• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

The Forum Games Catalogue/Information Thread


catch u on the flip scythe
Feb 15, 2007
Clinging onto underside of forum
The Forum Games Catalogue
Now twice as long and four times as pointless!

Welcome to Forum Games!

If you've ever wished upon a star for a place where you can enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, converse with interesting people, and bet 350 gold on a pirate to kick the stuffing out of a wizard, then your wish has come true. Oh, and of course there are also some games going on. In this thread, you will find links to all games that are running, plus status updates and a little information about the games, too.

Are you new to this forum? Thinking of joining in with a few things, having some fun? If so, then a double helping of welcome to you. The users of this forum pride themselves on courtesy and helpfulness. You won't be singled out for being new - and if you have any questions about the games, the GM (that's Game Moderator, or Master - the person running the game) will be happy to answer them.

Have fun! :D

Catharsis (on behalf of all at Forum Games)


Mafia Games

The Mafia Games are probably CFC's most veteran forum games, having run since the early days of the site. A town of innocents will be infiltrated by mafiosi bent on killing them all - but the innocents aren't going to lay down and let them do that. Sometimes mafiosi will leave a clue at the scene of each murder, which the innocent players have to solve; other times, the townspeople are relying on the special skills (or 'roles') of some of their number to flush out the nasty peeps. These games involve critical assessment of claims and vote-patterns, and skill at clue-solving, and for the mafia members, adeptness at hiding amongst the innocents and making your clues hard to solve.

For more information on playing (and GMing) mafia games, or to register your interest in GMing a future game, why not visit the Mafia Information Thread, run by Zack?

Mafia Games are easy to pick up and don't require an enormous time commitment, so even if forum games generally don't interest you, you might want to consider giving these a try.

Zack Mafia II (GMed by Zack)
This game has started.

Highway to Hell (GMed by Zack/Kennigit)
This game has started.

Spoiler recent completed mafia games :
Small Town Story (GMed by Jarrema)
This game has finished.

The Dark Knight Begins (GMed by askthepizzaguy)
This game has finished.

Gangland Wars (GMed by classical_hero)
This game has finished.

Metal Gear Mafia (GMed by mgsmuhammad)
This game has finished.

The Princess Bride (GMed by Zack)
This game has finished.

Mafia: Vanilla with a Cherry on Top (GMed by Darth Caesar)
This game has finished.


Night of the Werewolves

Night of the Werewolves (or 'NotW') is a more in-depth variant of the mafia game with a fantasy setting - but this time, you don't get any clues! There's a lot more I could say about these, but forum user Ekolite has helpfully put together a guide to all things NotW (with rules by Unser Giftzwerg), along with the Fall from Heaven world in which it is based. This thread is now run by Backwards Logic and holds information on Mini-NotWs, too. You can find it here. You don't have to read this thread to be able to participate in a NotW game, because a lot of it is quite similar to the mafia game and players will answer your questions if you have any, but it is still a good read (and it also contains an archive and some player AIM addresses, for private negotiations :mischief:).

For a full list of past NotWs, see the NotW Information Thread.

NotW XXXIX: Impending Retribution (GMed by Backwards Logic)
This game has finished.

NotW XL: Return of the Baron (GMed by Autolycus)
This game has finished.

NotW XLI: Chronomancy Redux (GMed by TheForestAuro)
This game is currently accepting signups!

And if you don't have time for the larger games, or you got killed on the first day by those awful wolves, then you might want to consider signing up for a mini-NotW, which is like NotW, but mini. If you're playing a main NotW and you're still alive, then signing up for one of these is not recommended!

For a full list of past mini-NotWs, see the NotW Information Thread.

Mini-NotW XI: The Murderer's Web (GMed by Darth Caesar)
This game has finished.

Mini-NotW XII: The Mage Guild (GMed by Sprig)
This game is dead.

Mini-NotW XIII: Death of the Tyrant (GMed by Takhisis)
This game has finished.


Combat Games

These are also known as 'Snakes and Foxes-style games' after the first game of this type, which has unfortunately been deleted. Like NotW, the Combat Games are basically an extension of the general concept of mafia games - there are some bad guys hidden amongst some innocents, and it's the bad guys' job to stay hidden while the innocents try to root them out.

