The Great Armada (West Europe 1580 - 1640)


In love with Rei Ayanami
Nov 16, 2001
Fontainebleau FRANCE
*** New version v 2.2 (requires main art files + patch 2.1 + biq v 2.2a and/or 2.2b and/or v.2.2c, cf second post) October the 6th 2005 ***

Downloading, Installing & Version History



Help needed

Screenshots :
The tech-tree seen from the French side
A naval encounter in the Med
French Pikes vs League Pikes along the Loire river
Captured Spanish treasure brought back to London
The Scottish Highlanders are attacking (with success) hardly defended northern England
A unit description : landsknecht
A wonder : Country-in-Arms
A tech : Oriental Trade
Unit Stats : English Pike
Dutch armies getting ready to join in a League city
League counter-attack near Angers by Klyden
France reunited : French victory after 82 turns by Klyden
A wonder description : Heavy Galleass arsenal
A unit description : the chebeck
Units list (part)

This scenario is about the recreation of the Wars of Religion in Western Europe between 1580 and 1640.
It thus depicts the civil war between the protestant and catholics in France, the protestant
Dutch struggle for independance and the opposition between Philippe II of Spain (and his great armada)
and Elizabethean England, protected by its Sea Dogs.
It lasts 120 turns (2 turns per year) but victory can be achieved before that, thanks to the VP count.

This scenario has been tested for quite some time and is definitely playable.
The pedia is apparently complete and should help you a lot when confronted with resources, units, improvements
or wonders you don't know yet.

Nevertheless some mistakes, bugs, unbalances might still be in. Please mention them or any other remark
you have so that the scenario can be improved.

IMPORTANT : this scenario loads fairly quickly and plays quite well too even without a top-level computer. With a P4 2.2 GHz and 256 MRAM it loads in less than 1 minute.

SP version : 9 civilizations, of which 8 are playable :
Locked alliance 1
- Spain
- French League
- Irish clans

Locked Alliance 2
- England
- Netherlands
- France

- Maghrib (Muslim North Africa, in locked war with Spain)
- Scotland
- Holy Roman Empire (not playable)


Locked alliance 1
- Spain
- Irish clans

Locked Alliance 2
- England
- Netherlands
- Scotland

- France (in locked war with League)

- League (in locked war with France)

- Maghrib (Muslim North Africa)
- Holy Roman Empire (not playable)

Another version (v2.2c) is similar to 2.2b except that Scotland is freebie again.

These different biqs have slightly different order of troops and victory conditions.

These civs are not balanced one to another albeit the alliances are.
Spanish is a juggernaut if it succeeds in using well its tercios but will decline over time.
The Irish Clans are extremely vulnerable if not supported by Spain.
The League is average.
The Netherlands are rich but in direct contact with Spanish tercios and must protect their homeland.
England is not a major power yet and must build a fleet to prevent Spain to land and to ferry troops to crush the
Irish rebellion.
France is average but can use cheaper mercenary troops and if its king converts in Paris he can receive a strong "national" support.
Scotland is wild card and can sell its services to the highest bid.
Maghrib can wray havoc on Spanish harbors but it also must push Spain back into the sea.
Holy Roman EMpire (aka Germany) is not a playable civ but it is an extremely valuable trading partner and its cities
are virtually uncapturable.

Special scenario features :

- Lots of flavor units, both naval and land ones ( Landsknechts, Highlanders, Sea Dogs, Royal Musketeers,...).
- special tech-tree, with special flavor-branches of the tech-tree (ex : Muslims, Limited Monarchy (England), Absolute Monarchy (France),...).
- the economic importance of some key trading harbors, of Trading Companies and of the American gold.
The transport and protection of treasures become vital to support a long conflict such as this one.
- lines of units upgrading. The scenario represents the last golden age of pikes and the progression of gunpowder weapons as well as the ending era of the last feudal knights and the creation of larger regimental armies.

