CivArmy s. 1994

Civilization III is 10 in October 31 2011. My main goal is to re-create all the game artworks. When I say artworks, I mean leaderheads, units, world wonders, urban improvements, buildings, natural resources, city graphics, terrains, graphical interface, tech tree icons, etc. I'll add new stuff too, such as new civilizations (31 new civis to get start), new units, 7 new wonders, new natural resources, and more. With all these artworks I can produce more than 100 high quality mods easily. Expect a Medieval Europe, Native American, Far East Asia, Mediterranean, Ancient World Mod, American Continent, 31 New Civis Mod and much more in the next months. This project is my masterpiece for Civilization III. Enjoy The Golden Hordes Mod (aka TGHM).
Feb. 07th 2014 Update: For those who want to download the 62 new civilizations and the 109 new units, download the file 01 again and the files from 08 to 11.
File 01 (6,8 mega, *.biq, *.txt, few *.pcx, and mod information files):
File 02 (23 mega, *.pcx files):
File 03 (446 mega, *.flc files of the 31 game’s original leaderheads):
File 04 (486 mega, *.flc of 31 new leaderheads):
File 05 (47 mega, 86 units):
File 06 (442 mega, *.flc of the 1st expansion pack 31 leaderheads):
File 07 (9 mega, *.pcx files of the 1st expansion pack 31 leaderheads):
File 08 (18 mega, *.pcx files of the 2st expansion pack 62 leaderheads):
File 09 (45 mega, 109 units):
File 10 (293 mega, *.flc of 31 leaderheads of the 2nd expansion pack, part I):
File 11 (279 mega, *.flc of 31 leaderheads of the 2nd expansion pack, part II):
The eleven above files have 1.94 giga (compressed) or 3.75 giga (uncompressed).
Install instruction:
- Unzip the files;
- The folder "The Golden Mod Hordes" will be created and
- Move it into ..\Civilization III\Conquests\Conquests like the other mods/scenarios.
This mod request Civ3 Conquests. Let me know if you don’t have this expansion pack and want this mod.
You will find three mods on these files right now:
a) Original game: doesn’t change any rule, only artworks.
b) Original game turbo: change artworks and adds wonders and urban improvements.
c) 31 other civilizations: replaces the 31 original civilizations. The "Turbo version" adds wonders and urban improvements.
d) 31 other civilizations II: replaces the 31 original civilizations. The "Turbo version" adds wonders and urban improvements.
e) 31 other civilizations III: replaces the 31 original civilizations. The "Turbo version" adds wonders and urban improvements.
f) 31 other civilizations IV: replaces the 31 original civilizations. The "Turbo version" adds wonders and urban improvements.
I`m planning to create mods for Europe, Americas, Africa… you will need to download a small *.biq file and enjoy a high quality mod. Stay tuned on these boards guys!
This is the original discussion thread: . You can comment here or there. Since I have a lot of stuff to change in this first version and a thousand of new stuff to add in TGHM, we have a lot of stuff to discuss.
I started to work in TGHM in 2011 July. In three weeks, I’ve opened the first mod thread on CFC and the previews started to come daily. I’d like to thank you everyone who have read and posted on the discussion thread and have helped me with feedbacks, information and motivated me in this challenge. Special thanks for Ares de Borg, Blue Monkey, Dumanios, Jerry'sGoldfish, Kyriakos, Ozymandias, Plotinus, Quinzy, ShiroKobbure, Steph, Supa, Takhisis, themanuneed, and Wolfhart . And a final thanks for IgorS for his city lists. I hope I didn’t miss anyone.
You can contact me on these boards, private message, e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter (check out my sign).
Help is welcome with artworks, texts, file creations, and more. I have received some offers of help and they will be accepted as soon I can.