The City of Sycorax

FanatiCorp Center, the new 45 story headquarters of the banking giant is almost complete. As you can see, it will be a beautifull addition to Sycorax's skyline.

Plans have been finalized for the new Sycorax University Particle Lab. This high-tech reasearch lab will include a new particle accelerator as well as other equipment to study the most basic elements of matter. We expect the groundbreaking ceremony to take place early next year.

FanatiCorp Center

Sycorax University Particle Lab Concept Drawing
The television show featuring highlights from Gorina'a festivities was over. zorven reached over to the remote and turned off the tv. He was at odds with his emotions. While he was proud of Fanatica and of the accomplishments of Gorina, he was also a bit jealous. zorven has been the mayor of Sycorax for many years now. The city has accomplished many things and is located in a beautifull area: hills; forests; the sea. You should see the hills in autumn....beautiful. But Sycorax has never been in the running for any of the Wonders projects that Fanatica has undertaken.

It's as if nobody even knows we are here! If your city doesn't have one of these so called Wonders, you don't exist.

Oh well. Sycorax is a wonderful city and nobody can take that from us......Perhaps we should start running some tourism ads in the other cities....that could get us noticed!

zorven went across the room and prepared another rum and coke. He looked out the window at the skyline of Thebes. zorven liked Thebes, but his heart was always in Sycorax. Especially tonight.
It seemed Mayor zorven was being whisked from one ceremony to another. First was the grand opening of FanitiCorp Center, the banking giant that built its new world headquarters in Sycorax. This party was a black tie affair where it seemed everyone you met you had seen in the papers or on tv. There were several speakers including the Mayor, who espoused the benefits to both FanitiCorp and Sycorax of the new headquarters.

Next, zorven was attending the opening of the new Sycorax University Particle Lab. Of this modern technology marvel Mayor zorven new little except that it was a very important tool in modern physics research. The Mayor had never heard of most of the attendees at this function. But he liked the basic foods at this party much more than the "sophisticated" selection at the FanatiCorp event.

The final major event was held at the newly built FBI (Fanatican Bureau of Investigation) office near the Criminal Justice Complex. Mayor zorven had done alot of work to get the FBI to give Sycorax the attention it needed. Sycorax continues to grow. Just this year the city was reclassified to Class 14 and it looked like Class 15 status was just over the horizen. With the larger population came more crime, and now the city would be able to count on the FBI to work closely with local officials to combat the problem.
1792 AD - 1816 AD
zorven sat at his desk frustrated. He had done countless hours of work, held countless meetings, met and talked to countless politicians and bureaucrats to develop the plans and acquire government funds for a slew of civic improvements in Sycorax. All that was left was for the signature of the Governor. And now the deadline had passed with no signature, no phone call, no correspondence of any kind. zorven knew that he and the Governor sometimes disagreed, but he was amazed at the actions, or apparent non-action, of the Governor. It seems the Governor was in bed with the military industrial complex for instead of funds and contracts for colosseums or rail systems, Sycorax recieved contracts for several transport fleets and military helicopter sqaudrons. While the construction of these units did employ citizens of Sycorax, zorven had hoped to see civic improvements that could have raised the standard of living for generations to come. Maybe there was hope for the next budget cycle. zorven thought that he should get started now to avoid the problems he just encounted. With that, he let out a deep sigh, turned to his computer, and started a new e-mail to the Governor.
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