The BANE of Modding ...


Oct 30, 2022
Creating the damn arrows on the tech tree. I have used the arrows template that was floating around and the clone stamp tool in GIMP, but it can be such a pain. I wish I had Illustrator so I could use the Pen Tool. I tried the path tool in GIMP, but for some reason on Mac it won't allow me to do Bezier curves. I have all of the arrows, I just don't like how they aren't crisp by cloning.
I remember using GIMP which is a pain.
I just used layers, and the transparency tool to make an overlay and then copy paste the arrows.
So you make a screenshot of the techs in the game - overlay that in GIMP and then draw the arrows.
This has ALWAYS been a pain. It's frustrating that the game doesn't just draw the arrows. They do in 'pedia. I'm dreading doing it on my secret project.
This helps take the edge off the pain
I use a method similar to the Science Advisor Tutorial for creating the techtrees with arrows in my mods:

1. As a first step I make a screenshot of the techtree I want to change (even if this is an era 1 techtree of the standard Civ 3game).

2. Than I make a photomontage containing the things I want to add or to change in the game. I know the techbox sizes for containing 1 item up to six items and insert them into a copy of the screenshot. It is helpful for my motivation to copy into those techboxes the images of the items they should contain.

3. In the next step I insert and adjust copies of the arrows in that photomontage. This also allows to create easily very special forms of arrows.

4. Than I copy and paste parts of the background of this techtree over the techboxes and remnants of former arrows that are no longer needed.

5. In the next step I insert that template of the new techtree into the inlet of a copy of the advisor graphics for the techtree in that era. First I insert the bigger rectangle part of the photomontage and than the smaller right part of the techtree. A good help for adjusting both parts are arrows that are cut by the two parts.

6. Than I start the game to see how the new techtree is looking when playing the game. I make a screenshot about the current situation of the modified techtree in the game and mark needed adjustments to the arrows in red colour (per example enlarging them by some dots) and needed adjustments in the biq (per example in the tech x and y coordinates) in blue colour. When these adjustments in the advisor screen of the techtree are satisfying, the work is completed.


Here is an example about changing the complex techtree of Era 3 in the RARR mod:

This was the photomontage for the techs in era 3 of that mod (here I needed a very thin and fitting special arrow from the techbox Internal Combustion to the techbox Airships):


Here is a control screenshot of the reworked advisor graphics of era 3 in the mod RARR:


Text in the post belonging to that screenshot:

Different to former screenshots, which showed a graphical photomontage for a concept of the new techtree of era 3 in RARR, the screenshot below was taken from the existing new RARR 1.9 on my pc after pasting the concept with the wiped out techboxes into the era 3 industrial-new graphic for the new techtree. Blue circles show still needed work in the editor (mostly fixes of x/y coordinates of the tech boxes or units/improvements to add or to change, per example battlecruisers and early WW2 tanks). Red circles show still needed graphical work in the industrial-new techtree graphic in era 3 (mostly fixed arrows).
Thanks for the detailed response. I am good with the overall process. I used the blank advisor background and took a screenshot and brought in to GIMP. However, I was not a fan of the low res copy and paste or clone of the lines and arrows from the template. It didn't help that I kept changing up the tech trees after testing different ideas. I should have left the arrows off until I was completely satisfied, but I wanted to see them while play testing. I have changed the tech layout dozens of time. I think I have finally settled on my tech trees. AND I figured out a better way to draw the arrows using Inkscape (a free alternative to Adobe Illustrator). They came out pretty well and are easy to change now that I have it down.

Era 1.png

Outside of the arrows, I had to make a couple compromises on what techs that improvements/units were in so that things looked balanced. Downside of being a designer, sometimes form takes precedent over function in my eyes. This even includes compromising on some techs. I know for most it wouldn't matter, but aesthetically for me, I didn't want any lines to cross or overlap like in RARR.
Longer time ago, I posted at CFC screenshots of my mod Civ 3 Plus in German language. Here is a screenshot of era 1 of this mod with imported English language so it can be understood better in this forum. This mod uses the standard C3C techtree and tries to add the features of CCM as the "Plus"(caravans, Holy men, lawyers and so on) with as less changes in the techtree of Civ 3 as possible. Per example only two additional techs (Sail and Religion) were needed for era 1.

The techtree was done with the copy and paste methode I explained in this thread and I like the result a lot (even with the colours of the arrows). Even the two arrow crossings (one could have been avoided without problems) in my eyes are nice and not disturbing. The techtree also uses the bottleneck in era 1 (City states) for improving the situation of Irrigation by offering a new government with the same early tech that allows irrigation without tile penalty as I also posted it longer time ago.

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@WildWeazel I definitely need the initial planning in Google Slides. It is super easy to move boxes around and connect arrows. I have 26 slides (different variations on the tech tree). Then I used Steph's editor to move them into approximate position followed by fine tuning exact numbers, taking a screenshot without arrows from the game, and drawing in Inkscape (and cloning the arrows in GIMP before that).
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