What makes these so different, and at the same time so complex and engaging, is the introduction of half-daily player-vs.-player combat. Instead of voting for one player to be executed, you vote for two to fight. A set of stats unique to each player will determine the victor... the loser is removed from the game, his innocence, or lack of it, made public. Add in numerous secondary mechanics, such as team strategy, currency and purchasable items, betting on the outcome of fights, and other shady groups working on their own agenda, and you'll realise what makes these games some of the most popular on the forum.

Star Wars: Treachery (GMed by Darth Caesar/Domination3000)
This game is on hiatus.

Star Wars Arena: Will the cow win? (GMed by arya126)
This game is on hiatus.

The Academy: The Sith Lords (GMed by Zack, updates and character backgrounds can be found here)
This game has finished.

Snakes and Foxes 3: The ****oo's Nest (GMed by Niklas and LightFang, character backgrounds can be found here)
This game has finished.

Dissensions v2.0 (GMed by LightFang, originally by Tolis)
This game has been declared dead.


Roll to Dodge

A comparatively new addition to CFC's recurring game roster, Roll to Dodge is a magnificently over-the-top exercise in creative insanity. The basic idea is straightforward: you are one of several players dropped into some setting, and your aim is to be the last one standing. What gives RtD its unique atmosphere is the luck-based command system: you tell the GM that you want to do something, anything, and the GM will roll a die to see how successful your command was.

I must stress this again: your choices are (almost) limitless, but the more extravagant your action, the more catastrophic the backfire will be if you fail. For example, you can summon a mutant giraffe to do your bidding, hooray! But what if you roll a 1? Maybe you just grow a really useless long neck instead. And what if you roll a 6? Perhaps the giraffe appears, but its neck is so long that it busts up the roof, showering every player with debris. You never really know what's going to happen and nothing's set in stone. Good luck: you'll need it.

Roll to Dodge: Ludicrous Edition (GMed by Thorvald of Lym)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge XXX: Furthermore Ludicrous Edition Part III (GMed by Abaddon)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge 26: The Xtreme Edition (GMed by SouthernKing)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge XXVIII: Even More Boundless (GMed by Boundless)
This game has started.

Yoshi's Super Roll to Dodge 1 (GMed by Yoshiegg737)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge: Red Spy (GMed by Red_Spy)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge: CivGeneral Edition (GMed by CivGeneral)
This game has started.

Roll to Dodge: Going Back to the Basics (GMed by bestrfcplayer)
This game has started.

Spoiler completed/dead RtD games :
Roll to Dodge (GMed by Seon)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge 2 (GMed by kill fire)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge 3 (GMed by choxorn)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge 4: Mall Madness! (GMed by Milarqui)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge: Well, Here I Am (GMed by Seon)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge 7 (GMed by Omega124)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: What Happened During World War Two! (GMed by bestrfcplayer)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: Fight fight fight! (GMed by Domination3000)
This game is dead.

Roll to Dodge: Let's Run This Into The Ground (GMed by electric926)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: Ancient Tribal Civilizations (GMed by Domination3000)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: Zombie Apocalypse (GMed by bestrfcplayer)
This game is dead.

Roll to Dodge: Random Mayhem! (GMed by Darth Caesar)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: Jam of Eternity (GMed by Seon)
This game appears dead.

Roll to Dodge: (Almost) Better Than Bacon (GMed by electric926)
This game is dead.

Roll to Dodge: Space Age (GMed by !!!!!)
This game is dead.

Roll to Dodge 6: Furthermore Ludicrous Edition (GMed by Abaddon)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge XXV: Furthermore Ludicrous Edition Part II (GMed by Abaddon)
This game has finished.

Roll to Dodge XXVII: Boundless Edition (GMed by Boundless)
This game has finished.

And similar concepts:

Dungeon Exploration (GMed by Diamondeye)
This game appears dead.


Empire Building Games

If you came here from the Civilization forums, then you will undoubtedly be interested in building your own personal empire - and here at Forum Games, you can do just that! There are quite a few options available to you; for example:

Lazy NES

These are forum-based map games that are designed to be engaging and fun, while at the same time less strenuous and time-consuming than a regular NES (Never-Ending Story, a combination of map game and story-writing exercise that can be played in their own subforum, here).

Don't be fooled by the name, though - you'll have to have your wits about you to build a nation that can stand the test of time! You'll be expected to send in 'orders' to the GM via Private Message detailing your country's actions for the turn, and the GM will craft an update out of all the orders he receives. There's a lot of variation in the rules from game to game, so make sure to read the thread carefully to get the best experience out of it.

