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The Constitution (aka rules)


the fish collecter
May 21, 2001
pond 59
Constitution of The CivIII Democracy game.

Section A: Game Dynamic's:

Point 1: Current turn rate is 10 turns every 2 days. This can be changed on demand.
Point 2: Game consists of president and Vice + 6 cabinet members + deputy's + governors and regular members.
Point 3: Polls and discussions would be posted after the President posts the turn info. At the end of the day(s) he plays out the moves.
Point 4: Screen shots should be uploaded for review.
Point 5: No ONE is allowed to download and play out a saved game. Penalty is Death, by fierce Shunning. It's also grounds for impeachment.
Point 6: When multiple ideas have been proposed the president has the option to have a cabinet vote, and "weed out" the bad ideas from the good ideas. Anything that passes is voted on by the people....and then what passes is written into law.

Section B: Government

Point 1: There will be six permanent Cabinet Members + Governors
Point 2: Each cabinet member heads a department. Departments include President, Vice President, Domestic Leader, Foreign Minister, Military Leader, Science Leader ,culture leader and Trade Leader.
Point 3: The Department head's duties are to decide on the matter's where they are leader of , post polls and get users input if wanted or requested. With the poll results and input they give info to the President, who plays them out in the game.
Point 4: Below the department heads are the deputy leaders. They will make decisions in the absent of the leader. The Vice President takes over President's responsibilities if he/she is absent.
Point 5: The Department Head's have the right to break ties or make decisions on their own. In case of forum outage or low participation they would be allowed to make all decision in their related area.
Point 6: The President is the Department Head of the Department Head's and has privileges there of. But CAN NOT overturn decisions made by the Department Head's but can tie break, and make minor decisions, and decisions with no input.Although this point is in review ,probably after the reform's the president will have much more power then everybody else.
Point 7: There can be civilian agencies/groups that form to do a certain task. Example would be history tracking group, activists against pollution, or activists against War against a neighbor.
Point 8: There will be NO political parties.
Point 9: Cabinet Votes: Cabinet votes are just that. Votes that are done by the cabinet only. Only the President can initiate a cabinet vote, and will run/tally the vote him/herself. An example of where this would come in handy is Section B, sub-section 7. Other cabinet members can contact the President to initiate a cabinet vote.

Section C: Elections

Point 1: Terms last 30 days
Point 2: There are no Term Limits.
Point 3: President can only be elected from remaining cabinet members. Other department heads are elected from the citizens. Runner-ups for department heads automatically become deputy leaders for that area, for the term.
Point 4: If there are no runner-ups then the new leader can appoint a deputy if they like. (Deputies are not a required position)
Point 5: On day 24 of the term, nominations begin. On day 29 the Moderator would post polls for all positions of nominated members. On day 31 a winner is declared, and a new term begins.
Point 6: We will allow Self-Nomination.
Point 7: Elections are 2 days long.
Point 8: Citizens can run for two positions maximum. And can only hold one position at one time. But are allowed to serve as Leader and Deputy Leader in 2 positions. Thus if they win 2 elections, they must choose one and runner-up of the un-chosen position will be declared the winner.
Point 8a: Citizens can hold multiple Deputy Positions if no one else wants them.
Point 9: The Moderator runs the election. Starts, edit, closes polls.
Point 10: A civilian organization can be formed to construct the questions for the nominees. These questions can be given the Moderator who would conduct a debate. No one is allowed to post in the topic except for the participates and Moderator.
Point 11: We may need to run Primaries, if the nominees are over five.
Point 12: In the event of a tie, a second election will be run with only the nominees that were tied. This goes for all cabinet positions. Flag, and Country Name Votes.
Point 13: Flag and Nation Name changes can ONLY be presented in times of Anarchy. While the nation is changing to a new government.

Section D: Citizens

Point 1: Every citizen belongs to a city of the nation, and can move to other cities when they please. This can be updated it he Citizin's registry.
Point 2: Every citizen has the duty of voting in polls and posting their view on different events.
Point 3: Citizens can't hold polls on rule changes, or any matter of state (ie. covered by any department.) If a citizen would like a rule changed they may start a topic on the proposed rule. Once the discussion is complete a citizen may request a poll to be posted by the Moderator of a member of the Cabinet where the rule change would be voted on.

