Thing we can research:
-Monotheïsm 2 turns*
-Compass 8 turns**
-Construction 7 turns*
-Music 10 turns*
-Civil Service 17 turns
-Feudalism 14 turns*
all at current researchrate
Items with a * are researched by countries we know.
Items with ** could be obtained from trade at the moment.
Paths we could follow:
-Seafaring Path: Trade for Compass, research Optics (estimated time 10 turns). This will give us a chance to meet other civilizations by sailing our shiny new caravels across the seas. Then we could research Astronomy (very expensive) to get additional trade routes.
-Macemen Warmonger Path: Research Civil Service (17 turns) to build macemen. Could be done before Knight warmonger path.
-Knight/Musketmen Warmonger Path: Research Feudalism, Civil Service, Guilds and attack our enemies with knights. Then Gunpowder for Musketmen
-Economic Upgrade path: Civil Service(Bureaucracy) + Feudalism + Guilds. Then research banking for mercantilism and banks.
-Research Path: Civil Service, Paper, Education (Universities) or Printing Press (extra commerce).
Thing we can research:
-Monotheïsm 2 turns*
-Compass 8 turns**
-Construction 7 turns*
-Music 10 turns*
-Civil Service 17 turns
-Feudalism 14 turns*
all at current researchrate
Items with a * are researched by countries we know.
Items with ** could be obtained from trade at the moment.
Paths we could follow:
-Seafaring Path: Trade for Compass, research Optics (estimated time 10 turns). This will give us a chance to meet other civilizations by sailing our shiny new caravels across the seas. Then we could research Astronomy (very expensive) to get additional trade routes.
-Macemen Warmonger Path: Research Civil Service (17 turns) to build macemen. Could be done before Knight warmonger path.
-Knight/Musketmen Warmonger Path: Research Feudalism, Civil Service, Guilds and attack our enemies with knights. Then Gunpowder for Musketmen
-Economic Upgrade path: Civil Service(Bureaucracy) + Feudalism + Guilds. Then research banking for mercantilism and banks.
-Research Path: Civil Service, Paper, Education (Universities) or Printing Press (extra commerce).