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The First Eagle War Council

Should the Eagles declare war on Die Küche?

  • No, war is not the answer. We must live in harmony with our neighbors.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abstain. I really don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Here is the situation in the War Zone:


First of all Kueche abandoned Heringen. (Which was to be expected).

Jever has been gifted to the Knights. (For some beer). :)

Knights positioned their army on the mountain, which would cause us some losses if we tend to kill it. Otherwise they can heal it and annoy us with it for some time.

I think, we need to capture Jever, to take away their landing town.

The other units (LB, who created that army and hurt knight) can be killed easily.

Please give me your comments/ideas.
And in the west:


Not sure whether it's worthwhile to take away the dyes (protected by 1 Musketeer and 1 warrior). they will get new supplies from the knights quickly anyway. :dunno:
I think taking Jever is our #1 priority. Hopefully the Knights didn't have time to pack a lot of units in there.

If taking Jever is not too costly, I'd like to see us consider attacking Butjadingen. It can't be defended by much more than 2 unfortified muskets from Bad Sulze.

If we can take Butjadingen, then Hitzacker should be undefended and can be reached by a cavalry from Cochem (don't use these on Jever or Butjadingen if you can help it).

We need to do some serious damage fast - a long war is not in our best interest at all.

I would not attack knights on mountains or especially the army on a mountain right now. I probably wouldn't even bother cleaning up the stray longbow and injured knights - we will just be trading a cav for a cheaper unit because whatever we use to kill them will be killed next turn.

Do what damage we can, then abandon stuff and bring our surviving cavs homeward to regroup.
The war continues:

I send a cav from Cochem to Jever and find the town empty:

Cavalry captures undefended Jever (and 8 gold)


I send a cavalry from Apfelstadt to Butjadingen. It's defended at least by 1 Musketeer:


We attack!

4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 Musketeer --> 1/4 cavalry :woohoo: (no GA)

a knight is now the top unit

I send in another cavalry:

4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 knight --> 3/4 cavalry :eek:

Butjadingen is captured:


I send the redlined cav to take a look at Hitzacker and it is undefended:


And now to an interesting thing:

We could send 4 fully healed cavs to Hitzacker after capturing it. From here they can reach three enemy towns next turn:


I think it's worth trying.

What do others think?
Awesome results so far :woohoo::woohoo: !!!!!

I like the idea of keeping Hitzacker short term. We will definitely have to abandon Butjadingen so the Brotherhood can't recapture it and get to Hitzacker, but we probably want to abandon all eastern cities besides Hitzacker anyway to prevent the Brotherhood from causing war weariness.
A walk in the Park! Good idea going around Bad Sulze. :thumbsup:
Alright, on we go:

The 1/4 cav captures undefended Hitzacker:


I move 4 fully healed cavs into Hitzacker.

Our western Dromon attempts to bomb Kartoffelruhe: missed and moves on southwards...

More moves agains Knights:

As we have now 10 cavs ready in Darkside, I decide to use one to kill the hurt knight. The cav can move to a hill afterwards.

4/4 cavalry vs. 2/4 knight --> 5/5 cavalry :)

And the cav that captured Jever has a move left and attacks the LB:

4/4 cavalry vs. 2/5 longbow --> 3/4 cavalry
Hmmm. Guess I should have said a walk in the Movie Theater, huh.... :mischief:
So here are some pics of last turn with my thoughts. (Did not expect the new turn to come back that fast :eek: )

First of all:

They formed a military alliance against us:


Regarding Elephantiums comment on Dromons. Our most eastern cav spotted 4 Knights galleys. they have established a ship chain here.


As a reaction, I ordered most of our Dromons (5 are on their way and one will be completed in IG with the current turn) here to destroy these galleys:


We now have 5 cavs (4 fully healed) in Hitzacker. Wil be interesting this turn:


To be able to reach most places in the east, I positioned a couple of cavs outside of Darkside, as Darkside can't be reached ba anyone:


This is how things look at the end of turn:


At the beginning of next (current) turn, we get 5 new cavs and a Dromon.
The western part:

We could drop the cav at several spots this turn.

