The Clash of the Two Titans.


The Burninator!
Nov 20, 2003
I haven't done one of these before so I thought that I'd contribute and do one. :D

CivIII w/o Conquests
Map: Earth (Huge)
Civs: 2
My Civ: Iroquois

The first thing of course was to find me a suitable location for my first city. It didn't take long as I considered my Start Location a nice enough base for my capital. Salamanca was born.

I decided that the best thing I should do was to build a Warrior to fight off any wandering Barbs. Then set my Worker to start getting some irrigation done and my Scout to do what a Scout does best.


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It turned out that it had been a shrewd move to start building a Warrior first, within a couple of turns, a barb raided Salamanca and I couldn't rush my Warrior along, luckily, when I build my Warrior such attacks will hopefully be a thing on the past.

A few turns later, I had my Warrior. I instantly set him to fortify and quickly set Salamanca building Barracks. My Scout had discovered a supply of Spices and a Barb Encampment, I would deal with that later.


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I harvested a forest (which due to an expansion of Salamanca's borders fell in the City Limits.), which will help on the way to getting irrigation to Salamanca.

My Scout discovered a Goody Hut which handed us a Free Settler. I sent him back to Salamanca where he would be safe while I sent my Scout for a suitable location for the Settler to set up my second city. A few turns later, I got my Barracks and set out work on a Temple, And a few turns after that I discovered that the other Civ was the Russians, thanks to a Great Book.


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I lost my Scout to a wandering Barb in 2850BC. I decided to send my Settler to a position I had noticed earlier, since I couldn't scout around a bit for a short while. I got my Temple the next turn, setting Salamanca to build a Granary now. A couple of turns after this, in 2590, I founded Niagra Falls, I set them to build a Warrior first as well.

Having just watched my Warrior make his first kill against a filthy Barb, I get the honour of building the first expansion to my Palace, I like the Oriental Style, so I went with that.

A Barb appeared in the east and headed towards Niagra Falls, then getting away with 5 gold, the git! And I was only one turn away from a Warrior.


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I got my first Technology, Bronze Working...then choosing to go with researching Alphabet with the mentality that there is a very slim chance that I am gonna meet the Russians any time soon. The Borders of Salamanca expanded again for me

Salamanca built its Granary and I went with building another Warrior for exploration purposes, but first...about that Barb Encampment...


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Basking in the glory of anihilating that Encampment...I got another expansion of my Palace, and as I was building up right now, I carried on the trend.

For the next god-knows-how-many turns...nothing special happened. I set the Science rate back to keep my Civ growing, set Salamanca on building Wealth and my Warrior was well on his Exploration mission.

To Be Continued
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