The First Eagle War Council

Should the Eagles declare war on Die Küche?

  • No, war is not the answer. We must live in harmony with our neighbors.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abstain. I really don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What is the stack SE of Gerstengrund?

1 Musketeer and 5 workers

BTW, we have now hit war weariness:

That was fast for not losing any cities, but what can you do? Just push up the luxury slider as far as necessary.

I don't think we should keep either of our captured cities. Kuche cavalry can reach them easily, and we don't have any defensive units available. We will definitely lose them and accelerate our weariness. Just do what we can to stack our cavs/move them homeward/leave them on good defensive terrain. Next turn if there are any survivors then they can limp home to regroup. I think we've pushed this offensive as far as it can go.

You might as well peek at Gerstundgrund as you move the cavs around.
I agree. Let's raze those cities.

Good work in Bad Sulze.

Regrouping and healing sounds good.
Sorry. Didn't feel well, so I could not play to the end,yet. Had some thoughts about the current turn and the war.

I studied the war weariness article a bit more. We must be at the beginning of lvl1 war weariness. Just attacking enemy units gains us war weariness, no matter if we win or loose the fight.

But if we do not have any units in enemy territory and no enemy has units i our territory, WW is reduced by one point per turn. We should be able to get to lvl 0 WW rather quickly, while Kueche would take forever to get out of WW. They must be at lvl4 WW already.

I think we should just destroy whatever city we can this turn. And next turn, we retreat everything we have into our territory and recover from the war weariness. In our territory, we should be rather save from Kueche, as their economy is severely crippled and their military mainly consists of defensive units and maybe a couple of cavs. Even with their GA, they will have a hard time to do anything.

What do you guys think?

Also we should think about researching Astronomy quickly. We can do in 3 turns at positive gpt. The others seem to have researched it, too. It enables our Dromons to travel sea tile, thus we can stay out of enemy territory better.
What other cities are you looking at? We absolutely should destroy everything we can, but we don't want to throw cavs at a city and run out of units before we capture it.

I agree with retreating next turn - I'm not sure how long we should turtle because Kuche + Brotherhood combined have a better economy than we do, but we'll take it one turn at a time.

I'm good with researching Astronomy if the others already have it. I don't think we should pay first researcher cost for a tech until the war is won.
Kartoffelruhe and Gerstengrund (if undefended).

Oberkochen would be great, but I do not see how we could reach it. You said, we can. Do I miss something? Maybe you can have a glance at the save and tell me.

Going to bed now. Any further idea is welcome. The turns are too important right now to be played in a hurry.
On we go...

I move a 2/4 cav to the hill NW of Bad Suelze and see that Gerstengrund is empty:


I take a cav from Darkside and move it next to Gerstengrund and we can see that Wuestenbrand is also burning:


I capture Gerstengrund:


I move the western Dromon northwards and see that there is at least one Musketeer in the burning Kartoffelruhe:


I bombard it but the Dromon misses...

Anyway I decide to move a cav towards Kartoffelruhe and attack:

4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 Musketeer --> 1/4 Musketeer

The 1/4 Musketeer is still on top. I send in another cav:

4/4 cavalry vs. 1/4 Musketeer --> 2/5 cavalry

Kartoffelruhe captured


We are not able to reach Oberkochen with a cavalry this turn.

There was that amphibious longbow and we have an elite cav available. Should take the chane to get a leader)

5/5 cavalry vs. 4/4 longbow --> 4/5 cavalry (no leader)

That's it with fighting.

Now I retreat the 1/4 cav from Hitzacker to Darkside and all other units as far as possible, or on safer places, like mountains or hills.

Then I abandon Hitzacker
I sell a courthouse in Bad Suelze for 20 gold and abandon the city
I abandon Gerstengrund
I sell a courthouse in Kartoffelruhe for 20 gold and abandon the city



The cavs from Calistoria and TT are located near Eagle Eye, from where they can reach both fronts.

I switch The Roost to city walls, which will be completed next turn.
This was a really tough turn. :whew:

As I am not available for the next two weeks (even without internet access), I ask Chamnix to take over the next couple of turns.
Good job, Calis. :thumbsup:
We have 15 fully healed Cavs. 2 Injured Cavs. Let's leave them in our territory until we have built some reinforments. Bring TMS Eaglefire back up North by The Roost with it's Cav. The Eastern Dromons can split, 2 going South and two going East towrds the BH.

We can switch the Cav production in Eagle Eye, Calistoria, and The Hatchery to Muskets. Then rush for 424g, unless you can rush for less. We can use those Muskets on the front line. Keep the one in Eagle Eye there. Put one in Hotel California or Easy. The other in Chambo. That will give us some defense while we build our offense. The Kitchen has lost a lot. GA or no, they are hurtin'.

The cavalry by the Roost must die - we won't get free shots like that very often. I think we should also kill the musket on the mountain before he fortifies/heals and plant one of our own muskets there. I agree we need more muskets for the next phase of the war.
Sounds good. Cleaning up the border area is a good idea. But I think we should get back up to the 25 Cav level before we start the second leg of our attack.
We killed the intrusive cavalry and the mountain musket without loss. I sent other cavs as far south as they could go and still be able to return to our cities safely and saw this 2/4 cav:

Do we attack? Our cav will not be able to reach home safely, but I think we do it anyway. If we don't take out their cavs in open spaces, then we will eventually have to kill them when they are fortified in cities, and trading a cav of ours for a cav of theirs should be good for us because they should run out first.
Their 2/4 Cav is on a hill and across the river. You'll be taking a chance, but we should be able to out-produce them, as you say.

Why don't we put that Cav 2 tiles NE of it onto that Mountain. Then after the attack, the attacking Cav can head towards that Mountain on it's way home. That way we have a visual on the SE quadrant, plus a deterrent to them killing our open Cav.
We attacked the first one and found two more. We killed all 3 without loss and left our 3 victorious cavalry on a hill, one fortified.
It looks like a straightforward turn - we can sink another BH galley, but I don't think there should be any other action this turn. Anyone disagree?
A scouting cav spotted a stack of Knights' units:


As we have killed many of Kueches Cavs and destroyed the naval transport route of the Brotherhood, I see no reason, not to attck them. Our units can rest on the mountain after the attack.

So here we go:

4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 musket --> 1/4 cavalry
4/4 cavalry vs. 5/5 medieval infantry --> 3/4 cavalry
4/4 cavalry vs. 4/4 medieval infantry --> 4/4 cavalry
4/4 cavalry vs. 5/5 horseman --> 4/4 cavalry

That's 170 shields :)
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