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The End of Gong

Jan 26, 2007
Asheville, NC
After the power had gone out for several hours at the Sugar Mountain command bunker, the generators finally kicked on. The Prince and his top commander, Yilar, stared at the latest field maps in stunned disbelief.

"How did this happen, Commander?"

"It was a brilliant plan they used, but we don't have time for the details now. They are coming for us!"

"I can't bear to think of what they'll do to us if we're captured. We used "death by karaoke" on too many of their citizens and they'll think of worse to do to us."

"Well, we've just cleared a path to the sea and captured one last lot of Free citizens."

"Ok, fire up the karaoke machine one more time and let's disguise the bodies to make it appear we died in the rubble."

"The rubble?"

"Yes, the last thing we want is for them to sift through the records at the Great Library at their leisure. We will set the city to self-destruct and make our escape with the last of the refugees."

"All right, I guess that makes sense, but I'm going to take a few of our plans with me."

"Good, take as much as you can and I'll burn the rest and meet you at the boats."

"My only wish is our intelligence had seen this coming to prevent the capture of our fellow Gongers in our other captured towns."

"Yes and it would have been nice to have our latest divisions win a few more battles, but they are only ghosts now."

The remaining battle-weary Gongers at the refugee boats turned to face Sugar Mountain one last time, just as the explosion started. It was hard to leave the Gong Show, but many felt that some of the remaining world needed a warning. Future archaelogists would be needed to piece the record of the carnage together.

Farewell dear GONG! :cry:

Refugee camps are being setup at key points along The Council's coastal towns. All refugees will be welcomed.
I'm sure we can accomodate any homeless Song and Dance men in the Brand new Ambassoador Hotel. Your first 2 months free, of course.
Thanks for being there for us GONG. Sorry we couldn't reciprocate. :salute:
I have nothing to say except...

See you in the Afterlife
Gong fought hard.
Gong fought well.

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