Nice shift of gears there! I'm assuming that it was with Autocracy, so you had no benefits for your SV either, right?
I appreciate you trying to find something admirable, but no. I was late to ideologies, with zero tourism. (Autocracy was my T0 plan, and the guilds were among buildings I was skipping to focus on units.)
I opened Ideologies from Factories. At that point I could have been 2nd to Autocracy, but I was already having my doubts about my competence for Domination. The Western neighbor DOW’d me (and had a good sized army) when I had just finished moving everyone (Muskets and Cannons and one well-promoted Gat) East to get started on that side of the map. I had five XBs back home waiting on gold, but they would not have been enough.
No one was running Freedom and I had just unlocked an SP. So I took the 6x FLeas, hit -20 unhappy for a turn, and switched to Order. The FLeas ended the 2nd war with the Western neighbor and went East with Arties that were just coming online. I got my Arties in the field before my opponents had GWBs, so that was a nice change of pace for me!
I did not take cities from the Western neighbor until my third war with him, and after my march to the far Eastern end of the Pangaea.
Eventually the 3rd tier GE built Hubble and a late game GE went to the SS Engine. So it pretty much a straight forward Order SV, except my taking over the lower quarter of the map.
Another, much earlier, humiliation with the
Eastern Western neighbor was gifting my 3rd city (it was about to fall) to the far Eastern AI. That split the Western neighbor’s army, plus he did not have Open Borders, so they stayed split. I lost one of my six Atlatlists, but killed like twenty of his units. I had six CBs (with the retreat buff) as soon as I hit Construction, but was not able to take cities with them. I never did see the UU special ability trigger, but I did keep most of them alive.