Section E: Department heads And Their Duties

Point 1: President: Is responsible for actually playing the game. Also gathers info from other Department Heads on how the game is to be played. Breaks ties and makes decisions that haven't been made by department heads.In addition the president may have the possibilety to override leader decission's if he get's enough support from the cabinet. (this though is dependant on the ongoing reform result's)
Point 2: Vice President: Vice President, and takes over in event that President is missing.
Point 3: Military Leader: Make's on military actions, defense, and (If war has been declared) war time actions. Reports military decisions to the President. Can override Governors on production issues during time of invasion. Takes over from the President in times of mobilization. (martial law)
Point 4: Science Leader: Decides technology goals. Both through research, espionage, and conquering!
Point 5: Cultural Leader: Make's decission's regarding Expansion ,construction of cultural city improvement's. Governors are responsible for individual cities in a Province. The Cultural leader can override gouvernor's decission's for the construction of cultural improvement's.
Point 6: Foreign Minister: Make's decission's regarding Diplomatic relation's..
Point 7: Trade leader : make's decission's about trade route's.Makes decisions and provides advice to the President on establishing trade deals. Tracks the status and expiration dates on established deals, advising the President and other cabinet members of the same.
Point 8: Domestic leader: make's decission's about settler allocation ,wonder building ,city queue's etc.Is the gouvernor of the first province.decide's on the Science/Lux/tax rate's.maintain's the budget of the nation.
Point 9: Governors: Elected by the people to control production in cities of their province.
Point 10: Regular Players: Their responsibilities are discuss possible alternatives. Regular member's can request a leader to hold a poll for a specific matter if they don't agree with the leader's deccision.Regular memebr's vote on poll's held by leader's and in time of ellection's.
Point 11: Moderator. Responsible for handling elections and record keeping on the members, polls, etc... (NOT an elected position. NO cabinet Power)

Section F: Impeachment

Point 1: It may become evident that the department heads or President aren't making decisions based on what is being voted on.
Point 2: Anyone can call a hearing, and pose evidence against one of the eight cabinet members.
Point 3: Then they get to defend themselves.
Point 4: The Moderator acts as Judge. Cabinet members acts as Jury.
Point 5: Then remaining cabinet members vote.
Point 5a: While an Impeachment trial is ongoing the deputy leader takes over for the leader in question.

Section G: Chain of Command

Point 1: In the event of absent of death of cabinet members, this Chain of Command would dictate who would take over.
Point 2: President
Vice President
Domestic Leader
Military Leader
Foreign Minister
Science Leader
Cultural Leader

Section H:Gouvernor's:

point 1: A gouvernor control's and decide's over 5 city's.
point 2: The Domestic leader is also the gouvernor over the first 5 city's. (the core city's)

This rules is not fully complete yet and will be updated later to fit in the CivIII form ,note that these rule's are maily inhereted from the CivII demo game.
So if you have remark's ,comment's ,question's or suggestion's feel free to reply.

With thank's to Cornmaster for making the first rule's thread ,wich i have used here as template to make this thread.
I have several questions that I do not think are covered in the constitution.

1. How are provinces determined?
2. Can governor's build decisions be overturned by the cabinet?
3. Since science rate affects both the economy and the luxury rate, how can the science leader make this decision unilaterally?
4. Does the domestic leader control the luxury rate?

A couple of suggestions:

1. The cultural leader should have some power to force a governor to build a cultural improvement in a city. For example, if a border changed, because a foreign city has surpassed our city in culture, particularly if this cause loss of a resource or luxury, the cultural leader should be able to instruct the governor to begin construction of a cultural improvement, and possible even pop-rush it, if the territory in question is important enough. Perhaps this action could require the support of the domestic leader, but not the entire cabinet.

2. One of the cabinet members (or possibly an appointed citizen) should be in charge of information regarding other civs. This position should be given a certain budget (probably a small percentage of the gold/turn) to use to occasionally view foreign citis, and conduct espionage later on. Our advantage over the AI is the ability to make informed and creative decisions, and this requires information.

