Texture Packs


Oct 25, 2016
So. I have seen firaxis employees respond on here before. This idea is really for them, as I believe it is currently impossible.

Make a new type of mod project in modbuddy or somewhere, that allows you to save changes to textures.

I want to be able to open up the texture file in gimp, and just recolor things.

I dont want to have to create new materials, new assets or anything.

I want to be able to open the file in Gimp (which I already can do), edit it, then save my change for in game use.

I have spent over 20 hours now, trying to kludge and hack my way into simply telling the game to use my "DIS_CMP_BASE_B.dds" file instead of theirs.

I have already finished this mod. I just need a way to save my changes.
As it currently stands, there seems to be no way to save and deploy an altered '.dds' filetype by itself

IF I AM WRONG: please tell me how to do this so I can stop obsessing over this.

Its not like making us have access to this will let us steal anything from them--- WE ALREADY HAVE THE TEXTURES
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