The 'Fairer' Sex


Crusty Manhole
Aug 24, 2001
Aurora, CO
Growing up, I saw in the movies and heard in the songs about how men are lowdown dirty scum who cheat on women left and right. Yet in the REAL WORLD, in my own personal experiences, it is women who do the cheating. I am selective in the friends I acquire and maybe I seem to pick male friends who are honest and don't cheat on the women they go out with.

What really amuses me is that a woman will cheat on a man, and then it is partially HIS FAULT because she didn't feel she could talk to him. So the communications broke down. Yes that is partially his fault. But is it truly his fault that the whore went and spread her legs for another man?

Is this something you could forgive? I personally could NEVER trust the woman again. Some men are different and could get past it. Maybe they are better men than I. I personally could think of other adjectives to replace 'better' with, but hey.

I have never cheated but I have been thinking for some time now of making it a point to cheat. Just to do it. I figure I won't be ruining any 'wonderful relationship' as the odds are already against me. Why not give a nice strike back at the Female Forces? Sure the one I cheat on never did anything bad to me and possibly never cheated on anyone else in her life. Should THAT stop me from screwing her over though? The circle continues, why not be a part of it?

Infidelity could be considered one of the worst sins against another person. But it happens like it's going out of style.

I have no trust. Especially when it comes to a woman whom I am in a relationship with. It takes some time to earn my trust, and relationships more often than not don't last long enough for it. Is my mistrust a factor in this? Well that could be one excuse I guess.

And the man who tries to schlock his way though a phone book is the a$$hole. Go figure.
I was cheated on, did not accept that and if it happens again, I'll leave her too. I simply cannot have faith in that person again.

Generally, I don't trust people and I am VERY picky about who I call "friend". I have known the vast majority of my friends since age 6 (26 now).

Other than that, do onto people as people do onto you,
Originally posted by WickedSmurf
Other than that, do onto people as people do onto you,
But do it first ;)
I have been on all sides of the spectrum:
-being cheated on (I do not know howmany times, as I cannot know this, but at least once)
-having cheated (twice, both long time ago)
-Being the third person. So many times, that my conclusion is that women can't be trusted ;) !
Originally posted by Stapel
I have been on all sides of the spectrum:
-being cheated on (I do not know howmany times, as I cannot know this, but at least once)
-having cheated (twice, both long time ago)
-Being the third person. So many times, that my conclusion is that women can't be trusted ;) !

Maybe you just attract cheaters? ;)
There are objective studies on this stuff. ~ 2/3 of all males cheat and it's nearly the same for females (a little less).
I'm with you Floppa. I could never forgive a woman who cheated on me.

btw: I'm sick of that show Everybody Loves Raymond. It should be entitled Everywoman Loves to Belittle and humilate Men.

Racist feminist pigs are no different from racist male chauvenist pigs. A pig is a pig. People ought to learn to love one another and stop the hate.
I was recently bounced from my house by my now ex-girlfriend; her way of coping with the fact that she was cheating with a cheat.

But there's the rub; there had to be a stupid ass guy on the other end, didn't there?

I think there is a real problem now with the way men are viewed. Some feminists have missed the point and have been making it like women need to be "freed" from men. They have put it in some women's minds to put men down and treat them like they are second-class citizens. It wrong and they feel the need to emasculate men. Men are due for a comeback into manliness. They are being pushed around and treated like bumbling idiots that just need to be bossed around. Women need to chill out a little bit and not be so agressive. I am not one of these women and I think men have their own unique skills that women lack. Some people make it like women are somehow superior to men in every way. Not true though. We ARE superior in some ways, but everyone forgets that we are inferior in others. Men have their own talents and points of view and should not be treated as poorly as women used to be before the feminist revolution.
Feminism was always a poor choice of name for the movement. Sexual / gender egalitarianism would have sent a much better message and might not have attracted so many extremist militants, however doesn't roll off the tongue in the way that the former does.

And no, that was not a sapphic reference :p
I'ma try to stick my D into anything and everything feminine. At least until it falls off.
Originally posted by Eklektikos
Feminism was always a poor choice of name for the movement. Sexual / gender egalitarianism would have sent a much better message and might not have attracted so many extremist militants, however doesn't roll off the tongue in the way that the former does.

And no, that was not a sapphic reference :p

I'm with you there, man. I hate how the word "feminism" practically is synonymous for "man-hating b****" I think true feminism is caring about women's issues, but not focusing on taking down men. It's a useless waste of time and makes women look terrible in the process. I consider myself a true feminist because I want women to have equal pay and such, but I don't think men are the "enemy."
I strongly disagree. Not all women or man have some guaranteed "skills" or lack others just because of their sex.
That's like saying "blacks are too dumb for math but they make good runners".
Originally posted by Mario Feldberg
I strongly disagree. Not all women or man have some guaranteed "skills" or lack others just because of their sex.
That's like saying "blacks are too dumb for math but they make good runners".

No, no I don't mean that. I'm not saying "Men are better at math" or anything like that. That's just silly. I mean that our brains are hardwired differently. There was actually a thread here on that.
Originally posted by Superevie
I mean that our brains are hardwired differently.

And that means...?
Originally posted by Speedo

That the male and female brains are "built" differently. Male brains are better suited to some things than female brains, and female brains are better at some things than male's.
Agreed, but some men are good in typical woman things and vice versa. We can't just tell by the gender.
Originally posted by Superevie
They have put it in some women's minds to put men down and treat them like they are second-class citizens. It wrong and they feel the need to emasculate men. Men are due for a comeback into manliness. They are being pushed around and treated like bumbling idiots that just need to be bossed around.

If these men accept such treatment then they deserve all that is coming to them.
Well, we can all discuss for infinite pages about how men are being mistreated by extreme feminists.
However, the number of abused women is still very very high, much higher than the number of abused men.
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