The Ending: Uh...

Wait a sec, maybe the paintings aren't exciting enough, but they aren't low quality, they're pretty nice, actually.
I'd rather have 2001: A Space Odyssey, with all its seemingly boring imagery, than a contemporary Hollywood movie, with its explosions and excitement.
...Victory movies are ok in my book, I want nice ones that are more realistic or even the other extreme, take the painted look but show the painting being painted. Cultural might show great wonders and such being painted along with your capital city.. Domination might show an epic battle being painted out.. I'm just throwin' out ideas here. Anything really is better than what they gave us, it's worse than Mortal Kombat endings.

...Graphs and timelines are essential to me. I just cannot figure out why they cut this feature. This decision, I think, gives some weight to peoples arguments that civ5 has been simplified too much. I can imagine while features were on the cutting room floor someone saying, "eh.. it's just more info that no one wants anyway.. scrap 'em!" I just hope the team listens to it's customers and adds some of the features we're all clamoring for in an update or dlc.
The victory screen is indeed somewhat anticlimactic.

Very politely put. Personally, I let out a scream, leaped onto my desk, ripped my shirt off and screamed at the top of my lungs:

Where is my friggin' map replay, you bastards?!
and the threw the monitor through the window before rushing out with a baseball bat. My neighbor had to put me down with a crowbar, and, well, you'll notice I'm writing this post in crayon. They say I can have a pen in four or five years, if by then my meds are down and there has been no further, ah, incident.

I thought they learned that lession: You always have the map replay of the game at the end of Civ. Always. That's half of the game! Screw the hall of fame, keep those achievements, give me the colors marching across the map!

I'm just going to pretend that they were rushed for time and decided to add it later. Anything else would be too hard to take.
The wonder movies are disappointing too. Civ4 had excellent wonder movies. The music seems extremely uninspired too. Civ4 had excellent era specific music. Civ5 has no mood at all. Doesn't seem to have as much ambient noise either. I also miss the little touches that would inform you of how your civilization has grown and reached different milestones.
Civ II had the best movies. I wished they had kept them throughout the games. Even if they were 480x480 I'd watch them again!
It's honestly only slightly better than

Civ II had the best movies. I wished they had kept them throughout the games. Even if they were 480x480 I'd watch them again!

Indeed! It's pretty amazing that 3 sequels later they haven't managed to make at least equally good wonder movies. And to think that this was maybe the most requested feature and one of the things people loved the most!

So much for Firaxis taking into account user feedback :rolleyes:
I just hope the team listens to it's customers and adds some of the features we're all clamoring for in an update or dlc.

That's how you want it, really? They sell you everything you liked that they cut out, piece by piece? I'd rather they just left it out.

I'm also not going to count on them to suddenly go back and add the stuff. Even with two Xpacs they never bothered to tack a real diplomatic victory ending onto IV, did they?

I haven't played the game but I've seen an ending screen or two and I'm gonna agree that it's a letdown. Going from a movie to a painting (even if it's a pretty nice painting) is a step back. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how it's possibly for a sequel to take steps back. no more victory movies, objectively worse graphics for rivers-- those are two things that should have gotten better, not worse. But it could be even worse, I guess.

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