3. The foreign advisor should also be given a small budget to provide gifts to those civs which we desire to be friendly with. Actions within this budget may be taken unilaterally.

Note that 2 and 3 might not be prudent right from the start, but once in the middle ages, they need to be addressed.
Right of Passage and Mutual Protection Pact are diplomatic agreements with strong military repercussions. Who has the final word on these? Military Leader or Foreign Minister?

I like the idea of a departmental budget but how would that work? A per turn amount, accumulative, periodic?
Originally posted by Shaitan
Right of Passage and Mutual Protection Pact are diplomatic agreements with strong military repercussions. Who has the final word on these? Military Leader or Foreign Minister?

I like the idea of a departmental budget but how would that work? A per turn amount, accumulative, periodic?

I would imagine that any sort of alliance or ROP would have to be approve by the cabinet through a vote.

We could probably vote periodically on the budgets for these roles, and these sums would have to be kept track of so we do not spend them on other needs.
Originally posted by TheDuckOfFlanders
Constitution of The CivIII Democracy game.

Point 7: Trade leader : make's decission's about trade route's.

I would propose that under the CivIII method of trade, this position be redefined as follows:

"Makes decisions and provides advice to the President on establishing trade deals. Tracks the status and expiration dates on established deals, advising the President and other cabinet members of the same. "

I see this position as carrying a bigger responsibility than caravan generation from the older Civ model. Clearly coordination amongst the cabinet members will make this democracy game very intriguing, as the trade minister will push for connection of resources and luxuries for trade. Meanwhile, he or she must keep the cabinet aware of when key resources and/or luxury deals run out.

Someone has to in effect monitor the status of our strategic wealth and resources, and while everyone will undoubtedly be doing the same, I see the Trade advisor as someone who can take a leadership role in that direction.
I don't understand the distinction of "province". So, I guess I am still confused on what a Governor is responsible for. 1 city? More?

Also, what happens when during the game, an in-escapable event happens, like an offer or a threat? Is it automatically handled by the President, or do they have to pause?
Originally posted by chiefpaco
I don't understand the distinction of "province". So, I guess I am still confused on what a Governor is responsible for. 1 city? More?

Also, what happens when during the game, an in-escapable event happens, like an offer or a threat? Is it automatically handled by the President, or do they have to pause?

I think a province is a group of cities. If something serious happens that was unexpected while the president is playing, I beleive he is supposed to stop, and consult at least the cabinet.
i agree with your idea of budgets, but who will be in charge of recordkeeping for each budget? the moderator? the pres? i believe a watch-dog of some sort should be placed over the budget process. leaders/deputies may become overzealous in their spending during hot spots or times of war. maybe the moderator or pres could appoint a secretary/treasurer?
Originally posted by Cyc
i agree with your idea of budgets, but who will be in charge of recordkeeping for each budget? the moderator? the pres? i believe a watch-dog of some sort should be placed over the budget process. leaders/deputies may become overzealous in their spending during hot spots or times of war. maybe the moderator or pres could appoint a secretary/treasurer?
Appoint a treasurer. New cabinet position.
as this is the creation of a new nation, i would like to welcome and congratulate everyone involved.

in reference to the constitution, i would like to make a few suggestions. sect b, point 2 - can we capitalize culture? section h (which may be section g) point 2 - can cultural leader be added to the chain of command list?

thank you eyrei for your suggestion of adding some power to the department of culture (doc). i believe that is a needed addition. i would also like to see the doc get first hand knowledge of all intelligence gathering, as this would help in planning expansion.

i also agree with bill_in_pdx, as far as his redifinement of his departmental responsibilities/goals/parameters. should there be an ammendment to the constitution about changes to the various department structure/boundries being made by department heads. occaisional changes should probably be posted and debated for a yet to be decided period, and then if agreed, put into action.

this is an amazing experience. thank you for allowing me to input my ideas...
1. How are provinces determined?

A province is a set of 5 city's by default.the domestic leader will be the gouvernor of the 5 first city's (the most important one's.Gouvernor's will be ellected when we reach over 5 city's.

