The Giant WW1 Thread


Jul 14, 2001
Infantry Part1
Infantry Part2

Brittish Empire
Brittish Expeditionary Force
Brittish Tommy
Scottish Rifleman
Scottish Late war
Canadian Infantry
Ozzie Rifleman
Kiwi Rifleman
South African
Indian Infantry
Lewis LMG Gunner
Brittish Vickers HMG

French 3rd Republic
Poilu Early
Poilu Latewar
Senegalese Colonial Infantry
Morrocan Infantry
Chauchat Infantry
French Hotchkiss HMG

Russian Empire
Russian Infantry
Russian Helmet infantry
Revolutionary Red Army
Revolutionary Red Army w/greatcoat
Soviet Conscript
Ukrainian National Army
Udarnye chasti
Russian Maxim

United States of America
American Infantry
US Doughboy
US Marine
BAR Infantry
American HMG

Republic of Italy
Italian Infantry Early
Italian Infantry Late
Italian Pioneer
Italian HMG

Minor Powers
Greek Infantry
Greek Evzone
Greek Latewar Infantry
Rumanian Light Infantry
Rumanian Infantry
Belgian Infantry Early
Belgian Infantry Late
Portugese Expeditionary Force
Japanese Infantry
Serbian Infantry

Central Powers
German Empire
German Infantry Early WW1
German Infantry Late WW1
German African Trooper
German Flame Thrower
German Machinegun

Austro-Hungarian Empire
Austrian Infantry Early
Austrian Infantry Late
Austrian Flame Thrower
Austrian Sturm Battalion
Austrian HMG

Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Early Infantry
Ottoman Infantry, 1914
Ottoman Infantry
Ottoman Assault Party
Ottoman HMG

Bulgarian Infantry
Bulgarian Clementine Regt.

Generic, Non Beligerant
Spanish Infantry Early
Spanish Infantry Late
Danish Infantry
Swedish Infantry
Imperial Chinese Infantry
Mexican Federal Infantry
Irish Free State
Polish Soldier
Polish Volunteer

1900 CivColored Infantry
Generic Trencher
Generic HMG
Desert Trencher
Desert HMG
African Trencher
African HMG
Updates post
Here is where I will post any updates and date them so you won't need to guess what is new.

16 May 2011 - 3 versions of French Char 2C heavy tank
5 May 2011 - 4 Russian/Soviet tanks
27 April 2011- T-18 tank
24 March 2010- Added newer early Ottoman Infantry and Turkish Assault Party
27 September 2009- added A7V-U tank. This is my last unit.
17 September 2009- added newer helmeted Russian Infantry, Mark8 International tank posted in US row.
09 September 2009- 22 new fighters 2 bombers posted. Done with aircraft.
03 September 2009 - Added 18 new bombers
15 July 2009- no unit, added link to trench fighting video, 1st post.
12 July 2009 - fixed several misspelling in Großkampfwagen INI file.
11 July 2009 - added Großkampfwagen in the german tank line.
09 July 2009 - added machine gun pillbox to artillery section
25 June 2009- uploaded Putilov Field gun
23 Jun 2009- uploaded 2 new artillery pieces, 1 more planned.
4 Jun 2009- Fixed missing Default.flc in Oberschlesien, fixed INI in new Mk4 tank.
A-f*ing-mazing :thumbsup: Great stuff & much appreciated!



EDIT/P.S. I was just playing around with the Tsar Tank - I was wondering how you'd graphically render the run with those wheels - :thumbsup:


Not sure what you mean. I just did a little math, some circumference measurements of the rear and front wheels, then rotated them the appropriate number of degrees for the 16 frames so they'd 'travel' the same distance.
Not sure what you mean. I just did a little math, some circumference measurements of the rear and front wheels, then rotated them the appropriate number of degrees for the 16 frames so they'd 'travel' the same distance.

Recall I'm sincerely and utterly ignorant of most things graphical (the price I pay for being word obsessed, I suppose) so I had no idea - and, however "simple", you accomplished the effect very nicely!


Hi im new here and i was just wondering why these units dont seem to be as good in quality as other units made on these boards like Sandris of example these just seem more yucky

Moderator Action: Flamming someone just for the sake of trolling shows stupidity. Trying to hide behind a double login to do so also shows a lack of elementary courage
Please read the forum rules:
Hi im new here and i was just wondering why these units dont seem to be as good in quality as other units made on these boards like Sandris of example these just seem more yucky

Your first post. :shake:

Unfortunately, I can't tell whether your social skills are essentially non-existent or if you happen to be deliberately and wrongfully insulting (1) a friend of mine and (2) one of the most respected and prolific unit makers around.

Either way, congratulations. I've never used the "ignore" option before, and you've managed to coax me into it on your very first post.

Have fun.

For someone as tolerant and understanding as Oz to say that, wow you sir just made an outstandingly bad 1st impression. I really couldn't care less what poeple on this board think of me personally, because I couldn't care less. But something they can't avoid about me, and that is my work.

Are you blind?
Perhaphs you've got an extra chromosome floating around in your DNA.
Or maybe you just live under a bridge?
Because OBVIOUS TROLL is obvious.
You're not new here. You are more than likely some old ****** that I've ruffeled in the past.


Update: I knew it was Bigdog. He tries way too hard at trolling and fails everytime. Here..
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