Angry Bartender
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In 4000 BC, Osman of the Turks decided that he wanted to build a city - a glorious city - in praise of Allah. He therefore had to make sure his city was bigger and better than any in history. Upon settling Byz- er, Const- er, Istanbul, he also decided that his great city must be the only one to exist on the planet, to ensure that he had no rivals to vie for Allah's favor. But tired of merely being a Monarch, Osman strove for the title of Emperor of the world. Despite the heightened difficulty associated with the title of Emperor, Osman was determined to prove that his goals could be realized, and formed a long-term strategy to assure that his single city would one day be the only city in existence.
Osman's wandering warriors and curraghs reported that the world consisted of a single small pangaea, with only a few small islands scattered in the seas surrounding it. While his neighbors, the Vikings, Spanish, Zulu, Hittites, and Carthaginians concentrated on expansion, Osman could focus on building glorious wonders to further the glory of Istanbul, and ultimately, the glory of Allah. Upon completing the Colossus, began after recruitment of only a few warriors and curraghs, Osman wished there was a city named Mecca, as he had an inkling that Allah would prefer for him to pray in its direction, if it existed. Unperturbed, he prayed to Allah anyway, giving him thanks for the strength to take on this challenge.
In meeting his neighbors, Osman had discovered they had much scientific knowledge that his people did not, and found that his people's knowledge could be used to trade. He quickly got Alphabet, Pottery, and Ceremonial Burial, the only technologies he really needed to trade for, preferring to research only a few techs in order to gain the ability to build a Great Library, which would provide all the scientific knowledge his neighbors could gather. Osman did pick up a few other techs as well, for the hell of it, and found horses available right next to Istanbul.
Spending 50 turns on Writing and then maximizing research on Philosophy, Osman was dismayed to find out his scientists were not the first to discover Philosophy. No matter - his city was far more productive than any other, and he was able to complete the Mausoleum of Mausollos way before anyone else. In the meantime, his scientists had discovered Literature, and he immediately commissioned the Great Library. Allah had indeed blessed his people.
Osman now had the great wonders in place that he needed, as well as a temple, granary, and marketplace. A library would have to wait, as his first order of business was to begin a military buildup while catapults were still available to build. This was crucial because once his scientists discovered Engineering, siege engines would require 2 turns to build, unacceptably hindering his buildup. He managed to build 16 catapults before Engineering was discovered, so he next set out to build as many spearmen as possible, also at a rate of 1 per turn. After recruiting 10 or so, Osman wanted to ensure he was able to construct his next required wonder - Copernicus' Observatory, so he set out prebuilding with the Sistine Chapel. He also coveted Leonardo's Workshop, but realized that at the current difficulty level, getting both would be impossible.
Osman's wandering warriors and curraghs reported that the world consisted of a single small pangaea, with only a few small islands scattered in the seas surrounding it. While his neighbors, the Vikings, Spanish, Zulu, Hittites, and Carthaginians concentrated on expansion, Osman could focus on building glorious wonders to further the glory of Istanbul, and ultimately, the glory of Allah. Upon completing the Colossus, began after recruitment of only a few warriors and curraghs, Osman wished there was a city named Mecca, as he had an inkling that Allah would prefer for him to pray in its direction, if it existed. Unperturbed, he prayed to Allah anyway, giving him thanks for the strength to take on this challenge.
In meeting his neighbors, Osman had discovered they had much scientific knowledge that his people did not, and found that his people's knowledge could be used to trade. He quickly got Alphabet, Pottery, and Ceremonial Burial, the only technologies he really needed to trade for, preferring to research only a few techs in order to gain the ability to build a Great Library, which would provide all the scientific knowledge his neighbors could gather. Osman did pick up a few other techs as well, for the hell of it, and found horses available right next to Istanbul.
Spending 50 turns on Writing and then maximizing research on Philosophy, Osman was dismayed to find out his scientists were not the first to discover Philosophy. No matter - his city was far more productive than any other, and he was able to complete the Mausoleum of Mausollos way before anyone else. In the meantime, his scientists had discovered Literature, and he immediately commissioned the Great Library. Allah had indeed blessed his people.
Osman now had the great wonders in place that he needed, as well as a temple, granary, and marketplace. A library would have to wait, as his first order of business was to begin a military buildup while catapults were still available to build. This was crucial because once his scientists discovered Engineering, siege engines would require 2 turns to build, unacceptably hindering his buildup. He managed to build 16 catapults before Engineering was discovered, so he next set out to build as many spearmen as possible, also at a rate of 1 per turn. After recruiting 10 or so, Osman wanted to ensure he was able to construct his next required wonder - Copernicus' Observatory, so he set out prebuilding with the Sistine Chapel. He also coveted Leonardo's Workshop, but realized that at the current difficulty level, getting both would be impossible.