Term 7 - Minister of Science


Nov 4, 2005
New Jesey
Minister: Vind2
Deputy: Open

IIIE. Powers and Duties of the Minister of Science:
1. The Minister of Science shall choose what technology will be researched.
2. The Minister of Science shall keep a list of at least three technologies that are to be researched next and in what order.
3. The Minister of Science shall control all Great Scientists.​

Tech Goals for this term- To research techs that will help with the war effort. Eventually the economy.

Current tech:Optics we could get this for free from peter.

Tech Que
Civil Service
Dear Succesor,
We can probably achieve Optics from Peter, what do you want to research after that? I could think of Civil Service (Macemen + bureaucracy) or Astronomy (Galleons).
What do you think? (And why would we want Monotheïsm on a religionless island anyway?)
I see your point, I was thinking monotheism because it would only take 3 turns. Just to get it out of the way. It also leads to Christianity which aslo leads to paper.
Maybe only research it if it would significantly lower the cost of the tech that's next in the queue?
Well, point is, almost every AI will have Mono anyway, and probably Theology too. So we would be better of if we would acquire it by trading. And paper can be researched from Civil Service too. So in my opinion, researching it is wasting beakers.
Might I suggest Civil service..not only maces but a new civic that will boost research and help you out in the process :)

Another benefit of going anarchy while we change civics is we will pocket some gold that can be used to upgrade a troop or two and/or be used to jump or sci rate.

Let poll it if you would like. Mono is a lost cause without a religion And I think we will be able to get it from a offshore nation.

Civil service is my unofficial...official presidential request. ;)
We don't need Feudalism, it's either Feudalism or Code of Laws, and we have Code of Laws. Civil Service is always good.
Hmmm. I must have missed that. Lets get some discussion on what to research after civil service. Seeing as I won't be able to get the best view on things.
Vind, with our current war, do you plan on researching civil service for macemen+bureaucracy, or guilds for knights?
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