Today we had a we love the President day celebration, as it was his birthday. Eyrei filled in for him at the helm and did very well indeed, increasing our viewable area about 400%. The land remains very hilly to the south and very mountainous to the north and farther east. We have found an inland sea to the east, a large lake to the north, and plenty of resources. 2 deposits of iron, 2 dyes, and 2 more incense. Although most of these will take time to secure, it is feasible to do so. As we are in a mountainous area, gold is everywhere. I count 8 deposits of gold, 2 of which have been secured. Cattle, wheat, game, and fish are abundant throughout the explored area, and there are 3 locations inhabited by wild horses.
We have again doubled the amount of cities for the Phoenetian Nation. Shailonegha was settled out on the northern coastline and will thrive on spice and fishing. Khatovar was settled on a hilltop, resting on a mother load of gold that will help finance a future army. A fifth city will be settled in two moves. Located north of Khatovar and East of Shailonegha, this city (already named PDX) will flourish among the local cattle and wheat farmlands fed by a river originating in the hills. It will also be fairly close to our northern neighbors, the Americans.
Yes, we have met 5 other nations. The afore-mentioned yanks to the north and the Romans, Aztecs, Babylonians, and Greeks to the south. All seem impressed with our culture, except of course the Aztecs, who are unimpressed.
A lot of trading went on during the course of the 19-move session. Heavy tech trading and selling in a wheeler-dealer day has put us technologically advanced with 164 gold in the bank. Weve been able to keep our science rate at a low 30% with no luxuries, so we need only spend 7 of our 12 gold income, netting a fiver each turn. We spend 3 on science, send 2 as payment to another nation, and lose 2 to corruption.
Our world rating is 115, 5th of the known 6 nations. As our army is average or better, I believe the 5th place rating is due to a slight population drop due to our expansion. This should even out shortly. Our Cultural point total is now 72 in the year 1910 BC, which is about average for the known world.
We have 12 military units. 7 in the field, 3 protecting our cities, a worker, and a settler. Of the 10 army units, 9 are warriors and 1 is a spearman. In production, we have 1 warrior, 1 worker, 1 settler, and one temple.
What a glorious day for our young nation. It seems to be turning into a robust game, destined to be a race for real estate and growth military might and gold. Stay tuned