The Balkan war!


Nov 18, 2005
Ok the second map!

History: After the Uprise in Othomanic empire and the Neotourkoi revolt who took control of the country the christianic countries of the medditerenean realise the danger that this change represend! The weakening of the balkanic people and the creation of new balcanic countries from one side , and the fact that they had the same supressor, lead to their cooperation. That way the countries start preperation for the war that was getting closer and croser and get prepared for action! All that end up to the following pacts: Servia-Bulgaria in February 1912, Bulgaria-Greece in May 1912, Servia - mavrovounio in September 1912, Greece we must point out never sign a pact directly to servia and mavrovounio. With those pacts active it was formed a strong power, that make the european press to call it the seventh Big Force. Without any dupt, those pacts have great influence in the history of the medditerennean.

In Game:

Greece is controled by Greece CIV
Servia is controled by the India CIV
Boulgaria is controlled by the Azteks CIV
Mavrovounio is controled by the Spain CIV
Othomanic Empire is controled by the Persia CIV // not playable

I try to make the historical data to units of civilization :)
explanation: first is the real data and with the > the ingame units



8 Divisions of infantry
> 13 rifleman
> 12 infantry
1 Βrigade of Cavalry
> 3 Cavalry
180 light cannons
> 10 cannons
72 heavy cannons
> 10 artilery

>1 machineguns in every city at least

>4 Airplanes

// 3 units are elites and have massive upgrades from the start


4 battleships
> 4 Battleships
1 cruiser
10 anti-torpilo cruiser
>8 Destroyers
5 torpilo - cruiser
5 cannon ships
> 10 ironcluds
14 other ships
>4 transports
>8 caravels



10 Divisions of infantry
2 Brigades of infantry
> 22 rifleman
> 10 infantry
1 Division of Cavalry
> 6 Cavalry
500 light cannons
> 20 cannons

>1 machineguns in every city at least

>2 Airplanes

// 3 units are elites and have massive upgrades from the start



11 Divisions of infantry
> 23 rifleman
> 10 infantry
1 Division of Cavalry
1 Brigade of Cavalry
> 9 Cavalry
720 light cannons
> 30 cannons

>1 machineguns in every city at least

>6 Airplanes

// 3 units are elites and have massive upgrades from the start



4 Divisions of infantry
> 23 rifleman
> 10 infantry
130 light cannons
> 5 cannons

>1 machineguns in every city at least

>6 Airplanes

// 3 units are elites and have massive upgrades from the start

Othomanic Empire:


48 Divisions of infantry
> 80 rifleman
2 Divisions of Cavalry
> 16 Cavalry
850 light cannons
> 45 cannons
750 heavy cannons
> 25 artilery

>20 Airplanes


6 battleships
> 6 Battleships
2 cruiser
8 anti-torpilo cruiser
>6 Destroyers
6 torpilo - cruiser
4 cannon ships
> 4 ironcluds
>15 Frigates


Othomanic empire is constructed to have enough gold to support such large army and science.
The 4 allies dont have a decent economy but they start with 1.000 gold and 3 workers each, build cottages in safe cities and manage to grow them to support science and growth the quicker you can!
Each allie have everything he need in his terottory.
This scenario requires NO settling but i cannot disband it, so play with no settlers!
Only greece will confront the empire in the seas, they have more modern ships in every area exept of battleships, Othomanic navy will come very quickly to you and you must destroy them to manage to do some landing deep in enemu territory.
The main game is to capture all othomanic cities or to sign a peace whenever you want, after that you dont know who will become your enemy.
Mavrovounio army is the weakest of all since his armies was the smallest but also the least upgraded and trained during this period :)



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Is this scenario working on slow pc ? :rolleyes: ...or loading will take forever ?
Don't know, fine with mine.

It looks like this was done with worldbuilder alone. Wrap X is on, techs aren't too specific, it begins in 125 AD, and graphics appear to be for ancient era. Fine work on the worldbuilder part, but learning some code editing would seriously help the immersion level. Fine for such an early scenario, I suppose.
yeap it was made in worldbuilder alone!

i m expecting the releash of the game engine from firaxis to made major changes, as for this scenario and also the other i create there will be mods hand-made soon for both and/or for the future maps! I just think is better to play it as it is now to point out bugs in names and errors on the map, and also to send me names you know thats wrong and what to replace them with.
I suppose this is First balcan war?!And Serbia and Bulgaria civs are made.
yeap Greece :) I ll try to find some more real battles to make them scenario soon, i think a vietnam was scenario or something like that will be cool but i must wait the engine to releashed for that! it need a lot customization to be realistic ;)

NickSD? Maybe its time to build a scenario about the american civil war? it will be a cool game also!
So, what are the victory conditions?

Also we just place that file in the PublicMaps folder right?

BTW I'm from Beograd, Srbija so I look forward to playing this mod and thanks alot atoyx for making it...expect my comments on it later.
there is no victory conditions atm, greece, servia, mavrovounio and bulgary starts as allies but not permanent! its up to you to see who will at the end stay allie! After othomanic empire is vanished everything is open! Bulgaria has +25 with the other allies and Greece with Servia have +100 relations between them! As for mavrovounio has an equal +50 with all so what he will choose in a conflict is up to you!
Your presence in that for was nunsence.That's like some small tribe asks to be puted as a civ in scenario.
Hm, but Montenegro didnt declare war on Albania, but on the Ottoman empire. The balcan wars featured the albanian question, with both Greece and Serbia withdrawing from a part of their conquest in the western balcans, however Albania was not a country, but a region in the Ottoman empire. If you were making a scenario about the middle east today you wouldnt have Kurdistan as a country, because it doesnt exist. For the same reason i am not sure that it is needed to include Albania in a balcan wars scen, although it could be fun.
As I know Greece never had a that kind of navy...

U can see it from hearts of Iron and Hearts of Iron 2 games or also from history..
If you include an independant Albania, it is probably not going to be anywhere close to accurate. About "better" I don'w know, but Albania was not a sovereign state at the time and just a part of the Ottoman empire. Period.
spider_hip said:
As I know Greece never had a that kind of navy...

U can see it from hearts of Iron and Hearts of Iron 2 games or also from history..
I think you are right. Greece had a much more advanced navy than the other powers of the region (and so managed to dominate the Aegean in the 2nd Balkan war) but it was much smaller than that. If I remember correctly, Greece had one battleship and a dozen other large crafts and a number of smaller ones.
Great work Atoix, could you just change the name Servia to Serbia, pls? That name only existed in latin times, I think.

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