The English Tale


Jul 19, 2004
Beaufort, South Carolina, USA
(Ok, this is my first story, so please deal with me!)

It is the year 4,000 B.C. and the mighty English have decided to settle down and become civilized. The glorious Elizabeth has risen to power and has stepped up as a leader of her people. This is the start of greater things to come.

Elizabeth sent out two of her finest warriors to explore the land around her newly founded capital of London. They have found marsh, hills, and forrest, amongst the lands. A vast mountain range is visible in the distance and should be a great asset to our defence and may contain vital resources in the future.

With more exploration, we have come across some unearthly rebels who do not wish us to continue. This backwards tribe will be squashed as a lesson to all those who wish to deter England from achieving her grace which she deserves.

Elizabeth has sent out a settler whom is about to create a second city for her to govern. Wines have been discovered across the mountains, and the land will soon be settled to provide England with the good that are rightfully hers.

Recent explorations have yielded great resources. We have further discovered dyes and diamonds near our lands. The city of York has been founded not far from London and a road is under construction to connect the worlds two greatest cities. Elizabeth is doing well so far and is seemingly a great leader. Her military is mighty, her economy is strong, and her determinination is even greater!

A new civilization has been cited and is close to the source of dyes. Elizabeth must hurry if she intends to reach the dyes first.

We have met the new civilization and they have turned out to be poorer, but more advanced than Elizabeth and this does not please her. She has dispatched a settler towards the dyes and wishes to create more inorder to build more cities.

In other news, the source of diamonds has trippled. There are 3 souces instead of one. A settler is being built to obtain this wonderful resource. However, just past the diamonds is a vast lifeless desert and Elizabeth is not happy with this turn of events.

We have also stumbled across another civilization, perhaps friends, possible foes...only time will tell. "Expand! Expand! Expand!" Declares Elizabeth!

The future is uncertain, but Elizabeth wants to be ever more advanced and to be the envy of the world. She has much work to do!
Elizabeths demands of exploration have not gone unheard. The city of Nottingham has been founded and obtained the dyes Elizabath longed for. Hastings was also settled and hence gained the diamonds Elizabeth wished to flaunt. There are two more settlers available to get the wines and start connecting the empire!

We have settled the wines and are now trying to determine which way to steer the country. More workers are desterately needed, but Elizabeths demands for science, culture and more cities are too much. She may be leading the country to doom. The military needs more attention. We are behind in science, but the economy is still doing good, bringing her 6 gold each turn.

We recently contacted Japan and exchanged a technology, and they proceded to tell us that we were backwards. This angered Elizabeth, but with a downsized military away from home exploring, there is little she can do.

The job of being the leader of this struggling despotism has prooven to be stressful. How is she supposed to keep up science while keeping a stablized economy while at the same time having a military to protect her people and settle new lands for her people to work and live.
Elizabeth has met the French, and they were friendly. They offered horseback riding for 100 gold, but Elizabeth was not pleased. She worked them down to 96 gold per turn, because she feels that nothing should be wasted and if they would accept 96, then why waste 4 gold and give them 100? Elizabeth was pleased with the dealings, because she also found out that the French were impressed with our culture, however, her subjects also were impressed with the French culture and so her happiness was quelled.

Things seemed to be getting worse and worse for England. We were falling behing in technology. It was becoming harder and harder to create more cities and try to maintain a balance of military, economy, and improvements. We discovered the wheel, but turned out to be worthless, for there were no horses in our realm. However, an uncertain change in events may proove to be better. With the discovery of Iron Working, Elizabeth was please to hear that there were two sources of the precious metal very near her borders so she orded them to be worked as soon as possible.

Then the greatest thing possible happened. The Colossus in Elizabeth's hometown of London, and a golden age spread through the empire. Elizabeth was estatic because this meant that the economy would do better, production would rise and then she could raise the science in her lands and discover more technologies to better her country. Things were already getting better, as not long after that the road to the Gems for Elizabeth was created. Gold was flowing into the treasury at 17 gold per turn, and to top that off, we recently taught the Japanese to write for 30 gold. The queen was happy.

Things in the country were going great. Culture was expanding, Science was up, as was the economy. The military was mostly defensive, but that should soon change was we just recently built roads to the vital resource.