Credits : CFC people !
- aaglo, Kinboat, Utahjazz, Steph (who I bothered a lot :p) & Cossacks, Dom Pedro II for the units
- Rufus, Ukas, Arne (who did a lot of gfx specifically for this scenario), Mrtn (and the people who did some of the RAR mod gfx) for the graphics. Special thanks to (Speedy) Mrtn(ez) !
- Yoda Power and Ozymandias : tech tree
- Aeon, Ironduck, Hamah, Arne for testing. Special thanks to Ironduck and Aeon for continuing support !
- Calgacus for text (the Scots of course !).
- lost of people (including some mentionned above) for support, advice...
- Thunderfall for CFC and the upload.
Version History :

v2.2 : Minor upgrade. Only the biq changed. They rebalance the taxmen, the galloglass and correct the Spanish initial government bug.

v2.1 Minor upgrade. Only requires a patch and new biq files. Mostly it fixes governments in the civilopedia and adds a gfx for the Inquisitor specialist (thanks to Arne). Some rules are changed as well such as unit promotion scale or the Dragoons and the Musketmen upgrade bug is fixed.
Removed after 150 downloads of the different biqs
v2.0 Major upgrade : bug-free, includes all art, pedia, etc...
This version comes with 2 SP biq called v2.0a and 2.0b with different alliances.
Removed after 700 downloads of the different biqs
v 1.3 Major upgrade (biq 1.3 and patch 1.3, you don't need any former patch to use it).
Fixes known bugs (International Port 1 & 2 bugs for instance).
Pedia improved drastically (governments, game mechanics, resources,...)
Fixes bug that caused European cities to get skyscrapers at the end of the tech-tree.
Civs get their popular colors
Pedia pictures selected to fit in with the scenario.
Balances and corrects a few things (strength, units,...).
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v 1.2 Minor upgrade
Fixes Muscovy Company bug (apparently)
Balances or modifies a few other things (complete listing post 167 )
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v 1.1 Major upgrade that also requires the installation of the patch.
Fixes Dutch Musketeer and Governor's House bugs
Fixes a few other things (tech and unit costs (the full tech-tree takes longer).
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v 1.01 Minor upgrade but fixes many bugs (some city improvements wrongly placed, International Harbor level 2, VPs) and strengthening the initial Spanish navy which should not be such a poor lamb anymore.
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v 1.00 First official public release
Removed after 99 downloads
v 0.90 to v 0.99 beta-test releases.

Loading & Playing :

Start Conquests, then select Civ-content (do NOT select Conquests !) then search for the latest biq version (at the moment v 2.0a or 2.0b). Of course you must have downloaded and installed the required files (cf. below).

Downloading and Installing

Note :

You MUST download and install the two files for the scenario to work. The main TGA file has been replaced. If you had one already you need to redownload.

If you use another language (such as German or French), this utility ( can make this scenario playable.

1/ download the main art file (23 MB) and unzip it into :
This should create a TGA folder.
Do NOT unzip it it the Civ3/Conquests/Conquests folder.

File :

2/ Download and install the following small patch 2.1. Download, unzip then put what it is in the Art folder of the patch in the art folder of Scenarios/TGA and what it is in the Text folder of the patch in the Text folder of Scenarios/TGA. You will be asked if you want to replace the old files with the new ones: say yes to all.

3/ Download the SP biq file and put it in the
Civ3/Conquests/Scenarios folder
(for the MP version, check next post)

v2.1a has Spain + Ireland + League vs France + England + Netherlands, Scotland is freebie and Maghrib is at war with Spain.
V2.1 Spain is a special version if you want to play Spain on a more balanced level. Spain is still playable in the first version but is more balanced and challenging in this version.
v2.1b has Spain + Ireland vs England + Netherlands + Scotland, France vs League, Maghrib is freebie
v2.1c has Spain + Ireland vs England + Netherlands, France vs League, Scotland and Maghrib are freebies.
The different biqs have different victory conditions and slightly different troop positions and numbers, mostly for England.


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PBEM (showing and recruiting)

If you want to organize a PBEM with this scenario, send me a PM please then I can put a link here so that people (including me) see how it goes.
The same way if you are looking for players, send me a PM with the thread link that I will publish here.

Current games
- "Alba" : test PBEM set-up by Loulong and restarting with the official release : finished after a Protestant victory.
- "Alba II" : PBEM set-up by Ironduck :
- "Drake" : PBEM set-up by Loulong using v2.2cMP : .

