The five remaining existing-civ leaders in BtS...suspicions?


Aug 14, 2006
We already know Abraham Lincoln is going to be in here (although what traits...traditional Philosophical/Charismatic, "Lincoln Unmasked"-view-style Aggressive/Financial, or a segue of the two?). But who the other five might be...hmmm...

My hopesguesses:

1. Sejong (Korea)
2. Shotoku (Japan)
3. Perikles (Greece)
4. Junius Brutus (Rome...Republican Rome, that is)
5. Boadicea (Celts)

Do I hear any other takers?
For the five additional leaderheads I'm going to say that they'll likely just be copies from the older games. In other words - Xerxes of Persia, Joan d'Arc of France, Cleopatra of Egypt, Abu Bakr of Arabia, and Osman of the Ottomans. Pachacuti of Inca might replace one of the above. Of course, we already know that Abraham Lincoln is one of them, which further proves my point that they're just copying leaderheads from the previous games.
Why would you want another leader for the Celts when they're such a minor civilization? I say;

Meiji (Japan)
Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottomans)
Charlemagne (Germany)
Pericles (Greece)
Abu Bakr (Arabia)
Xerxes is bound to be one of them given the popularity of the movie 300.

If they're basing the leader choices on popular movies then Xerxes is unlikely to be selected since he lost.
If they're basing the leader choices on popular movies then Xerxes is unlikely to be selected since he lost.

I'm inclined to disagree here. Before 300, I'd hazard a guess that very few members of the general public would even have heard of Xerxes. But since the films, there is little doubt that his fame will have massively risen. I think Persia are one of the civs both in need of a new leader, and likely to get one in the new XP, and I wouldn't be suprised if this was Xerxes ahead of the more deserving Darius purely off of the success of 300.
Xerxes will probably make the cut (unfortunately).

Also Cleopatra (unfortunately).

I really hope Meiji and some eastern leaders are in cause frankly I'm tired of the game being biased towards US/Europe.
I think the following leaders need their place
-Abe Lincon (announced)
-Hitler (though due to political reason they won't)
-Suleiman (why did they choose Mehmet II over him)
-Joan d'Arc
-Hirohito (modern era game, they have most of the significant WWII leaders apart from him & Hitler [Mussolini was not significant])
-Nero (there's going to be random events, don't you want to watch rome burn)
Charlemagne (Germany)

Actually, Charlemagne would be French...he united France, Germany, and Italy, then was proclaimed Holy Roman Emperor, and upon his death, split his kingdom up into Holy Roman Empire(Germany), Italy, and France....but he originated in France.

I would hazard:
Philip II(Spain, in dire need of someone less distasteful to deal with than Izzy)
Xerxes(Persia, should be Darius though)
I think the following leaders need their place
-Hirohito (modern era game, they have most of the significant WWII leaders apart from him & Hitler [Mussolini was not significant])

Hirohito wasn't much of a leader really, more of a figurehead (which is how he escaped punishment in the postwar tribunals). If you're keen on having all the WW2 war criminals in the list, it should be General Tojo Hideki, who was prime minister in the war years and a major warmonger.

For a second Japanese leader, I'd much prefer Nobunaga Oda.

Actually, Charlemagne would be French...he united France, Germany, and Italy, then was proclaimed Holy Roman Emperor, and upon his death, split his kingdom up into Holy Roman Empire(Germany), Italy, and France....but he originated in France.

Well, actually he was born either in what is today Belgium or in Germany, sprent parts of his childhood in what is today France - and likely spoke a precursor of the french, german and dutch tongues. I think either classification (German or French) does not do the circumstances of the time justice.

Here's a snippet from Wikipedia:

Charlemagne's native tongue is a matter of controversy. He spoke the Germanic language of the Franks of his day, which should be called Old Frankish, but linguists differ on the identity and periodisation of the language, some going so far as to say that he did not speak Old Frankish as he was born in 742 or 747, by which time Old Frankish had become extinct. Old Frankish is reconstructed from its descendant, Old Low Franconian, also called Old Dutch, and from loanwords to Old French. Linguists know very little about Old Frankish, as it attested mainly as phrases and words in the law codes of the main Frankish tribes (especially those of the Salian and Ripuarian Franks), which are written in Latin interspersed with Germanic elements.[4]

The area of Charlemagne's birth does not make determination of his native language easier. Most historians agree he was born around Liège, like his father, but some say he was born in or around Aachen, some fifty kilometres away. At that time, this was an area of great linguistic diversity. If we take Liège (around 750) as the centre, we find Low Franconian in the north and northwest, Gallo-Romance (the ancestor of Old French) in the south and southwest and various Old High German dialects in the east. If Gallo-Romance is excluded, that means he either spoke Old Low Franconian or an Old High German dialect, probably with a strong Frankish influence.
since Wikipedia is so trustworthy for academic searches lol

He was Frankish, he began his 'campaign' to unite the former Roman Empire in France, therefore he would be a French leader(he's the only successful military leader the french had, don't take him away from them ;))
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