Conqueror of Cacoons
Okay so can some make an abridged version of what i got wrong? Just briefly make a synapsis of the years I screwed up and I can correct it.
The Golden Age: November 2008 - 14 March 2010
Dark Ages: 14 March 2010 - March 2013
Whoa there. These are fighting words.
It is great that this era ended in 2010, which is when the real regression era started, because March 2010 is the beginning of the Great Migration of S&Ters out of S&T to Forum Games and IOT.
The Epic and Parrot Wars. Those solidified the emigration because the old guard wanted nothing to do with the spam. Once IOT gained a subforum, the emigration was complete.
As much as I kept myself out of the Epic and Parrot Wars, I have to dispute this.
Like I pointed out, a lot of the first conscious community building sprouted in the period after 2010 and the Parrot Wars were responsible for that.
When barbarians invaded the Roman Empire throughout the third and fourth centuries and created new institutions, we don't call that period a flourishing. I will argue strongly that the reason the community had to be built in the first place is because the Epic and Parrot Wars kept people from wanting to come back to S&T.
Case and point. If you go to Site Feedback right now, a former moderator still had the image that CivIV S&T is just spam and noise two years after the spam ended. That's how damaging the Parrot and Epic Wars were to the image of this subforum and it is only in the last year or so that this damage is being reversed.
All the organization did little to battle against that, and I would argue further that the community building was thanks to Imperium Offtopicum's influences, as we were organizing prior to S&T's organization, and S&T just happened to be following our playbook, which would make sense given the number of Parrot/Epic Warriors dabbling in IOT in 2011 during and immediately following Iron and Blood and Spirit of Man.
Like any dark ages, you get the occasional work of art, a great piece of writing, and some attempts at creating new institutions such as the organization threads, and those form the bedrock of later improvement and better community later, but the effects of those changes weren't at all immediate.
Because I do agree with you on that point. This community is a community. If you go to CivV S&LP for example, you don't see a community. You just see a ton of video LPs and barely anything there. CivIV S&T, of all the main discussion boards, has the strongest culture of the main discussion boards.
Could someone explain tome what the Epic wars and parrot wars were?
I don't like the Civ V stories and Let's Plays. It's so... bland. If you two could figure out some sort of middle ground and "fix" what I screwed up that would be greatI'm actually fairly interested in the history of this site
We are certainly not in a downturn right now.
That's far too vague. We are certainly not in a downturn right now. This is the renaissance. I will take some of this into account.
Calling it "Heat Death" is wilfully ignorant and insulting.