You've probably heard me say this before, but have you listened to his rallies? Like,
really listened and tried to figure out his appeal? While being as non-judgmental as possible?
If not, I highly recommend it. From experience, booze helps a lot - it quiets down the analytical side of your brain that says "this doesn't make any sense" or "that has terrible implications". Just sit back and take in the emotions of the crowd as they respond to him, and try to let yourself be carried along as much as you possibly can.
This Jacobin article does a better job than I can of explaining how Trump emotionally appeals to people. Technically I'm supposed to spoiler the link because it contains a swear word, courtesy of Trump himself.
Here's a key bit:
I remember when he said this and was blown away by how politically brilliant he had been by saying "I love the poorly educated!" In doing so, not only communicated his support for a large, disadvantaged, and derided population, he got the media to remark on that comment in a way that helped drive home his populist message about how the elites disdain the masses and only he cares about them. The media responded in a predictably sneering way, suggesting that he insulted his base but also, in some cases, seeming to communicate that it is ridiculous to love the poorly educated as a group. That sort of sentiment is the sort of thing that drives people to vote against their class interests.
Trump uses the word "love" all the time. That article again:
So yeah, he communicates empathy and concern for people all the time. He has rhetorical carrots along with sticks, and displays them expertly to get people to feel "love" back for him.