The English Civil War


Nov 13, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
This mod has been updated for G&K by FramedArchitect:

The English Civil War
The English Civil War and Wars of the Three Kingdoms of 1642-1660. Play as the English Royalists, English Parliament, Scottish Covenanters, or the Irish Confederates and conquer all of Britain for your people and religion.

"If in time, as in place, there were degrees of high and low, I verily believe that the highest of time would be that which passed between 1640 and 1660." -Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth

Installation Instructions:
1. Download the mod from the Download Database: The English Civil War
2. Place the file in your mod folder. The path is usually something like: Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\MODS
3. Open Civ V, Click "Mods", "Browse Mods", click the "Install Mods" button on the bottom right, and check to enable The English Civil War (v 2). Uncheck any other mods.
4. Go back and click Single Player, Custom Game, English Civil War, click "Load Mod", choose your settings and play!

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Increased Frigate and Cannon cost
Buffed Pikeman to 14 Str and reduced vs. Mounted bonus to 50%
Disabled Instant Heal promotion
Disabled City Bombard
Increased unit max HP to 25
Increased city defense values from garrison and population
Combined multiple icon atlases into single atlases and trimmed their size considerably
Compressed art files to reduce mod size
fixed runtime error caused by uncommented line of code
Added Mylon's Naval Counterattack mod
Historical info:
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Two fantastic lectures on the English Civil War by Yale's Prof. Keith E. Wrightson:
Constitutional Revolution and Civil War, 1640-1646
Regicide and Republic, 1647-1660

At the accession of Charles I in 1625, England and Scotland had both experienced relative peace, both internally and in their relations with each other, for as long as anyone could remember. Charles hoped to unite the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland into a new single kingdom, fulfilling the dream of his father, James VI of Scotland and I of England. However, conflicts with Scotland and Ireland over religion and with his own Parliament over taxation and power arose almost immediately. In 1638 the Scots rebelled against Charles' implementation of a new Anglican prayer book and in 1641 the Irish Catholics rebelled as well.

Charles was forced to recall Parliament (which he had previously dissolved) to obtain funds for war but the new Parliament was more concerned in addressing their grievances with the King. In early 1642, Charles attempted to arrest 5 members of Parliament for treason but failed. Fearing for his safety, Charles fled London and raised his standard at Nottingham, signaling the start of the English Civil War. The war initially went well for Charles, with victories in the south and west of England, however the tide turned with defeat at Marston Moor in 1644. The defeat saw Charles lose York and much of the north of England. Further defeats at Naseby and Langport saw Charles' armies effectively destroyed. Charles surrendered to the Scots in 1646 and was eventually handed over to Parliament. While in custody, Charles allied with the Scots and instigated a rebellion which led to the Second English Civil War. Parliament was able to put down the rebellion and, after the army marched on Parliament demanding action, placed Charles on trial for treason. Charles was found guilty and beheaded on January 30, 1649.

After the execution of Charles I in 1649 the Scottish Covenanters allied with his son, Charles II, but Scotland was conquered by Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army and Scotland's hopes of independence from the English Commonwealth were dashed. The situation in Ireland turned to stalemate until the defeat of the Royalists in England in 1646. In 1647, Parliamentarian forces inflicted a shattering series of defeats on the Confederates. In 1649, Cromwell invaded Ireland with his New Model Army and by 1651, nearly all of Ireland had been conquered. Irish guerrillas, or "Tories," continued to resist for two more years but most surrendered when Cromwell offered to allow them to leave Ireland and serve in the French army. After the English Parliament devolved into infighting and inaction, Cromwell dissolved it and ruled over England, Scotland, and Ireland as Lord Protector until his death in 1658. In 1660, the Restoration would return Charles II to the throne.
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Custom Civilizations, Leaders, and Unique Units
Custom (although admittedly mediocre) artwork for Dawn of Man screens, Leaderheads, and icons.
Custom faction-specific Generals lists for added historical authenticity.
Full, detailed Civilopedia entries for Civs, Leaders, UUs, and Generals.
Custom-built map of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Uses no DLC!
Custom Game menu (credit to whoward69 for code and tutorial)
Custom victory condition: Complete Domination- you must conquer all of your opponents' cities to win before running out of turns (credit to whoward69 for code and his tutorial again)
Mylon's Naval Counterattack mod
Reworked combat (increased unit HP, no city bombard, increased city defense values, altered unit combat values)
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English Royalists
Leader: Charles I
Unique Attribute: Commission of Array- Land military units cost 25% less to maintain due to loyalty to the king.
Unique Unit: Cavalier- a Lancer replacement which receives an additional movement point and a small boost to Combat Strength.
Generals List: Prince Rupert of the Rhine, James Butler, Duke of Ormonde, Sir Bevil Grenville, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, James Graham, Marquess of Montrose, Sir Ralph Hopton
Difficulty Level: Very Easy*- A few fairly strong armies early on with decent productive capability. Opportunities for early victories abound.