Spoiler completed/dead Lazy NESes :
Rise from Medieval Kingdoms III (GMed by choxorn and Leeksoup)
This game has finished.

The Great War 2: Carnage and Testing (GMed by Charles Li)
This game appears dead.

Rise of Classical Empires (GMed by Charles Li)
This game is dead.

Imperium Offtopicum

Imperium Offtopicum is an empire-building game that spawned from the Altered Maps threads. It has had many variations, but some rules remain constant: You expand a little at a time, you can engage in war and conquer the world, and the overall goal is fun. So, look into playing one!

IOT is not necessarily a huge time commitment, requiring maybe ten minutes of your day to put orders together - but of course, if you want to delve into the complexities of diplomacy, you might end up losing a bit more time than that! These games are some of the fastest-developing on CFC at the moment, so they're worth trying. (Thanks to civplayah and taillesskangaru for help with this intro)

Mini-IOT Eastern Asia (GMed by Tambien)
This game has started.

IOT World of Trade (GMed by NedimNapoleon)
This game has started.

Iron and Blood (GMed by kiwitt)
This game has started.

Imperium Offtopicum: The Aftermath (GMed by Thorvald of Lym)
This game has started.

Sons of Mars II (GMed by Taniciusfox)
This game has started.

Rise and Fall of Empires (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has started.

The Imperium Offtopicum players have a development thread in which to coordinate their ideas for improving the game: read it here.

Spoiler completed/dead IOT games :
Imperium Offtopicum VI Continued (GMed by ZeletDude)
a continuation of:
Imperium Offtopicum VI (GMed by taillesskangaru)
This game has finished.

Marians: Sons of Mars (GMed by Taniciusfox)
This game has finished.

Revolution IOT and Revolution IOT II (GMed by Sonereal)
These games have finished.

IOT Resource Wars (GMed by NedimNapoleon)
This game has finished.

Imperium Off Topicum - The Enlightenment (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has finished.

Imperium Offtopicum: Colonialism (GMed by MaxaTheGreat)
This game has finished.

Viva La Tropico - Caribbean IOT (GMed by NedimNapoleon)
This game has finished.

Imperium Off Topicum - The Cold War (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has finished.

Red Alert (GMed by Sonereal)
This game has finished.

Fallout: A Preview IOT (GMed by Thorvald of Lym)
This game has finished.

Imperia Mobiana (GMed by Taniciusfox)
This game has finished.

IOT: Ab Antiquo (GMed by taillesskangaru)
This game has finished.

Imperium Offtopicum II (GMed by Taniciusfox)
This game has finished.

Imperium Offtopicum Ideology Wars (GMed by NedimNapoleon)
This game has finished.

Ilduce's IOT (GMed by ilduce349)
This game has finished.

SuperPower: Knights of Honor Alpha (GMed by NedimNapoleon)
This game has finished.

Mini-IOT I: The Cradle of Civilization (GMed by civplayah)
This game has finished.

Imperium Offtopicum V: Beta (GMed by Joecoolyo)
This game has finished.

Colonization: They Came From Afar (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game appears dead.

Imperium Offtopicum V (GMed by Joecoolyo)
This game is dead.

Europe's Burning: Ye Olde Imperium Offtopicum (GMed by e350tb)
This game is dead.

The Last Prophecy IOT (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game appears dead.

Beta Test of Ilduce's Imperium Offtopicum Advanced (GMed by ilduce349)
This game has finished.

Asetii Palorius (GMed by Abaddon)
This game appears dead.


If you're a hardcore strategy-buff, then these are the games for you. Diplomacy games are based on the board game of the same name, and while some rules are modified depending on the GM, CFC's Diplomacy stays true to the atmosphere of the original game - backstabbing, paranoia and secret deals are all integral parts of the experience. And if you're not the one dishing them out, then you'll be the one on the receiving end. Mercy? These guys don't even know the meaning of the word.

As in a Lazy NES, you control your faction by sending orders to the GM using CFC's PM system.

Spoiler completed/dead Diplomacy/Risk/Diplomilation games :
Diplomacy 4: Tale of Ekonia (GMed by Ekolite)
This game is dead.

Diplomacy 5: Vanilla with a Twist (GMed by LightFang)
This game appears dead.

Diplomacy 6: Game 1 and Game 2 (GMed by Methos)
These games appear dead.

