[GS] That Black Death Scenario...

The aqueduct is already a “health” district of sorts. Maybe we add the health buildings to that district, since it doesn’t currently have upgrades? Ancient baths, then choice between apothecary and alchemist, and later hospital?

Or maybe the hospital stays in the walled district, which acts as a security district vs disaster, invasion, espionage and plague.

Although I would like to see a late classical/early medieval era "health" building, I am not sure it can be a Bath, given that this is already a unique Roman District (though maybe Rome could get a Unique Government Plaza Building instead-the Forum, say?)
Responding to a couple of different posts:

Loving the reference to the Great Dam of Marib. I was surprised they didn’t implement that in Gathering Storm, as it fits perfectly.

Apothecary can be an ancient/classical health building. Both alchemists and hospitals are medieval, though there’s a big difference between a medieval and modern hospital. Powering a hospital with electricity could improve it vastly.

For the Neighborhood district, they’ve already added an either/or with shopping malls and grocery stores. Let’s add a pharmacy for health.
A hospital would be a good building to put in the neighborhood but that would come pretty late (or mid-game).
For early game I could see an apothecary because we already have a whole lot of bath infrastructures.
Late game could even add a public health clinic.
Of course I don't necessarily see all of these going into an aqueduct district.
Having thought more about this, I think I'd rather the devs add a dedicated health district instead of reusing the walled quarter from the Black Death scenario (much as I like it). Medical Ward seems an appropriate enough name. Give it an Apothecary in the Classical Era, a Graveyard in the Medieval Era, and a Hospital in the Modern Era. For yields, have the Apothecary and Hospital produce science and the Graveyard produce culture. The buildings could grant production bonuses when producing Plague Doctors (and later Medics). Finally, give it a Medical Research project that reduces the chance of losing a citizen to plague each turn and grants a lump sum of science when completed.
Having thought more about this, I think I'd rather the devs add a dedicated health district instead of reusing the walled quarter from the Black Death scenario (much as I like it). Medical Ward seems an appropriate enough name. Give it an Apothecary in the Classical Era, a Graveyard in the Medieval Era, and a Hospital in the Modern Era. For yields, have the Apothecary and Hospital produce science and the Graveyard produce culture. The buildings could grant production bonuses when producing Plague Doctors (and later Medics). Finally, give it a Medical Research project that reduces the chance of losing a citizen to plague each turn and grants a lump sum of science when completed.
We should come up with civs that have either a unique version of the Medical Ward or a unique version of a building within the Medical Ward.
I’d sill like to bring the walled quarter back, but as a more security themed district.

It’s essentially a functional castle, which is AWESOME. Keep the keep. Ditch the mass grave.

Perhaps the other buildings can be chosen from a selection: chapel, hospital, dungeon, guildhouse?
Hi, I am on holiday so I cant play GS yey, could you describe the scenario, what is the victory condition?

Do different factions have bonuses?
The different playable countries (France, Castille, England and the HRE) have different bonuses. The goal of the scenario is to complete either the tech or civic tree (both customized for the scenario) in the allotted time, while dealing with the spread of the plague and other nasty events. Pretty frantic, and fun.
Castille can use faith to recharge the movement and actions of one unit per turn.

HRE has the Teutonic Knight, which is stronger than the regular knight.

France has an extra wildcard policy slot, but it costs 4 faith per turn to use.

England can use gold to make a farm or plantation work again in a plagued tile.

The goal is to complete the tech or civic tree; it is important to focus on one tree. There are random events that often cripple your civ (but you get a choice if you want science reduced or culture reduced).
Hey guys. Played the scenario for the first time today and love the artwork and concept of it. Started off the game on deity and as the holy roman empire. As soon as the plague hit i was crippled and could not produce anything and had minimal yields (-176 faith, 0 of others). Anyway, the second time the plague hit my cities, loyalty pressure showed -26 in the other category, and the AI seemed to be afflicted by this too. Ended up using gold reserves to keep one city from falling while all others on the map besides england's dublin, which had not suffered the plague, became free cities. Anyone have any ideas of what might be wrong with my game?
Nothing is wrong. The Deity debuffs are deadly in that scenario. No real hope for faith, in my view, but you can switch every city to gold focus and build commercial hubs, which can help you break even, as you wander around pillaging every free city's tiles in sight. Even with those measures, HRE is very, very difficult in that scenario. IMO, the most viable Deity civ in that scenario is France (their large number of harbors helps on the gold front, as does the fact that they start at war with England, so even more targets for pillaging).
Its a really fun scenario, its such a nice change of pace to play a game where everything is falling down around you.

But its actually not difficult once you optimize pillaging. The key is to get the money for a caravel ASAP. Once you have the caravel you can spend the rest of the game pillaging lighthouses and harbors. Even with a second caravel you won't be able to pillage them all. Getting a few sea based trade routes up is good also (land ones will die of the plague) The other thing is to build your chosen district (science or culture) before the plague hits and eliminates your population.

Then its just a matter of buying plague doctors to keep your cities from revolting and purchasing all the district buildings you need. Marginal cities without your chosen district can be left to rebel if you want but its totally possible to keep them all even on Deity.

The AI does not appear to ever invade you so your starting units (and any you feel you have the money to buy) can go out doing land based pillaging.

I think the science victory is easier due to the number of science districts you can pillage. Cities can all drop to 1 pop, it doesn't matter, so long as you have enough yields from districts and buildings.

I would love, love, love it if they incorporated plague mechanics into the base game (though obviously not as strong as this scenario).
I recall a civ-copy game about 10-15 years ago that already had disease and plagues in it. Too slow to implement sanitation? Doom! That was fun!
I want that Walled District in the base game.
I actually played the scenario just to see what you were talking about.
That district is/Looks amazing.

Like it should definitely be at least a UD for some civ. (I envision it as a defensible district that must be next to the city center.) Seriously it is SO COOL.

FXS why did you hold out on us with these cash money ideas?
Very interesting mechanism yes. It would be great to weaponise Plague in a normal game !

The most efficient way is to Pillage the lands. Especially English land if you are french. Pillaging the London Port give you 280 gold !

With the gold you can buy what you want : more units, market, traders etc. all become more easy.
The way they talked about these ideas made it seem like it was a test for an XP3 feature.

If so, I’m all for the walled district. Plagues and plague doctors would need to be in a reduced scale, really just another part of the disaster feature.

Very interesting though that the plague scene was in R&F’s intro, not GS’s. They’ve clearly got a bunch of stuff they’re working on, but I wonder if there’s been some changes to pacing when content is released.

In other words, are they deliberately spacing things out so there’s enough for an XP3?
We don't need more districts, we already have more than enough to be honest and I say that as someone who loves the district mechanic. It would be far better to adjust a current district to fit the role of a "health" district, and we already have one which fits perfectly: the aqueduct. Having a couple extra city center "infrastructure" buildings could also provide a health benefits (cistern, sewer, water treatment, etc). And now that dams are in they can also provide health benefits.

But we don't need another district to build.
Frankly, I love the variety and having to pick and choose... and not having them all in every city.

But seriously... the walled district is a freaking castle.

I will never say no to castles.
Why not just call it a 'cemetery'? It's concise, and cemeteries hog lots of land in IRL cities as well.
Possibly repurpose the Aqueduct as the 'health district' and make Cemetery an Tier 2 district improvement with Bath at tier 1 and Hospital at tier 3, also giving bonus science?
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