English Parliament
Leader: Oliver Cromwell
Unique Attribute: New Model Army- New gun units receive a bonus outside of friendly lands.
Unique Unit: Ironsides- a Lancer replacement which can attack twice each turn.
Generals List: Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Fairfax, William Waller, George Monck, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, Edward Montagu, Earl of Manchester
Difficulty Level: Extremely Easy*- Relatively small early army but the capacity to put more new units into the field than any other faction. Royal Navy sides with Parliament allowing control of he seas.

Scottish Covenanters
Leader: David Leslie
Unique Attribute: Highland Charge- New gun units receive a free Charge promotion.
Unique Unit: Highlander- a Musketman replacement which receives a bonus when on the attack.
Generals List: David Leslie, Lord Newark, Alexander Leslie, Earl of Leven, James Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton, Robert Monro, James Livingston, Earl of Callendar, Archibald Campbell, Marquess of Argyll
Difficulty Level: Pretty Easy*- Fairly small early army but decent production and defensible position.

Irish Confederates
Leader: Thomas Preston
Unique Attribute: Guerrilla Warfare- New gun units receive a bonus fighting in Forest and Jungle.
Unique Unit: Tory- a Musketman replacement which receives double movement through Forest and Jungle.
Generals List: Thomas Preston, Owen Roe O'Neill, Garret Barry, Alisdair Mac Colla, Phelim O'Neill, Donough MacCarty, Viscount Muskerry
Difficulty Level: Easy*- Lowest production level of any faction but a defensible island allows Ireland to choose its own pace of conquest.

*Note on Difficulties: How can every faction be easy? In short, the AI is incredibly stupid. I have taken as many measures as possible to increase the competitiveness of the AI but it is still pretty pathetic. I recommend playing the scenario on Deity for any sort of challenge.
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Southeast England under Parliamentary control:

Southwest England under Parliament control except Cornwall and southern Wales under Royalist control:

Northern England and Wales largely under Royalist control except for Manchester and Hull:

Scotland under Covenanter control except for the Royalist forces in the lands of the MacDonald clan:

Ireland under Confederate control except the Royalists in Dublin and Drogheda, the Parliament forces in Cork, and the Scots in Ulster:
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jeffah3539: XML, Art, Map
whoward69: Custom Game menu code, Custom Victory Condition code, his wonderful tutorial
Mylon: Naval Counterattack mod
FramedArchitect: Gods & Kings update

I hope you all enjoy this scenario. It definitely was a lot of work but I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Let me know what you think and any suggestions you might have! :)
Custom Game Menu:
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Dawn of Man screens:
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Sample Civilopedia Entries:
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All four custom civs have similar entries!
I recently started playing as the Irish on immortal in this scenario today. I love it! great work! no complaints here :D
just finished my game on immortal last night as the irish....I really enjoyed it! Really showed me the potential power for naval warfare, as I had many sea battles with my 15 frigates :P
Finished on turn 116, is there any reason for the turn limit? It seems a bit too much. Also, maybe each faction should start off with a worker? Just a suggestion. Again, what a great mod, gonna go check out playing as the parliament since they apparently have most of the naval power.
Again, great work on the mod; balance and graphics work perfectly! Played through on Irish at lower difficulty and very much enjoyed!
best, William

Glad you liked it! :D

just finished my game on immortal last night as the irish....I really enjoyed it! Really showed me the potential power for naval warfare, as I had many sea battles with my 15 frigates :P
Finished on turn 116, is there any reason for the turn limit? It seems a bit too much. Also, maybe each faction should start off with a worker? Just a suggestion. Again, what a great mod, gonna go check out playing as the parliament since they apparently have most of the naval power.

Hmm...seems like everyone likes the Irish ;).

I found the same things with Naval warfare in my playthroughs. Unfortunately, it seems to be yet another thing the AI doesn't handle well. I thought about maybe increasing the cost of Frigates but then the AI would continue pouring hammers into something they may never use so it is a tradeoff. It actually helped the AI in one of my tests playing as the Irish because the Royalists and Scots had Frigates preventing an invasion of England. I had to invest in Frigates to clear the way for my troops to cross the sea.

