In pork I trust
Why is revenge always bad? Some people do things so evil that revenge is a good course.
The purpose of the justice system is not revenge, but justice, two entirely different things. Revenge has no place in the courts.
Why is revenge always bad? Some people do things so evil that revenge is a good course.
Why is revenge always bad? Some people do things so evil that revenge is a good course.
Why is revenge always bad? Some people do things so evil that revenge is a good course.
There are some cases when revenge is the higher justice.
Revenge is not justice.
And we have a justice system precisely because revenge does not work.
Can't revenge and justice have the same outcome? Why are the exclusive?
Extended, yes. But it is still a death sentence. In 15 years, when one of the men has died, I hope he can be recharged.
Because people who want revenge are going to maim and torture people in an irrational way, while justice will try to make sure that the accused are guilty, and will provide barbaric sentences.
But lets say they are found guilty why does it matter if some one gets revenge when in the end justice for the greater community is served. People like this don't deserve anything short of being wholly eliminated from the world. Does it really mater if they suffer or how much. Personally I'd lock them in a room with a dull knife and no food. And I'd expect the same for me if I ever did something this evil.
Revenge is not justice.
But you're acting on emotions: anger, hate, passion... Justice acts on reason.
It matters a whole lot because if we say revenge is the way to go we're no better than the criminals since we're doing the exact same thing we've condemned them for.
Life oh life, oh life .. tududu
But you're acting on emotions: anger, hate, passion... Justice acts on reason.
It matters a whole lot because if we say revenge is the way to go we're no better than the criminals since we're doing the exact same thing we've condemned them for.
And letting the victims pay for the medication and housing of their rapists is justice?
No its not the same. What crime did these victims commit to be intentionally infected with a highly deadly and contagious illness?
Justice finds them guilty or not, vengeance sees to it they are punished.
An eye for an eye is not justice? Seems to me like ultimate justice.
As they say, "Let the punishment fit the crime"
Not enough, life sentence is only 25 years. Make it a triple life sentence.
Vengeance is much more likely to start a family feud than anything else.