Succession Games

Current games
- "Great Armada" : SG as Spain on Monarch :
- "Drake" : SG as England on Demi-God :

MP version

- v2.2 different MP version biqs : correct the initial Spanish government bug, rebalance the gallowglass and taxmen, add more gold to the Spanish treasury to compensate for the first turn loss.

- v2.1 first official MP version for a long time. As stable as standard version 2.1.
removed after 17 downloads
- v 1.1 corrects many bugs.
removed after 193 downloads
- v 1.01 corrects some bugs (city improvements, International Harbor Level 2, VPs and victory condition,...) and most of all the no alliance bug.
removed after 34 downloads
- v 1.00
removed after 14 downloads

This scenario has been designed with MP and especially PBEM in mind.
The feudal holdings of the Holy Roman Empire prevented the existence of nicely drawn frontiers so its territory has been replaced in the MP version by a useless, uncrossable terrain. Of course the "mercenaries" ressource is no more needed to create Landsknechts, Swiss pikes or Reiters so their cost is higher in the MP version.

Apart from that aspect (trading relationships with the HRE) there is no real difference between SP and MP mods.

Here is the MP biq file (to put into Civ3/Conquests/Scenarios)


A full strategy guide will be written when many people have played the game so that we can have lots of precise information.

But before that, anyway, a few basic infos :

- Map :
Mountains are impassable. The Pyrenees are thus impassable, forcing Spain to use its navy if it wants to act in the rest of Europe.

- Units strategy :
Pikemen and Pikes (regiments) are not restricted to a defensive role as they were major parts of the armies of that time. So remember to check their values and to use them in offense as well. They are still useful even after regimental musketeers appear !
Mounted troops saw a dramatic change during the period so be careful not to think it is a cavalry/cannon scenario. The very late knights are slow troops and and it is only at the end of the period that new mounted troops start to play an important role again.

- Resources :
luxuries are slightly different, be sure to identify them.
strategic ones are few and are mostly needed for the important Trading facilities (International Harbor, various Trading Companies), for the French (catholic coronation in Paris), the only usual one being the "merceanry" resource needed to build Reiters, Landsknechts and Swiss Pikes.
Bonus ones are usual.