The turn limit is there just to keep it to a certain historical period. I tended to finish my games about the same time as you did (between turns 100-120) so I considered reducing the time limit but I couldn't find a good way to do it. It ends in 1660 because that is the year of the Restoration which seemed like a good ending point for the period. Each turn is 1 month so from 1642-1660 adds up to the 216 turns. I tested making each turn 2 months which cut the total turns in half from 216 to 108 but that ended up being too short for a full conquest. Historically, Cromwell conquered Scotland in 1651 and Ireland in 1649 (although guerrilla fighting continued in Ireland until 1653) and these dates are generally around turns 100-120 in the mod so I am happy with the current pacing. I want to have enough time for less aggressive players to win without the game dragging on forever.

I thought about giving them some workers since I disabled building them but I kinda like the idea of the war potentially turning into an attrition war of pillaging if things don't go smoothly. It also runs the risk of adding another potential exploit for the human because the AI isn't smart about protecting assets like that. I think I may do it though just because it can be a little too annoying losing a resource for the whole game. Did something specific happen in your game to make you say: "Man, I wish I had a Worker!" or did you just generally want to improve tiles?

Good luck playing as Parliament. I would definitely recommend popping up to Deity to play as them as their naval power and production is pretty powerful in human hands. Let me know what strategy you use for them as I am always interested to hear how people attack the map. In my various playthroughs I tend to gravitate to the historical strategies for each of the factions so I would like to see if someone tries something different.
I agree with your comment about workers. Also I was just looking at the map and told myself "wow...looks so bare" :P
Spolier for tactics
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as for tactics, I first took all of the cities on ireland...was a little slow, but you eventually get there. At first, I built more pikemen because I wanted more units faster (takes a long time to build tory/cannons in low production cities, like cities on the west coast of Ireland). I soon realized that I should have built more tory's or cannons because taking cities with only pikes is just too hard. Don't worry about the long building times for tory/cannon's as your cities will grow to more productive tiles and you will want a more powerful army. After that, I crossed the 1 tile gap in between the 2 islands. Took a bunch of those cities, had a couple of pikes die due to enemy frigates picking them off...:P I rolled right towards edinburgh, ended up pretty well, only lost a cannon and a tory. Then I just marched up north. In my coastal cities I began just pumping out frigates to defend any embarked units. I found that embarking your units was much faster than raveling by land ue to the rugged terrain/choke points. Took a while to clean out the cities in the north, but all ended well there. Then I just marched north. At that time I had about 5 frigates, so I split my army into 2...1 pike, 1 tory, and 4 frigates went south to pick off the coastal cities and I actually ended up taking about 7 cities with that small army. With my main army, I just marched south and destroyed everything.

Here's another suggestion...maybe disable the instaheal promotion.
I used it frequently to be able to keep marching through those choke points... I think it would be more interesting if I could not be allowed to insta-heal, it seems too powerful.
Very interesting. My tactics were a little different when I played Ireland.

Spoiler :
I started by capturing all of the foreign-owned cities in Ireland. I then built a small navy to clear the way to England. I landed a rather large army of Cannons and Tories near Pembroke and then moved through Wales into England. Soon after I landed another army at Liverpool. I got stuck for a while when trying to capture Hereford and Gloucester due to the city attacks and some defensive Cannons. Once I finally broke through Gloucester then Bristol and Oxford fell quickly. I used my Frigates and embarked units to move along the southern coast capturing cities while my armies slowly moved east on land. This allowed me to conquer the whole of England rather quickly as I could bombard a city with 5-6 General-buffed Cannons and capture it quickly. I then moved my armies north to attack Scotland but I found I had trouble getting large numbers of units into battle due to the rugged terrain. Eventually I finished the conquest (Frigates were a massive boost). I like your strategy of utilizing naval power earlier and moving against Scotland first, though. By the time I went after a Scotland they had a decent number of units that I had to clear out and the terrain made the conquest tough.

Note on Pikemen:
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I am kinda disappointed with Pikemen currently. They really aren't much use. It was actually worse until I reduced Cannon's ranged attack from 26 to 16. Before that Cannons were 1-shotting Pikemen. Even now, however, they hurt them a lot and cities can put a hurting on them as well. I think the city ranged attacks are too powerful but I haven't found a way to reduce them. I may buff all units a bit to hopefully counter the city bombards and bring Pikemen closer to Musket strength. Historically, Pikemen were very important as the gunpowder weapons of the era were not very advanced so I think that makes sense.

