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The Community Deity Game #19 - Ottomans


GOTM Staff
Mar 19, 2004
Frederick, MD
Welcome to the nineteenth installment in the Community Deity Game series!
CDG 19 - Suleiman has gotta catch 'em all!
We aim to post an interesting challenge twice each month. We try for a variety of starts and difficulties. There is a suggested Victory Condition and a list of Achievements for each map, so each game has a theme to it.

Please see the CDG Series Discussion Thread to express yourself if you have remarks and ideas. Some maps use mods. Please note that maps you wish to share must have the DLC map packs disabled, so those who do not have them can enjoy the challenge. To do this, you go into the DLC option from the Main Menu and untick the options for ‘Explorers Map Pack’, ‘Scrambled Nations’, and ‘Scrambled Continents’. You will need to do this every time you start a new game that you might want to share.

When posting about your victory, please begin the post with the turn number, victory condition, and achievement points in bold text, e.g. “T247 DiploVC, 10 points”. This is so the kind volunteer who updates the finishers spreadsheet can see it more easily.

Also please provide a screenshot of your victory turn, and maybe more related to the achievements and keys point in the game — because it’s fun to read for all of us! Restart and reload as you like, but in your write-up (which does not have to be long) please describe the challenges you faced.

We welcome all comments and questions, but please use the SPOILER tag if you attach a picture, make a comment about which civs are in the game, about natural wonders, locations of ancient ruins, terrain features, luxes, resources, etc. In short, if it’s information you can only know by playing the game, don’t spoil it for others by divulging this information in the open. Thank you for your co-operation, and have fun!

Spoiler UA and UU :
In this game, you will be playing as Suleiman of the Ottomans. You possess Barbary Corsairs: All melee naval units have the Prize Ships promotion, allowing them to capture defeated ships. You also pay only one-third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance.

You can train the Janissary, which replaces the Musketman but gets an attack bonus and and heals when it kills an enemy. It retains the special ability when upgraded.

You can also train the Sipahi, which replaces the Lancer, but has an extra move, extra sight, and free pillage. It retains the free pillage when upgraded, but not the extra move and sight.

Spoiler map type and settings :
Standard size, standard speed, standard number of civs and CS. Map type is Terra Incognita with settings so it could be like Continents or Pangea (but will not be like Terra).

Spoiler hints about which AIs you might encounter :
Opponents are hand selected and fit the map theme. So the set is predictable enough.

Spoiler difficulty :

Spoiler starting location :

Suggested Victory Condition: Domination
Spoiler achievements :
  • 1st and 2nd naval UA captured, 1 point each. Captures need not survive (even to the next turn) for scoring for the achievement point. Only the first UU captured counts towards achievement points. 1 point each, for 1 or 2 points.
  • 3rd and 4th naval UA captured, 2 points each. With above, up to 6 points total.
  • 5th, 6th, and 7th naval UA captured, 3 points each. With above, up to 15 total. Getting 12 points would be amazing. No one can catch 'em all!
  • Win by Domination VC: 1 point, plus 1 point per era before Information Age. (So, 2 points if you win in the Atomic Age, 3 points in Modern, etc.)
Quick combat and movement are off (which is the default, turn them on if you like).
Game Version -
Downloadable Content includes: Wonders of the Ancient World DLC. Gods and Kings expansion, Brave New World Expansion. The map packs are intentionally excluded.

Before you download the map, please take a moment to speculate here in this thread on your initials thoughts plans for the game. Will you settle in place? What are your plans for getting the most from the UA and the UU?

Spoiler links to previous threads in CDG series :
CDG1: Persia, Oct. 31st, 2015, domination, Pangea, hard, map by Consentient
CDG2: Assyria, Nov. 15th, 2015, science, Pangaea, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG3: Ethiopia, Dec. 2nd, 2015, culture, NQ Pangaea, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG4: Spain, Dec. 17th, 2015, domination, NQ Pangaea, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG5: Indonesia, Jan. 2nd, 2016, culture, NQ Continents, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG6: Zulus, Jan. 15th, 2016, domination, Oval, easy, map by Consentient.
CDG7: Shoshone, Feb. 2nd, 2016, culture, Oval, very easy, map Created by Enslingkorp.
CDG8: Austria, Feb. 15th, 2016, science, Pangaea, very easy, map by IronfighterXXX.
CDG9: Brazil, Feb. 28th, 2016, culture, Pangaea, medium, map by Blatc.
CDG10: Denmark, March 14th, 2016, domination, Lakes, hard, map by Beetle.
CDG11: Venice, April 1st, 2016, domination, Archipelago, very easy, map by Wild_Woojsha.
CDG12: Byzantium, April 15th, 2016, domination, Continents, very hard, map by Beetle.
CDG13: Inca, April 30th, 2016, culture, Pangaea, medium, map by Shark Diver.
CDG14: Celts, May 18th, 2015, domination or culture, Oval, hard, map by Consentient.
CDG15: America, May 30th, 2016, diplomacy, Mesopotamia, medium, map by Beetle.
CDG16: Sweden, June 14th, 2016, domination or diplomacy, HB Continents, medium, map by Consentient.
CDG17: Germany, July 2nd, 2016, diplomacy, Pangaea, easy, map by Dan Quayle.
CDG18: France, July 14rd, 2016, diplomacy, HB Continents, hard, map by MaxAttack.
CDG19: Ottomans, August 5th, 2016, domination, Continents, medium, map by Beetle.