Risk (GMed by Pete Atoms)
This game is dead.

Diplomacy (GMed by Mathew)
This game is dead.

Baucus: Armies of Honour (GMed by lord_joakim)
This game appears dead.
This is a map-based combat game set in a fantasy world.

Diplomilation (GMed by PieceOfMind)
This game has finished.
This is a different concept in that it does not involve a map and the combat is simplified, but the idea is the same - namely that you have to use diplomacy and tact to achieve your aim, which in this case is to be the last nation standing.

Diplomilation 2 (GMed by PieceOfMind)
This game appears dead.


Continued in next post!
Eat Poop You Cat

CFCer Terrance888 described EPYC thusly: "It is like a game of telephone but you [the GM] wire tap us and we alternate words with pictures." This is an apt description of Eat Poop You Cat, pronounced i'pupiukat, a game beloved of surrealists and hewn from the same cloth as Exquisite Corpse and similar games.

As an EPYC player, you will be placed randomly in a list containing other players. The GM will then make up a caption and PM it to the first person on the list, who must draw a picture to illustrate that caption. This player will then PM his picture to (the GM and) the next person on the list, who must make up a caption to accompany the picture. As the poop moves down the list, the original caption gets distorted into something entirely new (and usually quite strange). It's a lot of fun, not a huge timesink and no drawing skill is required, so if you feel like getting your mind blown, why not join a game and see what happens?

EAT POOP YOU CAT (again!) III: Also, Saturn (GMed by Catharsis)

EAT POOP YOU CAT (Interlude) (GMed by Nictel)

These games are continually in progress. Signups are welcome at any time. (well, most times)

Spoiler finished/hiatus EPYC games :
Eat Poop You Cat, the many more edition (GMed by CivGeneral)
This game has finished (for the moment, at least).

Electric926's Pies Yodel Carelessly (GMed by electric926)
This game appears dead.

Eat Poop You Cat! CCRunner Style! (GMed by CCRunner)
This game is on hiatus.

EAT POOP YOU CAT (again!) (again!) (GMed by Catharsis)
This game has finished.



The War To End All Wars (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game is currently accepting signups!

American Uprising (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has started.

Red Alert: Great War II (GMed by Sonereal)
This game has started.

Spoiler completed/dead Miscellaneous games :
CFC Courtroom (GMed by civplayah)
This game is dead.

Pacific War: Empires Clash (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has finished.

Feud!: From Nomads to the Stars (GMed by Sonereal)
This game appears dead.

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem (GMed by Duke Blackstone)
This game appears dead.

Star Wars: Galactic Empires (GMed by Lighthearter)
This game has finished.

The Island Game (GMed by e350tb)
Create your own island and rule it with tact and diplomacy (or at the very least, 'tact' and 'diplomacy') on your quest to make the sea less boring.
This game has finished.

The Ancient Rome Game (GMed by CivRulesAll)
Be a city in the Roman empire and fight your enemies, who are not in the Roman empire.
This game is dead.

Doomed Galactic Journey (GMed by Splime)
You are on a spaceship, en route to colonise a distant planet, but hidden amongst you and your shipmates is an unknown lurking danger, which must be expunged.
This game has finished.

Excavation! (GMed by Sanotra)
Some multicoloured miners need to dig through the dirt in order to strike gold.
This game appears dead.

Journey to Nowhere (GMed by Splime)
You control your character and attempt to survive in the wilderness. Orders are sent via PM, but there is also a lot of strategic discussion and roleplay which is performed (to an extent) in the thread.
This game has finished.

War at Civ Fanatics IV (GMed by dylan910)
The War at CivFanatics series began as a response to an offhand declaration of war between two posters in Off-Topic, but has grown into a much-loved favourite of the forum. It's often anarchic, and nowhere near as time-consuming as Lazy NES or Diplomacy. You post your orders in the thread, this time, so no need for PMs.
This game is dead.

Battle Isle 1943 (GMed by Daftpanzer)
And now for something completely different! This isn't an empire-building game in the strictest sense of the term, but it is a map game. You control a military unit on a mysterious island, fighting a close-quarters microcosm of WWII.
This game is dead.



Various quizzes, on quite a few subjects, that anyone can participate in. In most quizzes, if you answer a question correctly, you get to set the next question.

Note: for a while now, these quizzes have seen little to no action, but that shouldn't stop you! You can still bump the quiz threads, or start your own thread.