The golden age has also brough two new cities thus far, but with more room, more are sure to come.

Then the inevitable happened. The golden age ended. It helped England greatly. We were close behind in science, but still behind. There was now limited room to expand due to other civilizations. We had grown to know many civilizations. We knew of the Russia to the south of us, and the Aztecs below them. We knew Korea to the north of us. To the west were the Hittites and France. And inbetween France and Russia was Japan.

There was frustrating news however. As of this moment, the empire of England was second to last in score, above only Japan. This was frustrating to Elizabeth. She knew that vast improvements must be made, and to ensure the survival of her country she ordered a huge increase in military production as soon as possible. Gold was flowing in at 20 gold per turn, so this would be possible. Things would change!

The very next turn, London, known to be a grandious city, completed the Great Lighthouse, and Elizabeth knew that this would be a great addition to her empire, because it would guide her royal naval through the depts of the sea!

Elizabeth had one technology that none other had, and she exploited this. Literature was unique to England at the time, but she knew that it would be for long, so she met with every other country and taught them all about literature. The rewards were great. She, inturn was taught the Code of Laws, and was given 146 gold from four nations. It was then discovered that the Koreans were severly behind in their technology, so they would be the first targets for war when Elizabeth deemed it necessary.
It was now the year 950 B.C. There were improvements to be built, the military still needed to be built up, and now we were falling behind in science again. Herodotus released his "Great" history of the world and claimed that England was ranked 6th in the world in science. This was disturbing to Elizabeth. She ordered more money must be spent on science to compete with the rest of the world. 6th was un acceptable.

Elizabeth was disturbed. Her neighbers were larger, more advaced, and even stronger than she. We were in a dire status. Change must come, but change takes time. Scientific spending shot the economy down to 4 gold per turn. That was close...too close. England must curb spending and create marketplaces for its people inorder to obtain more money.
Anybody have any imput? This is my first story, so I'm anxious to hear what people have to say!
The year is 290 B.C. and here is a look at Elizabeth's territory.

A deal was recently struck with the Hittites. I was to give them Gems, 3 Gold per Turn and all that was in my coffers, which was roughly 240 gold, and inturn they taught me Monothesism. Elizabeth was happy because her science advisor informed her that it would be another 13 turns before she was to discover the secret.

In other events, an island was discovered. It was far away, but our ships were the only that could safe cross seas, so Elizabeth ordered a settler to the distant isle. The island was large, but we only had time for one settler. Should war break out, it would be very tough to defend, but that was a chance Elizabeth wanted to take.

In the year of our lord, 10 AD, the settler landed on the distant, empty island. He wouldnt be alone long though. Another settler was already in route to the island. It would be a slow process to build up the island, but Elizabeth had her dreams. She claimed that there may be new resources to obtain on the island and that with England in the position it is in now, we are not to throw away any possibilites.

It was in the year 110 AD that the other settler landed. Things were getting better for now. However, even those that Elizabeth was ahead of in science, she was now behind. She was outraged. Military production is going up, no if ands or buts about it. She ordered it, and so it was!
The Koreans were coming. They were marching through Enland. Elizabeth was sleepless because war was looming with a now powerful neighbor. She had not the power to stop them. Midieval Infantry were beinging to come out of our cities and our military was growing.

She breathed a sigh of relief when it became apparent to her that they were mearly passing through, off to conquer another country. This was further confirmed when they offered us some of their silks in turn for our gems. There would be no war with the Koreans.

England then discovered that it has a technology that the French and the Aztecs did not. So, we traded. The Aztecs gave us Engineering, and the French loved us so much, that they gave us Horses, Chivalry, and 10 gold! Now England was but one tech behind the others...Invention. We would have it in 9 turns, but without doubt, by then those who had it would move on and still be ahead of us. Much progress had been made. The people loved Elizabeth.

Then it happened. The Koreans reached the Aztec city of Teayo. It was much sepearated from the rest of their country so surely it would be an easy take for the Koreans who had who had two midievil infantry and two archers ready to strike, with five more Midievil Infantry on their way and another archer as well. Teayo would fall.
Out of nowhere, the Russians and the Hittites declared war on the Aztecs. So now its the Koreans, Hittites, and the Russians against the Aztecs. Elizabeth almost felt sorry for them in her heart, but she knew that if such feelings became public, the alliance againts the Aztecs may not like it and wouldnt risk her intervening on behalf of the Aztecs. So, personally she felt sorry for her friend Montazuma, who had a stuggle ahead of her, but diplomatically she was nuetral. She would help by letting any pass through her lands if they so wished, as long as they didnt come after her cities.

