Codename Synrise
Well, its bout time we make a Swedish civ dont ya think.
We just got a finnish civ, so lets go thru it all again to make it as good as the finnish one
First Q: Wich traits should em have?
Militaristic - Well.. we were pretty agressive. The vikings went all the way into Russia. And the during the Carolean era, Sweden brought havoc to almost entire northen Europe, even down to Turkey...
Scientific - We do have, and is known to had a good Scientific ground here. But only later in history.
Expansionist - Yes, we were expansionists, but only during the 1700-1800´s so I dont think its a right trait.
Religious - nah, no comments needed
Agriculture - hmmm... maybe but no, think there are more propiate traits.
Seafaring - Yes, why not.... but they were only that in the early eras.
Industrious - Yes, we have some big industries and we like to think industrious. But only in the late part of the history.
Commercial - hmmm... dunno bout this one. But Sweden was during a time in history one of the wealthiest contries in the world.
Now, the tricky part is, wich era should we concentrate on. Its hard to find traits that go thru all eras.
We just got a finnish civ, so lets go thru it all again to make it as good as the finnish one
First Q: Wich traits should em have?
Militaristic - Well.. we were pretty agressive. The vikings went all the way into Russia. And the during the Carolean era, Sweden brought havoc to almost entire northen Europe, even down to Turkey...
Scientific - We do have, and is known to had a good Scientific ground here. But only later in history.
Expansionist - Yes, we were expansionists, but only during the 1700-1800´s so I dont think its a right trait.
Religious - nah, no comments needed
Agriculture - hmmm... maybe but no, think there are more propiate traits.
Seafaring - Yes, why not.... but they were only that in the early eras.
Industrious - Yes, we have some big industries and we like to think industrious. But only in the late part of the history.
Commercial - hmmm... dunno bout this one. But Sweden was during a time in history one of the wealthiest contries in the world.
Now, the tricky part is, wich era should we concentrate on. Its hard to find traits that go thru all eras.