2. Can governor's build decisions be overturned by the cabinet?

yes ,by some ,although i didn't fully decided on this yet to what extend and by wich leader's ,simply because civII is different from CivIII. ;)

3. Since science rate affects both the economy and the luxury rate, how can the science leader make this decision unilaterally?
4. Does the domestic leader control the luxury rate?

It's a mistake and will be edited out.The Domestic leader (you) or the president decides all rate's.This will be decided later ,although it will probably fall under the domestic leader.

1. The cultural leader should have some power to force a governor to build a cultural improvement in a city. For example, if a border changed, because a foreign city has surpassed our city in culture, particularly if this cause loss of a resource or luxury, the cultural leader should be able to instruct the governor to begin construction of a cultural improvement, and possible even pop-rush it, if the territory in question is important enough. Perhaps this action could require the support of the domestic leader, but not the entire cabinet.

I agree on this ,i thought of this to.By default the cultural leader will override the gouvernor ,unless the people object.

2. One of the cabinet members (or possibly an appointed citizen) should be in charge of information regarding other civs. This position should be given a certain budget (probably a small percentage of the gold/turn) to use to occasionally view foreign citis, and conduct espionage later on. Our advantage over the AI is the ability to make informed and creative decisions, and this requires information.

Logicly this will fall under the diplomacy Leader. (or foreign leader if you will)

Right of Passage and Mutual Protection Pact are diplomatic agreements with strong military repercussions. Who has the final word on these? Military Leader or Foreign Minister?

Diplomacy Leader (or fourign leader/minister if you wanna call them like that)

"Makes decisions and provides advice to the President on establishing trade deals. Tracks the status and expiration dates on established deals, advising the President and other cabinet members of the same. "
I see this position as carrying a bigger responsibility than caravan generation from the older Civ model. Clearly coordination amongst the cabinet members will make this democracy game very intriguing, as the trade minister will push for connection of resources and luxuries for trade. Meanwhile, he or she must keep the cabinet aware of when key resources and/or luxury deals run out.

I will edit the constitution to incorparate this piece of text.Indeed that's about the definition for his job.

Someone has to in effect monitor the status of our strategic wealth and resources, and while everyone will undoubtedly be doing the same, I see the Trade advisor as someone who can take a leadership role in that direction.

That's the people's job.

Also, what happens when during the game, an in-escapable event happens, like an offer or a threat? Is it automatically handled by the President, or do they have to pause?

he will consult his cabinet in the chat session ,and make a decission after that consultation ,or a cabinet vote in-chat will decide that.

i agree with your idea of budgets, but who will be in charge of recordkeeping for each budget? the moderator? the pres? i believe a watch-dog of some sort should be placed over the budget process. leaders/deputies may become overzealous in their spending during hot spots or times of war. maybe the moderator or pres could appoint a secretary/treasurer?

the budget normally fall's under the Domestic leader.

in reference to the constitution, i would like to make a few suggestions. sect b, point 2 - can we capitalize culture? section h (which may be section g) point 2 - can cultural leader be added to the chain of command list?

don't understand what you mean with Capitalizing culture.The Cultural leader will be added to the chain of command.
don't understand what you mean with capitalizing culture

actually i didn't want to capitalize the whole word, just the c would do, and maybe a space after the comma. and when you add the department to the chain of command, you might want to change the section letter to g. apparently something was removed and h slid up into the g position. since it's the constitution, we might want to change that.
thank you, perfectionism is a curse.
There are two things that i would like to have clearified.

1. Who makes the final desicion on rush building? Can a governor decide to rush build for example a temple is a city? If so we could quickly run out of cash. Or should all ministers that feel the need to rush build something ask the trade minister (or whomever) for permission? And what about pop rushing? Can the governors decide on pop rushing on their own since it cost no money?

2. If we get a leader, who decides on how to use it? Should the president (or whomever) have power to decide this on his own? Or should it require a public poll because of it´s importance?

I would suggest that rush building (both money and pop) is decided by a cabinet vote, after request from a minister. And that the use of leaders is determined in a public vote administered by the president. What do the rest of you think?
Originally posted by Mr Spice
There are two things that i would like to have clearified.

