In addition, it will help introduce new members to the fine art of calculating relative strengths of our opponents without cheating!

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
Well, I will do that, and I will ask that each ambassador that I appoint assist in this job for the nation that they are appointed to. I can't guarantee that everything will always be up to date or that the resource count will be 100% accurate but I'll do my best.
Thanks for the research work Boots - I appreciate your effort. Don't forget that various other countries have started US.

As you are preparing your instructions for the upcoming chat, please include instructions on asking the various foriegn military elements to depart from our lands, or if we should allow them a temporary visa.

-- Ravensfire
My Lord Foreign Affairs minister, some time has passed since your last analysis of foreign governments. We have discovered new technologies, and new resources.

I would like for you to update the resource distribution to reflect the current state. In addition, please determine the luxuries that each country has access to. Also, could you determine the mood of each government as it relates to us?

If possible, please have these completed prior to the chat on Wednesday as this may help our planning

My thanks!
-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
It appears that Russia is the only nation we do not have an embassy with. Should we build one? The cost will be 137 gold.
My Lord Ambassador,

During the chat yesterday, much attention was given to the Nation of Aztec to our South. Please analyze the current situation and determine how likely the Aztecs are to initiate hostilities against us in the next 20 turns or so. I understand such estimates are difficult, and cannot be precise, but any information would be useful.

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
I'd been having some trouble viewing the save. I will, however, try to view it and come up with those things which you have requested.
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