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The Family Action Chatroom: Another Sonereal AC Gone Wrong


♫We got the guillotine♫
Mar 31, 2008
Welcome to Metropolis. The year is 19…thirty or forty something. Who knows? I certainly don’t, nor do I care. Aren’t you supposed to be working anyway?

If you haven’t guessed, this is a distinctly Sonereal AC.


This format, use.

Character Name:
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Actually doesn’t matter as much as it usually would.
Physical: Strength and fitness. Affects your resilience and proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Mental: Concentration and intelligence. Affects your accuracy and gives you bonuses to trying to figure out enemy plans.
Charisma: Speech skills and leadership. Increases your characters ability to interact with NPCs.
Residence: Mom’s house, tenement, whatever. Edit: Somewhere not a mansion, or middle class. You know, Outsider level.
Inventory: None, currently
Cash: $0

You start with 5 points in each stat and you have 12 points to customize. Do not count on getting many more points or getting them on a regular basis.


As you perform missions for the Viteri Family, you’ll rise through the ranks, opening up bigger kinds of missions, more lucrative business, and you’ll command more respect.

Outsider: Replaceable, disposable, you’re basically just jobbing for the family doing dirty work.
Enforcer: You’re not responsible for handling those who don’t get with family policy.
Associate: You’re almost considered to be part of the family. At this level, you’re doing soldier level work for less pay than a soldier.
Soldier: You’re a member of the family! You’re now not only doing harder work, but running some of the rackets. However, you must perform a special task before gaining this rank…
Capo: You have soldiers who report to you. This is the highest rank in the game.
Antonio Michelavel

Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Italian
Physical: 5
Mental: 10
Charisma: 12
Residence: Tenement
Inventory: None, currently
Cash: All the moniez ($0)
Character Name: Asogai Obatala
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Nigerian
Physical: 15
Mental: 7
Charisma: 5
Residence: Apartment
Inventory: None, currently
Cash: $0
Bio: Biggest and most muscled Black Male specimen you have ever seen. 7"2, 310 pounds of straight muscle, he cuts more than a mere imposing figure, and has just enough brains to make things work to his advantage when he can't use this strength. He can run faster than anybody not named Usain Bolt, can lift near anything, and can punch right through steel. And yes, he can tear your head from your body on a good day, so don't piss him off.
Character Name: Treymaine Pedr
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Cornish
Physical: 9
Mental: 9
Charisma: 9
Residence: A Shack in a Orchard outside the City
Inventory: N/A
Cash: $0
Biography: A Cornish nationalist, he sought safety in the United States after fleeing arrest from authorities in Britain, where he is wanted for engaging in terrorist actions against the British government. Now he works for a Crime Family in Metropolis.
Character Name: Mamay Repin
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Ukrainian
Physical: 5
Mental: 15
Charisma: 7
Residence: One bedroom apartment
Inventory: None
Cash: $0
Bio: Rumored to have served in the Red Army as a sniper and how he escaped to America after killing his commanding officer, Mamay Repin strikes a lean figure with not much visible muscle. However he is well known for being a crack shot that can take apart any gun and put it back together before other men have even finished the taking apart stage. He is currently working for the Viteri Family in order to earn enough money to bring over the rest of his family to America from the USSR.
'ello ello.

First mission will be tomorrow around 6:00 PM Eastern. Is that good with everyone?
No, school is still a very real thing over here.
I have homework, projects, and finals. Which in my opinion takes up more time than night school. Not to mention I still need to sleep.

Can we just wait until the weekend?
I have homework, projects, and finals. Which in my opinion takes up more time than night school. Not to mention I still need to sleep.

Can we just wait until the weekend?


I'll need to check some things out, since I'm already planning to be out Friday and I usually plan day-by-day. Though, maybe this will work fine as a weekend thing. :shrugs:
Character Name: Marcus Aurelius
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Roman
Physical: 6
Mental: 7
Charisma: 14
Residence: Apartment
Inventory: None
Cash: $0

Born in the Vatican City to a cardinal and his mistress, Marcus was something of an oddity and outcast from birth. The cardinal set his lover up in the Italian countryside in a rather spiffy estate, where Marcus grew up learning how to be a charismatic smartass from his maternal grandfather. When he was 13, Operation Avalanche happened and Musso commandeered the estate for coordinating artillery strikes. In a bout of delicious irony, the house was destroyed in an artillery strike and the mistress fled the country with her child. She spent the rest of the war sexing American troops and eventually came to the US with one. They ran a small grocery in Brooklyn from the end of the war until they were killed by mobsters for not paying protection money. Marcus promptly joined a rival family to get revenge and stuff.
Nope. Got Youth Group (Church) tomorrow night.
Classic SonAC gone wrong?
I'm in.

Name: Samuel Polaski
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: Polish
Physical: 8
Mental: 8
Charisma: 11
Residence: Apartment
Inventory: None, currently
Cash: All the moniez ($0)
Bio: Polish immigrant. Let's go from there.
Character Name: Calico F. Al-Rahotep
Rank: Outsider
Nationality: American-Egyptian
Physical: 13
Mental: 7
Charisma: 7
Residence: Abandoned church
Inventory: None
Cash: $0
Bio: F you, I don't need one.
Good news everybody.

First mission is Monday around 5:00 PM. Was going to run one tonight but family stuff has come up.
Critical Time Zone Failure

Also which chatroom do we report to?
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