Apparently people are spending time outside...

Most people who download the games (I see 8 views) never post a message.

I am weak at domination, but I have not given up yet. I think it is a fun map! I will write about my experience with it after I squeeze out a VC (or give up trying).
I dont like sea battles. How much of the game are they? You can say in a spoiler if you want.
If you are okay with continents maps generally, you will be okay with this map. If you look at screen shot in OP, there is no ocean in sight. But there is enough water to make use of the UA as you like. Full marks for the achievements are (just barely) possible.
Is it possible to have a bit of early war and then settle for wide culture or science?
Apparently people are spending time outside...

Most people who download the games (I see 8 views) never post a message.
While I appreciate your time coming up with achievements and rolling out maps, I look at the starting location screenshot and see... 1 silver. This is not a very enticing start. :)
Is it possible to have a bit of early war and then settle for wide culture or science?
Yes, sure.

I look at the starting location screenshot and see... 1 silver. This is not a very enticing start.
LOL, I did not even notice! You are on a hill/mountain/river trifecta. This is not one of those maps where part of the challenge is overcoming a weak start or a need to wander with your initial settler. SIP is strong.
oki i will play this and will settle in place and go for either culture or lategame domination

sorry i will ignore the boats missions
My first two tries, when I played paying more attention to the achievement points, I lost by SV. My best run was four UUs.

ok i will play this and will settle in place and go for either culture or lategame domination
sorry i will ignore the boats missions
I am doing late game domination myself. Except that I just won by Diplo, so I have to reload again.

Took me a 100+ turns to wipe out the problematic AI. Got a UU from him though, and one other, so should be three achievement points when I am done.
I think I will play nice until realy late when I can have a big tech lead and crush all the cities in one move!
There is a problem with this map

Spoiler :
Most of the civs dont have coastal cities. They arent settling on the coast and it means that they dont make their UUs. I took Carthage but there doesnt seem much else to do with the navy teme. I might finish but im nt sure
I unspoiled your comment since you do not name civs. Are you using any mods?
There is a problem with this map
Most of the civs dont have coastal cities. They arent settling on the coast and it means that they dont make their UUs.
I did not experience a problem with AIs building their UUs. The majority of caps are not coastal, but that should not prevent the AIs from settling coastal cities, nor prevent timely builds of their UUs. I think the AI has an easier time with building a navy from a non-coastal start than the player. In my plays, I have encounter every naval UU, even if I was not at all positioned (just a scout) to capture them.

I did not want a map that had too much water, and I think the map is a decent balanced challenge.
Spoiler naming the AIs that might have a hard time :
In my last play through, Portugal was killed off (not by me, nor with my help) before the Nau. She easily managed a coastal city though, and in my other plays, she got out her UU.
Byzantium starts if the middle of your continent, so she might not get Dromons out, especially if you harass her. I griefed Carthage in my games, so I think that helped Theodora, and I have seen Dromons with every play through.
Venice has been killed (not by me, nor with my help) in every one of my games, but in half of them he lasts long enough for his UU.
No mods.

I am on turn 100 and no AI on the starting continent settled a coastal city. Anyway the biggest problem is not that they wont produce their UU but that they wont grow to become a threat. Their tech is >5 behind what it usually is. I am only 3 techs behind. Thats not normal.
My first two tries, trying to maximize achievement points, I lost by SV to the norther AI.

My next three games focused on trying to eliminate him. The next game I lost by diplo, mostly because I was not paying attention. Then I won by diplo, again not paying attention to vote count. I wish I saved the earlier saves from one of those two games, since Domination might still had been viable.

Then I had a domination game that was going really pretty well, but lost by CV. I don’t think I will try any more, unless I learn some easy lessons from some of the better players. You all coaxed a Dom VC from me for the Byzantium and Denmark CDGs, so there might be hope for me on this map too!

Screen shot is centered on my core five cities, from my forth game where I won the WL vote.


  • civ5ss-cdg19-t363dv.jpg
    342.3 KB · Views: 258
your cities are really small. mine were a similat size when i stopped playing. at the time of ideologies. I think if you want to win eaerlirer you must improve this.
You all coaxed a Dom VC from me for the Byzantium and Denmark CDGs, so there might be hope for me on this map too!
Oops, upon revisiting those two threads, I find that I made that up! I settled for non-Dom VC with both of those maps.

Your cities are really small. Mine were a similar size when I stopped playing. at the time of ideologies. I think if you want to win earlier you must improve this.
I am pretty sure my bigger obstacle is not being able to get to Dynamite sooner.
what turn do you get to Dynamite?
I do not even know, as I do not keep track. I am sorry to say that I have given up trying to get it early enough to really matter, as even when I was using Oxford for Dynamite, my arties would get shredded by GWBs. So nowadays I do not get serious about domination until I unlock Rocketry.

This map I was at least griefing the main opponent early. The one UU to pillage all his lands, shielded by the other UU. That was fun for a while, until he got GWB. By the time I had AA guns, and this is how it always seems to go for me, Rocketry was just a few turns away (with the GS bulbs). That left the two off-continent AIs alone for too long.
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