TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

On that note, orders I still need:
General Olaf-China
Luckymoose-Katan (!)
Zeletdude-Thloryn (!)
Gemhound-Osismied (!)

Orders Received
Southern King-Dakinsa (!)

New Players:
The Loser- The Katos of Japan
Lord of Elves-Beurtgang Sturmithing

Total Players: 13
Total Orders Needed: 5

(!) Stands for Warning for missing orders once without a PM, VM, or post about NPCing or such.
I will PM those currently without orders.
As such, I can start updating India->Middle East.

I Suppose that I am the fourteenth, right?
Orders coming later.
My orders have been patched in as well, hope that they are good. :)
Sorry, will send orders now.
orders later tonight going to hang out w/ friends. sorry :)


Anyway, didn't work on any of the update yet, which is just as well when I think about it; due to current orders and situation, Thloryn and Koyunlu will decide the fate of the entire mediterranean. Ripple effect->Nile Trade, Phoenician and Middleastern Trade, Spread of Better Bronze Formula, Delay or speed of various actions. Rate of migration in the Balkans. Rate of technological diffusion to the Caucus.

:p you two for not sending last turn, either. :rolleyes:

You have about 12 hours. I'll also PM. I'll do Kato/China first (Finally, for a Change) then Northern Europe, and see if I can move backwards this turn, due to the massive reverse-colonialism going on.
The deck of the ship rolled back and forth on the stormy sea. The sky was darkend. Normally the Red Sea was quite, especialy near the coast, but not today. The ship carried coffe to the Red Sea Port of Egypt. Or to the fish, if the weather continued to get worse. On the deck, a lone man stood and gazed at the coast. There were tiny villages here or open country. Nubian nations had yet to claim their exit to the Red Sea. Zenawe opened the trap door that led to the bottom compartment of the ship. Imru looked up from the fire that he was warming his hands by.

Zenawe: Nothing. Just villages. How far is it to our goal?
Imru: A day in good weather.
Zenawe walked to the fire.
Zenawe: Not good. We have to dock here, there is a village a River measure (OOC: Egyptian measurement unit= 10.5 km) ahead. If we are lucky we can dock there.
Imru: That place is on the southern Egyptian border, right?
Zenawe: Yes. Convenient considering that our destination is also owned by Thebes.

The ship slowly advanced to its destination, with a crunch, the mast flew off as the ship was blown to shore. A killometer south of the village, the ship was swept onto the beach.

Imru: And they say this route was calm.
Zenawe: The coffe is wet. Or at least, most of it. This shipment has no market value.
Imru: I cannot believe it. We almost died and you think of coffe! Its a good thing we are not spoiled!

By morning the storm cleared. The traders went up on the deck of their damaged ship.

Imru: The government got confirmation from a diplomat from Thebes that the port will be open. I think this route is safe.
Zenawe: Does Thebes have the power to keep its lofty promis? What of the other cities? Mesopotamia may soon be safer than this, now that the plague has passed.
Imru: And what do you reccomend? Sending this pile of driftwood around the Arabian Peninsula?
Zenawe: I doubt we will send this pile of driftwood anywhere but the wood market, to sell as low quality lumber.

Imru was planning to reply, but he was cut off by the arival of a women, a milkmaid from the village nearby, carrying a child. She looked frightened and confused. From her fragmented account, the traders gathered that the village had been sacked by bandits in the night. The women was traveling South to a fort where her husband was stationed to get help.

Zenawe: As you can see, we are without a method of transportation as well, and were planning to get one at the village. It seems we are going the same way.
Imru: Dark times truly, if the border of Egypt, once the greatest power on Earth suffers from banditry...
Pirates of the Aegean Sea becomes a hit movie in 2003, leading to a Trilogy of films chronicling the domination of pirates, the colonial powers arriving in the Aegean, and the great war between Chaos and Law.
PotAS: The Curse of the Galley Slave
PotAS: The Dead Men's Chest
PotAS: At the World's Center
Pirates of the Aegean Sea becomes a hit movie in 2003, leading to a Trilogy of films chronicling the domination of pirates, the colonial powers arriving in the Aegean, and the great war between Chaos and Law.
PotAS: The Curse of the Galley Slave
PotAS: The Dead Men's Chest
PotAS: At the World's Center

:lol:, why do I have a feeling that once we get to more modern times, those films will come back in some sort of filler update?
Looking forward to the update Terrance. This is a boring turn for me but I wanna see how the Sarks do and whatto the Aegean and Levea. Huzzah.
Are you sure about that?:mischief:Several actions by other players say... No.

Anyway, finished everything for Eastern Asia and slogging through Northern Europe, connecting the new trade routes and peoples that the Hordes find. (And Tycho leaves me the gift of researching early cultures of Germany, which, unsurprisingly, turn out to be various shades of Keltic). I just finished the maps (for Northern Europe), so I just need to write the update and do the stats.

After that: Rhone->Iberia Problems->Sardinian Sea->Cytria->The Two Zirilias->Atyria->Aegean Domestic (Koyunlun Mention, Phoenician Mention)->The Great Fleets->Pirates of the Aegean Seas-> Aftermath->Effects on participants; Koyulun and Phoenician Local->Hyak Wars->Siria Mesopotamia Domestic->Hormuni States->Dakinsa Domestic-> War of the Stellar Krown; Nile Trade->Axum->Kartoros->Nubians->Egyptians
I am loving the ascension of the Sardinian Empire, I can only hope it continues in this update! :king:
I really want to see what is going on in Germany, really looking forward to the update :). Let's pick a path of peace now, settle into a nice groove, be nice to one another... alright, enough idylicness, wouldn't happen anyways.
lawl at the faith being peaceful
Considering these titles:
The Faith Strikes Back
the Believers and the Faithful
Edge of the Precipice
Another Annoyingly Anti-Player Update
Choose a really special one instead.

Also: Look at the bolded heading! That is my progress, give or take a few hours depending on when and how often I update it.
Damned if I do, but I might be forced to post the update early. Again. Damn.
I love updates where goes wrong. That means I have some creative thinking to do.
lawl at the faith being peaceful

O rly? :p

We were peaceful until a nice coalition of people decided to kick us in the groin... then smash us in the face... then hit us in the groin again.

Point is, I was going to be perfectly peaceful, wouldn't have struck a blow at anyone. Toras-North would have been left alone, I would have absorbed Apulia, placated Liguria, and surrendered the penal colonies to Sardinia if they didn't work out. But like all masterful plans, they failed spectacularly.

Considering these titles:
The Faith Strikes Back
the Believers and the Faithful
Edge of the Precipice
Another Annoyingly Anti-Player Update
Choose a really special one instead.

Also: Look at the bolded heading! That is my progress, give or take a few hours depending on when and how often I update it.
Damned if I do, but I might be forced to post the update early. Again. Damn.

"The Faith Strikes Back"

Star Wars reference anyone? :)
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