1. Who makes the final desicion on rush building? Can a governor decide to rush build for example a temple is a city? If so we could quickly run out of cash. Or should all ministers that feel the need to rush build something ask the trade minister (or whomever) for permission? And what about pop rushing? Can the governors decide on pop rushing on their own since it cost no money?

2. If we get a leader, who decides on how to use it? Should the president (or whomever) have power to decide this on his own? Or should it require a public poll because of it´s importance?

I would suggest that rush building (both money and pop) is decided by a cabinet vote, after request from a minister. And that the use of leaders is determined in a public vote administered by the president. What do the rest of you think?

As far as pop-rushing, the governor should probably need to get approval from at least the domestic leader, if not the entire cabinet. The same should be true for buying improvements.

For leaders, I agree a popular vote should take place, but that a unaminous cabinet decision could overturn it.
i would hope the cultural leader would be involved in any decisions to pop rush an improvement. happy citizens are my main concern.
The way I understand this so far is that the mod keeps track of what has happened along with a lot of other things.
Should there be a separate person for the record keeping? I would think that this person would be a third-party to the whole thing like the mod but woud answer to the mod. I guess a deputy mod.
Just a thought as I was reading the rules of the game and familiarizing myself with it.
1. Who makes the final desicion on rush building? Can a governor decide to rush build for example a temple is a city? If so we could quickly run out of cash. Or should all ministers that feel the need to rush build something ask the trade minister (or whomever) for permission? And what about pop rushing? Can the governors decide on pop rushing on their own since it cost no money?

This decission come's under the Domestic leader ,as he also control's the treasury and the tax/science/lux rate's.Yes the position is an important one ,therefore it stand's so high in the chain of command.

2. If we get a leader, who decides on how to use it? Should the president (or whomever) have power to decide this on his own? Or should it require a public poll because of it´s importance?

This will be decided by the millitary leader.

I would suggest that rush building (both money and pop) is decided by a cabinet vote, after request from a minister. And that the use of leaders is determined in a public vote administered by the president. What do the rest of you think?

I would rather go by the system i propose ,to make it simple.Though this is a democracy and you can start a poll on the matter.

For leaders, I agree a popular vote should take place, but that a unaminous cabinet decision could overturn it.

Again ,the military leader will decide this ,but it can be overturned by the people (like any other decission) ,forcing the millitary leader to open a poll around it.

i would hope the cultural leader would be involved in any decisions to pop rush an improvement. happy citizens are my main concern.

You will.If the Domestic leader decide's to pop rush ,and you don't agree ,you can either work it out toghether ,or open a poll around it stating that you disagree to the decission.If the majority support's it ,then the Domestic leader is forced to open a poll around it ,or reconsider his decission.

The way I understand this so far is that the mod keeps track of what has happened along with a lot of other things.
Should there be a separate person for the record keeping? I would think that this person would be a third-party to the whole thing like the mod but woud answer to the mod. I guess a deputy mod.
Just a thought as I was reading the rules of the game and familiarizing myself with it

When the work would get to much for me ,i can ask TF to get an extra mod here.But i would need somebody that has experience with demo game's ,as well as somebody that is trustworthy to give moderator possibilety's.There is one person in my mind that can serve this possition (a member of CFC staff) ,he has already asked me if i needed help.At the moment this is not nessecary ,but when needed i'll ask TF if he can make this particular person a mod of this forum.

He know's that i mean him ,and he'll probably read this. ;)
What does a deputy do besides being a backup for the cabinet memebr?

Nothing really ,primeraly he's the backup of the Leader ,if the leader wishe's he can give some duty's to him.
Being a deputy is a good stepping stone to get ellected leader.
What I was suggesting was just someone to keep track of things and records. Like plotting on a graph the income trend, Demographics changes from "ruler" to the next etc.
Not really a mod in terms of a "moderator" like zapping other people or getting rid of threads. Just a clerk or secretary. I guess I didn't clarify that. More like an external record keeper. Not part of the game but has no influence or power.
I guess it was just my accounting background wondering where we are going to get statistics and numbers. When I play I keep close tabs on the numbers. I just assumed everyone else did. Of course we all know what you get when you assume something :) :p
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