• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

The Biggest and Best Europe WWII map Ever.

Do you like my Scenario

  • Great! One of the best

    Votes: 91 48.7%
  • Good, but a few tweaks could be needed

    Votes: 61 32.6%
  • Ok, not the best but not the worst

    Votes: 8 4.3%
  • Don't like it.

    Votes: 27 14.4%

  • Total voters


Creating Scenarios
Nov 6, 2001
Stoke-on-Trent, England
THIS MOD/SCENARIO IS NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED. IF IT BREAKS FIX IT. Sorry about this. Hope to restore full functionality soon. Phoenix

Ok, after about 2/3 months of tring to create this (and almost breaking down and sobbing when I realised that the map was just so huge :lol: ) I have finished it! :)

This is the biggest and most indepth Europe-only WWII scenario that I have ever seen and its also my first (tough I have experimented with other peoples before).

It is set just before the German Panzers strike into Poland.

I have made it as accurate as I can be it shouldn't be used for referance as I have made up some town names myself to fill gaps (their size is never above 1).

Also way not visit this scenarios' sister? (The D-Day Landings): D-Day

I thank the following:
who ever made the map I have tried to find out but please notify me who you are
SpincruS for the leaderheads for the conquests version
Stalin for giving me tips on how to make my scenario
Meateater for allowing me to use his units in his scenario as a base for my own modifications to this scenario.
A link to Meateaters scenario can be found here: Meeteaters Scenario
TETurkhan for making the units
Everybody who has posted in this thread to give ways in which the scenario could be inproved.

If you own both PTW and Conquests (I'm taking it that nobody is dumb enough to buy them and not CivIII!) then you must install Civ3 then PTW and finally C3C to allow the scenario to work.

Note on Conquests

If you only have conquests and not PTW seperatly as well as installing the PTW units you must change the look up file (scenario search folder) under scenario properties to:
PhoenixWW2_V11;..\..\Civ3ptw\Extras\World War II

Landmark terrain sometimes looks odd when you have installed a different terrain set. To fix the problem look below:

In your terrain set (under PTW or CIVIII in the "Art, Terrain" section) is a set of data that all start with an x. Make copies of all of this data (all isn't necessary but is easier), then simply add a "l" in front of the name for the data and copy to the following folder: "Conquests, Art, Terrain" the LM terrain should now work without ruinning your lovely graphics.

This scenario makes use of the excellent scenario by TETurkhan. If you wish to download his scenario (not needed to play this scenario) there is a link below:
TETurkhan's Scenario

The Great Phoenix. :king:

Version 7.2 is on the 3rd post and requires PTW. The Vanilla version is on the 2nd post. If you have PTW but not version1.27 then please check post 24.

Conquests Version

C3C Version (v11.2)

Note - you will also need to download the updater (unzip to this scenario's folder):

Updater (for C3C - Required)


If you own Conquests and not PTW then you need to download the WW2 units from the following site (firaxis have given permission for this apparently) - these will only work if you have conquests so don't bother if you don't (if you have PTW you already have them):
PTW Units (Required for C3C Version)
and you can give your gratitude to Morgan UK & Loulong for making the units available again.

I've added some surprises to this scenario so don't be surprised to see things acting oddly - its there for realism and to rise the level of enjoyment for the user. Please do not try to find these surprises - you will only ruin it for yourself and one of them will be quite difficult to spot.