When I finished I did notice that the map looked kinda bare and was somewhat disappointed. I think part of it is that I usually play with tile yields and grid lines on so that clutters up the map a bit so I didn't notice it until I turned them off to take some pics. The difficult part is balance. Originally the map had more improvements but it resulted in way too much gold and production. Civs were getting 50+ gold per turn and cranking out units every few turns. I should be able to fiddle with the game speed modifiers and add improvements to keep things about where they are balance-wise while improving the look. I think I would also like to increase city sizes a bit as well.

I hate the Insta-heal promotion as well. It definitely can be abused but I have seen the AI use it effectively as well. I think I am going to remove it because it detracts from historical realism for me. I think the reason it can cause more problems here is that none of the units are above level 1 so they can get that promotion very quickly.
I also feel like I did not use lancers at all. They fail attacking cities (of course) and are supposed to be there to clean up the cannons. But I went for more tory's instead because they are much stronger all around. I think I only built 1 lancer for fun to see how it died fairly quickly :P Also, my starting lancer died very quickly as well.
I like your idea about buffing the pikemen and removing the insta heal!
Keep up the outstanding work! :D
You may want to disable the Ancient Wonder DLC wonders... I let the AI build them, which probably put them way behind on unit building. Then again, one of them increases city attack bonus, so may have offset the shield investment.

My Irish strat was similar to above... I consolidated Ireland then took the Clans and Inverness, which are pretty defensible. My primary aim was to take iron deposits. I used war spoils to buy frigates. I sent one small fleet east to help take eastern Scotland while ground forces then took Dumfries and southern Scotland.

I also wish there was some city building/terrain improvement to do. Also, without workers, pillaging isn't worth it.
I also feel like I did not use lancers at all. They fail attacking cities (of course) and are supposed to be there to clean up the cannons. But I went for more tory's instead because they are much stronger all around. I think I only built 1 lancer for fun to see how it died fairly quickly :P Also, my starting lancer died very quickly as well.
I like your idea about buffing the pikemen and removing the insta heal!
Keep up the outstanding work! :D

Lancers are a difficult problem to solve. They suck in the base game as well. They are inherently field units but Civ warfare is naturally siege based. I am considering making all units stronger while also increasing their base cost to reduce the number of units on the map. This should give Lancers more room to maneuver to be more effective. I may remove their defensive penalty so they aren't so vulnerable as well.

You may want to disable the Ancient Wonder DLC wonders... I let the AI build them, which probably put them way behind on unit building. Then again, one of them increases city attack bonus, so may have offset the shield investment.

I also wish there was some city building/terrain improvement to do. Also, without workers, pillaging isn't worth it.

Hmm...I don't have the Ancient Wonder DLC so that is a bit of a problem. I was not aware that they could be built. I will have to search around for the XML tags for them so I can disable them.

I am going to revamp the map for the next release and add improvements so the map doesn't look so bare. I will also be giving each civ 1-2 Workers.
Lancers are a difficult problem to solve. They suck in the base game as well. They are inherently field units but Civ warfare is naturally siege based. I am considering making all units stronger while also increasing their base cost to reduce the number of units on the map. This should give Lancers more room to maneuver to be more effective. I may remove their defensive penalty so they aren't so vulnerable as well.
Giving Lancers the Blitz promotion would allow them to attack and fade away from the front line, making them useful without making any other changes...
yup lancers in vanilla just suck! I think I've only ever built 1, which was my first game to mess around and build everything!
blitz would be too strong xD , maybe give them a promotion that allows them only to move after attacking and removing the defense penalty as well.
In my new game with your scenario, I actually found the lancers able to match with the muskets, I actually got my whole army wiped out with 1 lancer, 2 muskets and a cannon O.o (the lancers did lots of damage...on deity)
I just released version 2 of the mod. Here are the changes:

Increased Frigate and Cannon cost
Buffed Pikeman to 14 Str and reduced vs. Mounted bonus to 50%
Disabled Instant Heal promotion
Disabled City Bombard
Increased unit max HP to 25
Increased city defense values from garrison and population
Combined multiple icon atlases into single atlases and trimmed their size considerably
Compressed art files to reduce mod size
fixed runtime error caused by uncommented line of code
Added Mylon's Naval Counterattack mod

For version 3 I am planning to completely redo the map and make some changes to the combat system in accordance with the map changes.
Really enjoyed this. Well done looking forward to it getting better and better.
every time I try this mod civ5 stops working. Others get it to work, What's up with my computer?! Dan
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