Then it became clear to her. The Japanese were behing by two techs now. We had bue one source of saltpeter, and they had another that was with our reach. At the city of Kagoshima. We must act now to ensure our countries superiority! When our gallies confirmed that Japan was a small country, Elizabeth ordered the attack, once we had our forces into pouncing positions. War was coming.
In the first wave of the attack, we had two knights that were successful. A pikeman and a spearman were killed. The remaining defenders had to answer to 8 Midievil Infantry and a swordsman. Kagoshima would be under the hands of England soon. Elizabeth was pleased. This attack would show the world Englands strength. And while she knew that it was taking our entire offensive military to carry it out, the rest of the world did not. The battle of Kagoshima would be a display to the world of Englands power. Kagoshima must fall!

And in the year 430, it did.

Elizabeth had a new city. The power of England would grow. She was very pleased indeed. The war must go on she proclaimed, and so it shall!

The road to Japan was trying. We had a right of passage with the Russians, so our remaining Midievil Infantry could quickly pass through to Japan. But once in Russia, we found ourselves surrounded by Japanese horseman. Their attack power seemed to be enough to severly deplete my force of 5 medievil infantry, and we now had only 3 in the area. We counter attacked and killed them all, save one that attacked Kagoshima. It was then clear that the Russians and the Japanese also had a right of passage. This war would be tougher than Elizabeth though, and when word came to her that this happened, she was outraged and had the general in control of the war thrown in the Tower.

The new General thought Tokyo would be a good next target. It had excessive amounts of dyes, and something that England did not...horses. If he could capture this city, Enland would gain the upper hand. However doing so would prove to be a very difficult task, and our troops had a long march from hom to Tokyo.

The very next turn the Japanese came at us in full force. England now had a japanese army headed its way with now way to stop it. Elizabeth had rushed into the war that she did not need. However, whats done cannot be undone, and we must fight!

We will hold them off at all cost. Then it was brought to Elizabeths attention that Russia had no source of iron or saltpeter. This meant that they only had spearman to defend with. A successful war with Russia would definitely do England some good, so Elizabeth pleaded with peace from the Japanese and got it. Warr with Russia would srping up. The world shall know the might of England!
The year was now 580. England had canceled its right of passage agreement with Russia. There were now 5 Medievil Infantry on the border near Smolensk, and another 11 near Rostov. War would come soon.

It was now 630 AD and the War was progressing well. Russia was already weakened by its war against the Aztecs. They managed to take 3 Russian cities. There is little resistance, save a few Russian long bow man here and there...Nothing our Medievil infantry cant handle. This war will bea victory. We have captured Smolensk and Rostov and I'm sending the remainder of Englands force towards Moscow.

Elizabeth demanded that city be taken. The idea of conquering a foreign capital, she thought, would project an image of supremecy and power to the world. And so it shall come. The battle of Smolensk and Rostov are over. The battle for Moscow is soon to commence...
The English army marches to Moscow. It will fall. Elizabeth has proclaimed that Moscow will be a "mock" capital. She will place her forbidden palace there inorder to show the world that she will control what she sees as rightfully her.

In the mean time, Sumeria has contacted the great realm of England and we were suprised to see that they had a lot to offer for simple saltpeter.

Rome then contacted me and we exchanged territory maps. They are very far behind in technology, so I offered them Monothesism for their world map and they took it.

The battle of Moscow has commenced. I hadn't enough power to take it in one blow. Although I managed to defeat every defensive unit in the city, there remains a single longbow man, barely clinging to life. He will fall, and so will Moscow.

The attack commenced! Whats this! Another spearman? No big deal screamed Elizabeth and the attack went on..and on...and on until the spearman had completely decimated the English force, leaving a single medievil infantryman. The queen has ordered that that spearman shall suffer the horriblest death in all of history for his insolence. His blood will line the streets of Moscow as a reminder to all that if you challenge the queen, you will be slaghtered!
Alas! A single medieval infantry was teasing the Russian city of Yakutsk, attacking each turn, over and over until the all mighty Lord blessed us with a victory and yeilded us the great Edward! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!