Changes Made

I'll change them in the civilopedia eventualy (very busy ATM) but for now I'll write them here (Note: W = Wonder SW = Small Wonder I = Improvment):

War Economy (W) [Germans Only] - Gain in Every City: Looting
Looting (I) [Unbuildable] - 50% Tax per city, -1 culture
Genocide (W) [Germans Only] - Gain in Every City: Slave Labour
Slave Labour (I) [Unbuildable] - Acts as a factory, -1 culture
War of Survival (W) [Communists Only] - Gain in Every City: Partisans (I) [Unbuildable] - Acts like walls
Military Headquarters (SW) [British, Germans and Soviets] - Acts as a forbidden palace
SS District Headquarters (SW) [Germans] - Acts as a forbidden palace
KGB Headquarters (SW) [Soviets] - Acts as a forbidden palace
AA Batery - 4 Air Defence, 1 Happy Face per city
Nuclear Fission (SW) [Available with Fission and Uranium] - culture of 2, requires for Nuclear Plant (which is needed for Manhatten Project)
Blitzkreig (W) [Unbuildable] - Gain in Every City: Barracks, +1culture
Commonwealth Reinforcements (W) [Unbuildable] - Gain British Infantry every 3 turns (located in Port Said)
Canadian Reinforcements (W) [Unbuildable] - Gain Gain British Infantry every 5 turns (located in Toronto)
US Reinforcements (W) [Can only be placed in New York] - Gain US Sherman every turn
Russian Reinforcements 1 (W) [Can only be placed in Stalingrad] - Gain Gain Russian Infantry every turn
Russian Reinforcements 2 (W) [Can only be placed in Stalingrad] - Gain Gain T-34 every turn
SAS Headquarters (W) [located in London] - produces a SAS Division every 3 turns
Invention of Spitfire (W) [located in Stoke-on-Trent] - produces a Spitfire every 3 turns

Note SAS Division has attack of 13, defence of 8, pop cost of 1, sheild cost of 50, 1 move, airdrop, stealth attack and capture ability.
OK here is version 8. It includes a partially finished Civilopedia.

Version 8 out now. If you need the pre-1.7 version is on page 24.


If you wish to change the nation that you control (set as Axis Powers) open up the scenario in the editor, then click on Scenario, Player Properties. Then stoll down the list of players untill you see the one you want: click Human player and "Yes". Then scroll down the list of "free techs" and select "Alliance" and unclick it for the previous human nation. This technology enables the nation that owns it to form alliances with other nations.

PTW Version
had alittle game for about 30minutes.. (probably longer knowing me) and it was well layed out and wont be as easy as some ive seen.

One problem i had (as with most large maps) is you get to see all the enermy movements, even when all there doing is going around in circles. Thats not realy your problem i guess.

Oh and its changed Bismark to Hitler for good :(

wont vote yet, as i havnt had enough time playing around :)
One of the best scenario´s ever made though some of the city names are wrong placed and you should remove the gody huts.
Yes I could do with some feedback on wrong city placments as the map that I used wasn't as detailed as I would have liked. Also I will remove the goody huts.

Has anybody had this problem though (also I noticed it on another scenario that I have downloaded):
The rival civs production seems to be getting ruined (all of it going to corruption) along with its science and commerce. I haven't downloaded that trainer that can do that so that isnn't the problem and after a few turns it seems to put itself right. I know its a bit strange the designer asking the "customers" how to fix something but if you know please tell me.

Overlag - You should do what I do and turn off (in the preferences menu) the options for show enemy manual/automatic moves but leave on the show enemy moves. Then you can just concentrate on what your enemy is doing and the turns don't take as long.
Here is some more screens. I took these in the editor and was zoomed out as far as possible - now you should be able to see how big it is.


  • 1.jpg
    225.6 KB · Views: 47,990
[cgannon64 sobs when he sees it]

My god! It is beautiful! England actually has a meaningful amount of territory (not 4 cities!)! Spain, France, it is amazing!

Although I know there will be one catch: how long are the turns? How long is the load time?

I just discovered that the cities Oviedo, Santiago and Vigo is portugese!!!!!!! they should be spanish. You also have a city called Lisht? I think thats egyptian?
CG- The turns don't take to long as long as you turn off "show friend moves". The time to load is under 5 mins.

Yoda- I will try to fix that.
It is a great shame that Libya and Egypt don't figure in this map...