Caption Contests

The GM will post an image, for which any player can post an amusing caption. At the end of a specified time period, the GM will pick his favourites and award the 'trophies'.

Note: like the quizzes, these have not been terribly active lately. A new caption competition would be very much welcomed!

Spoiler finished or dead caption contests :
Caption Contest (GMed by electric926)
In this game, electric926 is the permanent GM, and he will always set the pictures. Updates are generally weekly, and occur on Saturdays. First thread here. (finished)

Caption Contest III: Electrifyingly Funny (GMed by electric926)
Same as above.

Improved Caption Contest (no GM)
In this game, the winner of the 1st-place trophy for the last picture gets to set the next one (and thus decide on the winners). Update times vary due to the fluid nature of the GMing.

Caption Competition III: now with 20% more pictures (no GM)
Same format as above.


Other Threads of Interest

Real life questions to get to know each other
Are you new? Why not introduce yourself!

While We Wait
The place to ask questions related to the subforum as a whole or pitch new forum game ideas.


Social Groups

A few of the games here have their own social groups. If you're a player, you too can own a nice shiny hyperlink image for your profile.

Night of the Werewolves (group maintained by CCRunner)

Eat Poop You Cat (group maintained by Firestorm94)

Imperium Offtopicum (group maintained by Taniciusfox)


If you're running a forum game...

...and you want it on this list, drop me a PM! If you want, you can include a description of the game, like the ones above; otherwise, I'll do my best to make one up myself.

Note: 'spam games' such as Good Wish/Bad Wish do not belong on the list. See below for a liberal dosage of spam.
The Forum Games
SPAM Catalogue

To allow for people to view the diversity and wonders of our spam games, I shall post a small directory of the current ones here:

Story continuation games:

These are games where you continue a story! They all have crazy rules that are explained on the first page!

The non-sequiter game! - modified rules on second post
3 Words Story
What Happens Next?
10 Character (including spaces) story continuation game
5 Word Story that will NEVER EVER END!


List games:

These are games where you list things

300,000 Ways to Eat a Reese's
Dogs VS. Humans


Respond to the post above you type games

These are games where your goal is to somehow twist the post of the user above you toard your advantage:

Beat the picture above you part V
Good Wish/Bad Wish VII: (Not-so) Lucky Number
Fortunately Unfortunately
Name Three Things
If you're running a forum game...

...and you want it on the spam list, drop me a PM! If you want, you can include a catagory for the game, like the ones above; otherwise, I'll do my best to make one up myself.

Note: non-'spam games' such as Diplomacy 4: Tale of Ekonia do not belong on the list.
@Perf: You forgot "Five words story that will Never ever end", and "Fortunately Unfortunately".

@Catharsis: Reclaiming the World has not been declared dead yet, and thus belongs on the "status uncertain" list. Also, put in a key at the bottom for what the color-coded text means.
I guess Forum Mad Libs should go somewhere. I guess under list games. It involves a list of words.
Perf: the modified rules for the Non-Sequitur Game are in the second post, not the second page.

@Catharsis: Reclaiming the World has not been declared dead yet, and thus belongs on the "status uncertain" list. Also, put in a key at the bottom for what the color-coded text means.

It hasn't seen an update since the beginning of July. I'd call that dead, wouldn't you? :p If thomas posts a status update and confirms that he still plans to update, I'll add it to the list; otherwise, it seems counter-intuitive to clutter it up with dead stuff.

As for the colour-coded text... you shouldn't really need a key. There are only three colours, and the status of each game is spelled out in text. The colours are only there for lazy people scrolling through the first post. And because colours are pretty.
5 months later...

"Where'd Catharsis go?"

"I don't know, maybe TEH ALIENZ got him"
People running "this" thread never stick around :(
Still here! Still heeeere! :run:

Gonna have to get rid of some of that dead stuff at some point. Problem is, most everything on the list is dead and I'm not deleting the descriptions, those took me upwards of a few minutes to think up.
Yep, nothing we do here counts for post count, presumably because of the spammy nature of some of the games.
Greetings, folks...

I've hosted a slew of mafia-style games down at Total War Center's Mafia section and Totalwar.org's gameroom. This is the same Askthepizzaguy.

Just wondering, I've seen a number of mafia games are hosted here, do you usually get a lot of interested people signed up, and is there a queue for hosting? I'd like to host some games here if possible.
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