The very next turn Yakutsk fell to the power of the Queen. A new development, one the queen was happy to hear, had now changed England's hopes. St. Petersburg, which fell to the Aztecs, was now back in Russian possession. It too shall fall to England, another prized city to be!

Three medieval infantry were loaded unto a caravel and transported by sea to the city of Novgorod. There they were unloaded and launched an attack on the city. However, the attack failed and the city was still in Russian hands. The Queen was unemocional at this news as Novgorod was not the prize she was truely after, Moscow. A small stream of troops were just reaching the outskirts of Moscow now, but they have had time to rebuild. This will be a long fight, and the Queen has proclaimed that there will be no end in fighthing until all of Russia is in the hands of England.

The Queen becoming more and more annoyed at the fact that Moscow was still under the flag of Russia, built up Geroge's Army with medieval infantry, and deployed it to Moscow, where it shall be the glory of England and be the first to stroll into the center of Moscow. What Elizabeth wants, she gets, and Moscow is her prize.

Elizabeth, becoming further annoyed that her military was not advancing fast enough, ordered another troop landing at Novgorod. George's Army was in the hills just outside of Moscow when a messenger burst into one of her Cabinent meetings to inform her of some tragic news from the front...

The queen immeadiately ordered the city back to her control. She could not let the world see that this had happened. The city must be taken back at all cost. Those were the Queens demands!

At Moscow, Geroge's Army attacked and was nearly destroyed by two Spearmen. The war was not going well and Elizabeth was becoming quite angry with her military officials. Yet another general was locked away in the Tower for his insolence and improper planning of the war. He had made the Queen look bad, and for that she should have his head.

Three more infantrymen were unloaded unto the shores of Novgorod, where not a single one of them managed to kill a spearman, who's defense was only half of that of the medieval infantry's attacking power. The Queen was in an outrage and ordered that not a single soldier shall take one step back. There is no retreat. You push on until you are dead, in the name of the Queen! Her only exception to this rule was George's Army, who could not die in this war. His army was vital in keeping the people on her side. If he fell, they would want peace. Push on England, push on!!
Well, I have some really bad news.

Sorry if you were looking forward to the rest of the story. For some reason the game quit working and closed. I hadn't saved it yet, so, I guess this is the end. Sorry folks! I'm pretty angry, but theres nothing that I can do!

Edit:: I still would like input from people on how I did with my first story!!!
I wonder why you're still in despotism, you're almost in the industrial ages... :confused:

At any rate, nice story :)
What a shame. I was enjoying that(have you checked the autosave?). England surely was destined to conquer the world!

I liked the story telling, especially Elizabeth's attitudes. Perhaps adding more personality to other people would enhance it(for example the advisors or Catherine etc).

A few questions- did you play in conquests?, what was the difficulty?

You had quite a tough starting position- a peninsula with no resources or fresh water teribly near, and although your wars were going well, there are a few things that I might have done differently.
I'd settle more cities closer to the capital- grabbing the luxs early is good, but it is often better to develop your empire quicker using a closer city layout, and then you can trade for or capture the luxs.
How many wonders did you build in London? As a general rule I don't build many- better to focus on other things early on.
You revolted from despotism to democracy in about 700AD. I often try to get to republic as soon as possible and then stay there, or monarchy if you're a warmonger. Despotism is bad and it's good to get out of it asap.

Thanks for the good story!:D
I played this game on a large world, and the difficulty was only on Warlard. For some reason, I have tried Regent, but I always get stomped. And this game isnt in the autosave because I just started a new game as India, and the only autosaves are for that game :( Oh, and I played this on Civ Complete.

I'm not sure quite how many wonders I had in London, 3 maybe 4?
I wonder why you're still in despotism, you're almost in the industrial ages... :confused:

At any rate, nice story :)

I tend to stick to depotism until I get to communism. I dont like being a republic because of the war warriness, and my economy always seems to drop when i switch to monarchy. I tend to have a sucky economy with anything other than depotism or communism. I have never tried fuedalism though...
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