• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

The biggest whine of 'em all!


Dec 20, 2001
OK, let's start with the background of my civ gaming. I started with civ1 years ago, and liked it ALOT! Sure, it was not as advanced as civ3, but for it's time, it was really well done.

civ2 was a happy surprise. It worked on my PC (I only saw civ one for the commodore 64) and it had groovy movies. It felt like a thrill to play! I have always played on the real maps, mostly playing some mediterranian culture, mostly Romans. I played civ2 until I mastered it completely, scoring well over 400% on emperor level. It just kept being fun!

The realism was OK, well, we all know it's a game, but I was never bothered by anything like "Oh, man, that is just worthless!"

Then I bought civ 3...

I understand it is a different game, and I understand it will take some time to learn it. I have now played for several months, and my conclusion is....I hate it!

Every game is just the same! I get the bloody resources, I stay behind the computor in the early days (I have 0 tax, total research, as big as anyone else, library in all cities, and I still fall behind.

Well, no problem! I start to trade! Presto, I am the richest civ in thed game and get all the techs. The someone goes to war with me, usually some stupid people that I never even heard of, as like the Aztecs stuck in Australia when I am holding France...

Some other, closer civ joins in, and we slug it out a bit! I always win, since I charge their capitol. With the new stacking system, it's real easy to make an army that just can't get defeated. Even a large army of hopelassy outdated forces will win. The old militia against the army of Norman Schwartzkopf. Hey, they march on, dying in their thousand, but still take the capitol. Make peace, offer the capitol for a few other cities, do it all again a few times, and one civ less to worry about. Now I am quite big. I am getting ahead in tech! Noone bothers me, the other civs just start making war on the weakling, all joining up on some wird crusade, kill off one player, then go for the next one. I sometimes join in, getting a few extra town, or just walk behiund their advancing troops, using settlers to found new cities. The culture flipping is great! Armies numbering millions of men, in huge cities, revert to me! I win by either killing EVERYTHING with tanks, or by a diplomatic victory, while 10000000000000 stealthplanes can't sink the triremes of Pompey, the Siox raiders charge modern USA and fight the Abrahms tanks to a standstill. Didn't you know that a guy on a horse with a bow and arrow CAN blow up a platoon of tanks, if the tanks are hurt and the rider aims carefully! My cities are usually fantastic, since all the great projects of ancient time that litter the streets. I will always remember the Barracks of Rome, that took 1500 years to build. Well, actually, I was building the Pyramids, but since a migrating bird told me that they had been build in the Andes, I had to change to project and build the MOST IMPRESSIVE BARRACKS EVER instead. Other great buildings are the Wall of babylon, at first designed to be a Library, but 800 years lated my architect took acid or someting and made all the books in papier maché and formed a wall. Lucky that was too, since later on, the Zulu nation, once wronged, 5000 years ago, decided to avenge and attacked.
However, the greatest threat has always been the allied workes...French workers, protected by a Right of Passage, entered my realm, and started planting large aereas of woodland in my field?! I returned the quin by irrigating their mines. I wonder why nations declare war on eachother, when you just can send a workforce to rebuild another country. I wonder what Bush would say to the EC ministers planting bamboo in the Oval office.

I've played a lot of games, and most pc games have a better grasp of reality and coherance then civ. Sorry, but civ3 sucks!
Dude. That was the most nonsensical rant I have seen here in a long time. You might want to play on a higher level if you really have wonders littering the streets, and are fighting horsemen with tanks. Or you could just stop playing (which would seem logical given your post) and leave those of us who like the game alone to discuss the game in peace.
Can anyone spare some cheese, to go with that whine.

Originally posted by eyrei
...and are fighting horsemen with tanks.

I wished I was that good. :)
The only time that ever happened was glitch (once) in Civ1 where I captured a French city, and an Armored Tank popped out. (I went on to conquer the world with my sole trieme and tank). :D
Originally posted by Hobbes
Can anyone spare some cheese, to go with that whine.


I only have spam.:splat:
yea ... that post was boring ... seen the same game many a time my self ..... and god help u that u have created a post that isnt telling everyone how great this game is :rolleyes:

so i guess u guys have never seen this game eh? .... i have seen it plenty of times myself .... and wouldnt your post that have absolutly nothing to add be a LOT more spammish

rant yes ... whine ... sure .... spam ... it sure aint
then your post ... rant .. no ... whine .... yea ... spam .... definatly

and plomeros ... u forgot the move hundreds of units when u are in the modern era ... and the new stacked movement only encourages all the same units ... because if u have combined arms ... it makes it so damn tedius

I`ve seen this, too. Survive Ancient Times, manage to keep up in Middle Ages and you`ll practically be forces to take over other countries. On whatever level. From then on it get`s tedious. I find myself setting targets, like: build the Hoover Dam(n) in "that" prod=1 city (means I`ll have to get a leader) or "destroy the Aztecs by culture, taking a max of 10 cities by force" or some such.....
This will answer some of the questions I seen in the replies...

I play at Emperor Level.

Yes, I have finished the game, lolst a few times and won a few times.

Eyrei! Yes, I have stopped playing the game, no, I will not leave you alone beacause you like the game. I love the civ concept, and I hate that the game is so bad. If this was any other game I would not care about it, just throw it away. Suppose I still live in hope that someone will release civ4, where all the bad stuff is corrected. Sorry about my clumpsy way of describing my wonders, I do not have wonders löittering the streets, I have wonderous other buildings, at first designed to be wonders, but later changed to become something else, like The Barracks of Doom, The factory of Plenty etc etc etc

Hobbes, sorry, I'm all out of cheese.

Chieftess, I am not that good. The AI kill my tanks with outdated units just as much as I kill him.

D Boon's ghost, glad you had a laugh. I think the slaves building the barracks had a hard time finding the funny side of it. But yes, those barracks were someting else alright. Maybe thats the place were my clubweilding tanks slayers were trained...

Killer, I know the feeling. I like to think of it as my president going insane of boredom, trying to spice life up a little.

"Hmmm, what if I build bunkers on every mountaintop in the Andes, although I do not own that land...after all, I do represent the people..."
Originally posted by plomeros

civ2 was a happy surprise. It worked on my PC (I only saw civ one for the commodore 64) and it had groovy movies.

Civ 1 on Commodore 64 ?!?!?! Surely you mean Amiga 500?
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