The DYOS Consul (DYOS X: 2007-2009)

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Thorvald of Lym

A Little Sketchy
Nov 21, 2005
A Palace north of Oslo
Purpose: To oversee the DRAW Your Own Story thread, to make recommendations pertaining to the thread, and to uphold the quality of DYOS overall.

Link to DYOS X

Any forumer who posts a cartoon is automatically entered into the consulate, and can debate on issues relating to the story. To pass a motion, a majority vote of 66% of the consulate is required. If, however, a week has passed and no further action has been taken regarding the motion, the vote will be tallied as it stands.

Members are suspended from the consulate if they have not contributed to the story for a week (they are automatically reinstalled when they post a new cartoon). If you will be inactive for a prolonged period of time, please be courteous and notify the consul beforehand.

The consul oversees the following:
* Planning and organizing the story
* Placing posters on probation (see below)
* Expelling posters from the consulate (and thus, involvement in the story)
* Decisions regarding the future of the thread itself

If a poster has violated any of the rules of DYOS, the consulate will vote to place the perpetrator on probation.
1st Probation: 2 days between comics
2nd Probation: 3 days between comics
3rd Probation: 5 days between comics
If the offender continues to break the rules, the consul may suspend the offender indefinitely.

Note that the intent of the consul is not to control the story's contributors, but to improve plot coherency, and hopefully the story overall. Whether or not you are a contributor or observer, please feel free to voice your recommendations. We're here as much for your enjoyment as our own!

(Suspended names in brackets)
(Abaddon); (azzaman333); Bratmon; (kulade); CivGeneral; Captain2; (Charles Li); choxorn; CivCube; e350tb; (GuitarHero); (Judge_Deadd); Kan' Sharuminar; (kill fire); lord_joakim; (Love); Macha; (Mjwhear); (mythmonster2); (Nuclear kid); Perfection; (Splime); (Stylesjl); Stylesrj; (Swedishguy); (Symphony D.); taillesskangaru; (TheBladeRoden); Thorvald of Lym;

9 votes needed for majority ruling

First Probation:
none :goodjob:

Second Probation:
none :goodjob:

Third Probation:
none :goodjob:

none :goodjob:
I believe our first order of business is to vote on kill fire's proposed subplot:

kill fire said:
Here is an alternative plotline: Thunderfall has been kidnaped by zombies and they are using his awsome power to spread they zombie virus all over civfanatics. It's up to us to save him and all of civfanatics.
I don't want to throw it out the window post-haste; can it be integrated into the existing story?

Ideas, anyone?
I believe our first order of business is to vote on kill fire's proposed subplot:

I don't want to throw it out the window post-haste; can it be integrated into the existing story?

Ideas, anyone?

DYOS has always been very fluid in nature. It won't take long at all for the original gimick of the thread to be thrown right out the window in favour of whatever the hell the contributors come up with. As long as this body prevents an abrupt turn in any given direction, things should be fine.
Yuri2356 said:
DYOS has always been very fluid in nature. It won't take long at all for the original gimick of the thread to be thrown right out the window in favour of whatever the hell the contributors come up with. As long as this body prevents an abrupt turn in any given direction, things should be fine.

True, true...

I'm just a bit worried this will destabilize things too early. It can provide an explanation for the whole 'Avatar Wars' concept, though:
Thunderfall is captured, sudden lack of authority, CFC mods lose control, weird stuff happens.

Perfection said:
I think we should have a plot where I kick everybody's ass.
:lol: You mean like DYOS 3 & 4?
Dammit, I KNEW I forgot someone!

Added. :)
I like this proposed storyline:

Thorvald of Lym said:
I'm just a bit worried this will destabilize things too early. It can provide an explanation for the whole 'Avatar Wars' concept, though:
Thunderfall is captured, sudden lack of authority, CFC mods lose control, weird stuff happens.
Good idea I think. Someone could write that in while the comics are going. We have no clue why the avatars are rising and then BAM! We find out soon
I dunno... I think it's better if the discovery is eased in after the story has gained momentum. You don't deal with mutineers by saying, "Gee, I wonder what caused this?"
You most certainly can!
Hey, where's Rheinmetall?
Haven't seen 'im around much... Mind, the amount of time he invests in his cartoons leaves us to shame.
When he posts, he'll be added.
Just double actually minds my comic, do they?
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