the civ "Germany" and other crap

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Hmmm, well, this' probably not worth my time to reply to this mess of a post, but I just gotta throw in my 2 cents:

1) I agree that Germany DID come close to conquering the world in WWII...fact remains...they f*cked up and didn't. So to say they were "the closest there's ever been" is not really true, the leadership they had at the time was not capable of a domination of that magnitude, they showed it in some of their decisions (i.e. invading Russia in winter!....what the hell were they thinking?!)

2) I also agree that America is probably the CLOSEST to what could be considered "world domination" today. Although it's not a military domination, it is one all the same. American businesses, products, and currency are everywhere in the world, and the world economy as a whole is (unfortunately) VERY reliant on the United States' economy.

5) In regards to the civs in Civ3. It's a frekin game here people! In 4000 BC there probably weren't 16 civs that could be named, there were groups of people, but no organized civs. Those that were there in 4000 BC weren't there by say 100AD, so really no civilization could go back that far in history and have survived this long, hence it is a GAME! The developers were looking for civilizations that have had a lasting impact on history, no matter when it really occurred, and their giving you a chance to see what it would be like if say America HAD been around from 4000 BC until whenever....get it??? It's all hypothetical stuff, but it makes the game fun.
First of all,something about the game...yes there is something called Civ3... :p (but it´s so tempting to talk about history)

In my first post I said this was a pointless thread,I still believe it is on many points,esp. Civs fr the year 4000BC.But,I have checked the editor and there really is some lack of devotion to some nations...This thread is about Germany and America, someone added China but he didn´t make much sense,so I will focus on those two.I mentioned before some German cities are missing which are important,some are spelt wrong (ok minor mistake,but it goes on).The Civ has four leaders,Richtoffen,whotf was that?Guess they meant Richthofen.The last two I´ve never heard of.Lots of people complained about Germany breaking MPP´s,well it´s not their fault,they have the highest aggression setting in the game,along with the Zulus,it was the naughty ppl at Firaxis ;) So we have a militaristic and aggressive Germany with four leaders,one spelt wrong and two noone (probably not just me) never heard of.On the other hand we have an American Civ with half the the aggressive setting,but funny enough seven military leaders,ofcourse spelt correct.Don´t wanna bash anyone but this doesn´t make sense to me.Not only do I doubt that America can be described as peaceful,since they took part in almost every war in the last 150 years and not all were forced on you ;) ,but anyway why does a "peaceful" nation have seven leaders and a militaristic four?This will have to be edited. :cool:
Many moan about America being too weak anyway,just living along,getting destroyed all to often.Will make some changes for Germany too.
Dirk Aurel,

I don't agree with you on everything, but I don't disagree on everything either. One thing I do agree on is that this is a pointless thread, and I have no intention of carrying on with it, other than to say I've enjoyed reading your posts and find them intelligent and thought-provoking. And you correctly point out several of my own errors as well. I could counter some of them, and feel I could make a strong argument, but unfortunately this particular thread doesn't seem to be lending itself to the kind of civil and intellectual discussion that I'd prefer to have, and expect that you probably would agree on that point. Perhaps our paths will cross again (maybe on another thread on these boards) and we can have a much more enjoyable and less-interrupted discussion. I'd look forward to something like that.

edit: I think I'll leave this one. It looks pretty harmless.
Amen Salvor.

Had a feeling we´d agree on the thread bit.Well it´s over with. Didn´t get the impression Franz Josef was taking notice of our replies anyway.The question shouldn´t be which civs should be deleted since they didn´t excist in 4000BC (doh) but if at all, which are missing, more than enough, me thinks.
Only noticed later that my first ( :D ) posting also was in response to yours,well I enjoyed this too,more than enough threads remaining to argue on,so we should be meeting again. :)


R.I.P Thread
Franz-Josef II, I think you misunderstood the concepts of 'civilization' and 'state'. While the German state in it's present form hasn't been around for that long, German civilization has firmly been at it's present location for +2000 years, influencing World history to a great degree.

And Civ3 is, IIRC, about civilizations after all :)
Originally posted by Panda
Franz-Josef II, I think you misunderstood the concepts of 'civilization' and 'state'. While the German state in it's present form hasn't been around for that long, German civilization has firmly been at it's present location for +2000 years, influencing World history to a great degree.
And Civ3 is, IIRC, about civilizations after all :)
2000 years ago there had been no difference as "civilisation" between "French" and "German". The first line was set with conqeuring by Caesar, the Rine the border was, and this then also created a border of languages which all had not been like the today's German or French languages.
You should take a map of that time and look what group had been when where before Caesar and after him.
To make a difference between German and French in a historical setting in that time is simply wrong. In that area we still had more than 14 languages in fact and until luther no common writing, except the Latin. The only common factor for all the Latin and the church was, after Caesar.
@Lefty Scaevola

Moderator Action: that is correct, and, again, ALL are admonished to remain on thread topic and forum subject.

Hmm,haven´t shown up in this thread for a while but can´t say I approve of this. :(

As for "ALL",seems to me you left Salvor´s arguements in while deleting mine,that isn´t ALL and it´s not fair either.Salvor´s post was as much off topic as was mine,(sorry Salvor ;) )
The thread is called >the civ "Germany" and other crap<,instead I find loads of debates on America and Afghanistan here,Salvor´s Sealion theory is still included and the counterarguements get cut out.
IMO everything said here can be said and should have been left included and who cares what we want to talk about,but if it really has to be controlled then at least cut out both parts of the arguement,not just leaving in the parts which seem more interesting to you.No offense,if it wasn´t deliberate on your part Lefty,but seems to me you cut out arguements from your pov.

Moderator Action: I did not claim to be thorough in cleaning out the horse dung, I may have another look at it later. In any case someone else escaping by luck some negative action, does not entitle anyone else to so.
Please read the forum rules:
One more thing;

Most ppl who did take the time to write something on this thread agreed on it being pointless,it only got started after we began talking about something more interesting -history.
Oke doke Lefty,np :)

This thread really is a mess,but do cut out the other stuff too,bit unfair otherwise.

As for little innocent me,I was only replying to posts which I didn´t agree with,didn´t start any new off topic discussions. :goodjob:
:lol: @Salvor

Thanks dude :cooool:

You´ll lead the way outta here!!Will follow as soon as I can be arsed and the server isn´t so laggy.
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