Countries (+/-):
England : starts not too strong, and with a small navy, however made up of some powerful sea dogs to be used wisely to raid the gold fleet and to capture other ships, enabling the building up of a "cheap" navy. A wise use of this navy can prevent enemy landings, preserving the isolation of England.
Good governements, trade-friendly and enabling cash-rushing but causing war weariness. Its two major initial problems are to defend from the Irish rebellion, remain there and counter-attack and to try to control the seas ASAP. Scotland is a possible threat in the North, preventing England from depriving itself of its troops.
Spain : so strong ... and so fragile. Very large as it includes Portugal and ex-Burgundian territories, gifted with its UU, the powerful tercio, Spain has however to face both the Protestant alliance and the Muslims in the Med. It must support the Irish or ally with Scotland against the English in oder to avoid a large building up of forces there and the likely (albeit far from automatic) wiping up of the Irish. War is everywhere and war weariness might kick in quickly. But Spanish only other governments, albeit perfect for war is culturally and economically the beginning of its Dark Ages. Choose wisely. Spain also controls rich areas (America, Antwerpen) that can send nice treasures to the capital. But they are so valuable they need to be well protected. If you lose the control of the seas you will be stuck at home and will slowly lose your oversea places. Play it if you like large Empires and "geostrategy".
Irish Clans : courageous but disorganized, the Irish rebellion has about one chance to wipe out the English from Ireland but they are likely to come back and crush you in the disciplined customary manner. Your main problems : lack of defensive troops and backwardness. And the way to tech parity, even with the help of your allies, is hard ! Play them if you want to use an original hit and run on land strategy with some original units.
Netherlands : wealthy, they can buy up troops. But they have no strategic depth. And if their core cities are well defended by troops, fortresses and flooded canals, they are but a few and Spain can hit at them directly. Besides, the Dutch must try to win the trading war against Spain as it would be a huge bonus for them (switching the international trade from Antwerpen to Amsterdam for instance). War weariness can be a problem. Play them if you want a small country full of action and racing to build up troops and to get trade.
Maghrib : even if historically there should have been at least two civilizations, Maghrib represents all Muslims of North Africa there. A dedicated tech-tree, from piracy to the obedience to Turkish beys, special units and especially pirates and pirate ships make Maghrib an original civ to play. It is however apart from the main battlefield and Spain that already has some strongholds on the coast could try to increase its control. The best way to avoid that is to kick them from North Africa and to control the seas, even by attacking Spanish southern harbors.
France : France starts with a precise task to do : reconquer the whole of France. An average power, like its main opponent the League, it is the civ that can be played in a traditional way. Its main advantages are its few barracks in the South-West where protestant troops were trained and the possibility if Paris is captured, to accept the catholic coronation which would give a huge loyalist support to Henry of Navarra, the French ruler (this shows in a wonder spawning troops at a high rate in order to end the civil war). Nevertheless France starts with less land and troops and is cut from its allies in the North (England and Netherlands) and has to protect well its shores along the bay of Biscaye for fear of a possible Spanish landing (in which case the struggle becomes really unbalanced for France).
League : a good average civ but with few strategic choices as it is in direct contact with its bitter enemy France. The country is divided in two and the Northern part is dangerously close to England. Protecting the Channel is then vital as is the need of carving a path to reunite both parts and thus creating a direct trade line with Spain. Paris must be held ! As France, its military force depends largely at the beginning of the good wil of the Holy Roman EMpire whose mercenaries are both "cheap" and useful.
Scotland : Scotland is an interesting civ because it is the only playable one that is not in locked war or alliance with anybody. It is a wild card in the diplomatic games of the time and can try to go for its own destiny. Scotland has issues with both England (history) and Spain (religion) so it can join either alliance or just enjoy the show. But it is a direct threat on England as well as the possible Nemesis of Ireland (if the Scots ally with ENgland against the Irish, Ireland won't stand long !).

More to come.
How you can help make this scenario better ?

There are two ways :

- when you play the scenario, if you notice something weird or obviously wrong, post a small report in this thread. That way we can gather lots of small debugging that, together, can make the game run much better.

- the other is to help creating some dedicated gfx as some currently used are nearly place-holders. These needed gfx are mostly improvements or wonders, no unit is currently needed.

Gfx needed : none at the moment, thanks to a lot of work from Arne.
French tech-tree (most tech-trees are "flavored")

The bottom arrows are for the Muslim tech-tree that shows only for the Maghirb civilization.


  • TGAtechtree.jpg
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Naval encounter in the Med
League and French carracks, Spanish heavy galleass and Muslim pirate ships met strangely in the same area.


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French pikes vs League Pikes along the Loire river

You might notice England is faring pretty poorly as it was kicked out of Ireland and Spanish landed troops and captured Plymouth and Winchester.
As France I was doing pretty well until Spain landed troops and captured la Rochelle. Lost a bunch of troops there.


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Spain tried to ferry the taxes from Antwerpen to Spain through the Channel. The English sea dogs captured it and now the treasure is brought back to London.


  • TreasureCapture.JPG
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The Scots decide to celebrate the new century by invading me (England).

I had lost lots of troops in Ireland cornering and eventually defeating 2 tercios and the Scots were my allies against the Catholics (we had just finished off the Irish) and, out of the blue, raging hungry highlanders raize one of my cities and capture another, quite inland. My recent troops (pikes) are just getting ready but it is too late to make a new "Hadrian wall" with them. The fight will be bitter, ferocious and without quarter.


  • 1600Scotsattack.JPG
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The Dutch are winning in this game. Pikes armies and Dutch musketeer armies are ready to gather in League cities.


  • Dutchwinning.JPG
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This looks like fun but Im trying to finish a very long game Im in first but I will put this on my list to try, next month most likely if time permits. Nice time period to choose. My expertise is ai behavior so I might comment on that.
looks like fun I may be blind but I cant seem to find the download link.
Fine, its finaly out now. :)

I once made a wonder splash without finishing the building.pcx for VOC (Dutch Eastindia Company). If you could need it, feel free to use the pcx in attachement.
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