on time
What is the stack SE of Gerstengrund?
1 Musketeer and 5 workers
BTW, we have now hit war weariness:

What is the stack SE of Gerstengrund?
We have 15 fully healed Cavs. 2 Injured Cavs. Let's leave them in our territory until we have built some reinforments. Bring TMS Eaglefire back up North by The Roost with it's Cav. The Eastern Dromons can split, 2 going South and two going East towrds the BH.
We can switch the Cav production in Eagle Eye, Calistoria, and The Hatchery to Muskets. Then rush for 424g, unless you can rush for less. We can use those Muskets on the front line. Keep the one in Eagle Eye there. Put one in Hotel California or Easy. The other in Chambo. That will give us some defense while we build our offense. The Kitchen has lost a lot. GA or no, they are hurtin'.