Considering that Tunisia was in part invaded from Libya by the 8th Army, that Germany had to devote troops to fight in N.Africa, that the British attacked Greece using forces from Egpyt and Libya in 1941 it would have been good to have Egypt and Libya in the map.

The map also doesn't cover Stalingrad/Caucacus region :(

A few comments:

1. Crete should be mountainous&hilly, not just made of grassland

2. The hills/mountains of the Sudenland are missing in action.

3. Normandy isn't a town but a region. The nearest city to where you've put "Normandy" as a city is Caen, which was of major importance as was Cherbourgh as objectives for the d-day operation.

4. The glaciers of Iceland seem to have alot of mines...why?

5. Norway is devoid of interest. Norway was a theatre of extreme interest in WW2. From the daring invasion by air and sea in the face of the British Naval and Allied Expeditionary force to being where Hitler kept his capital ships after 1943. As a U-boat base and airbase vital in operations against the convoys to Russia Norway was an important strategic location.

At present Norway doesn't have any cities represented. Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Narvik should be represented.

6. Ben Nevis is a Mountain (further west) not a city...try Aviemore if you need to fill the borders in that region.

7. Skye is an island not a town...you named a city Skye on the mainland next to Skye -the island you drew.

8. Manchester is farther West...at present it is bang on Halifax where I live!!!

(stopping here to avoid sounding over-critical)

It is the best effort I've seen, but for a WW2 scenario misses out on too many important theatres as it is limited in its geographic coverage...Stalingrad/Caucacus and N.Africa are vital IMHO.
So Kitten of Chaos we finaly meet (I downloaded your world map and loved it - you should be able to tell that by the fact that I remember you).

Actualy I didn't make the map myself and their isn't much that i think that I can do about the geography without starting again. The thing about naming cities after the islands that they are on is just that my map didn't show any towns in them regiens (same for Normady), but I will fix this.

Norway: well I made that when I was getting fed up with the fact that the scenario was taking me to long and I was just on Russia.

Manchester in Halifax - I couldn't put it West by one square as this would put it next to Liverpool which isn't allowed so how about North one square. Actualy that is quite embarassing for me as Stoke-on-Trent (where I live) is just about one square below where I put Manchester. Also I feel that Birmingham is slightly misplaced but it is hard to tell on a map with set grid squares.

Note - Has anybody noticed that I started Spain on a Dospotism. This is to simbalise the revelution and i knew that they would change their government quite soon.

Thanks for your comments Kitten (hope you don't mind me calling you that). :)

I shall try to accomodate all what the Kitten said in my next Version 2.0 (this will be my 4th version).
A large reason this is a very good scenerio:

From what I can tell, the railroads are only lines, and not all over. This actually makes cutting rail lines feasible and actually a strategic decision, unlike many scenerios.


Originally posted by Phoenix

Note - Has anybody noticed that I started Spain on a Dospotism. This is to simbalise the revelution and i knew that they would change their government quite soon.

All Civs change gov's on the start anyway... this happens in all my games :(
Overlag- Realy? I didn't know that. However something that I have put in is that the Axis Powers' Facist Government can only be choosen by them because the advance needed for it is Intergrated Defence and so is a long way off for all of the Civs.

PriestOfDiscord - Thanks and Version 2.0 should be out very soon.

CG - Thanks, I hate it when the Railways are everywhere.
Originally posted by Overlag

All Civs change gov's on the start anyway... this happens in all my games :(

I believe there is a function called 'hidden government', or something to that effect, that makes AIs not switch to certain governments. This may be useful in this case, so Germany doesn't switch to communism, russia to democracy, and things like that.

Phoenix...move Manchester to square: 68,88

Although not a ideal solution, but in my opinion the best that is possible without major re-working.

I understand completely when you say you were getting tired with modding, a major reason why I have limited my efforts so far. It can take a vast amount of time, especially if you go on to play-test the thing.
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