GREEN: The best point here is that we could reach Essen (capital). The weak point is that it can be reached best and the defense is worst. In total we could 4 cities from here.

RED: From the mountain, we can reach three cities and it has the best defense of course.

BLUE: From this tile, we also can reach three towns and it's farthest from their units. But I think the tundra towns are not that interesting.

My personal favorite is the mountain, as we have the best overview at the same time.

Of course we can also continue on the Dromon, but I think we need to force them to split up their units.



It seems they managed to plant a forrest to protect Weinheim. But that would mean, there is a couple of workers on that tile, which they sacrifice (if we attack them).

We can reach Bad Sülze and Kornwestheim from Hitzacker.

For Bad Sülze we could also use our cavs in and outside of Darkside. In total we could attack it with around 15 cavs.

We can also reach Wüstenbrand with 15+ cavs (Darkside and The Roost)



The red circle near the dyes marks the spot where our cav was located. So there must be a 4/4 longbow now. The knights on the mountain disappeared and there is a knights galley on the southeastern coast that dropped an elite horseman (5/5) and an elite MI (4/5) onto the mountain with the army.


This is the situation we have.

Any ideas/comments?
As they most probably already have a couple of cavalries, I think we need to do something.

What do we think is the better defended city? Wüstenbrand or Bad Sülze? I still think Wüstenbrand has the most Musketeers, as

1. it's much closer to our border and
2. they have no idea that there are 4 fully healed cavs in Hitzacker.

My idea is to attack Bad Sülze. First we use the 4 cavs from Hitzacker and whatever is needed after that, we take from Darkside. After the 4 cavs attacked Bad Sülze, we should have an idea, how strong the defenses are and we still can stop the attack. Some risk we need to take.

I think we can afford it, as we did not lose much so far. Several of their cities are burning already.

Any objections?
Bad Sulze sounds good. Also, we can reach Kartoffelruhe and Oberkochen now.

I don't think it is worth dropping off the cav from the boat - since they now have cavalry, they can reach anywhere fairly easily. Best case would be they have to send 2 cavs to kill it.
Also, we can reach Kartoffelruhe and Oberkochen now.

We have 5 cavs available to attack Kartoffelruhe and Oberkochen. Oberkochen is empty as we can see. But We need to check for Kartoffelruhe. Shall I send a cav from The Roost over there to check this?
If people agree that it is not worth unloading our cav from the boat, then the dromon can check it out (and bombard it).
This is Bad Suelze before attacking:


4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 Musketeer --> (def fire hits) 1/4 cavalry retreats from 2/4 Musketeer
4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 Musketeer --> (def fire hits) 2/4 Musketeer

Now one of the 2/4 Musketeers is on top

4/4 cavalry vs. 2/4 Musketeer --> 2/4 cavalry
4/4 cavalry vs. 2/4 Musketeer --> 2/4 cavalry

Now a cavalry is on top!

Now I send in cavalry from Darkside:

4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 cavalry --> 3/4 cavalry (ours)
4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 cavalry --> 1/4 cavalry (theirs)
4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 cavalry --> 1/4 cavalry (ours)

Now there is only left their redlined cav

4/4 cavalry vs. 1/4 cavalry --> 1/4 cavalry (ours)

Captured Bad Suelze!!


Now here is the situation after capturing Bad Suelze:


Where should we send the cavs south of Bad Suelze? They could retreat to Hitzacke (but this town might flip), or into Bad Sülze. Or do we better raze Bad Suelze for not risking war weariness?

An interesting spot now is Gerstengrund. If it is undefended, we can use the redlined cav in Hitzacker to get it. To check this out I can send it to the hill 2xE of Gerstengrund.
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