The Greatest TV Show EVER

Best show of all time:

Rome the HBO miniseries. Only one season so far which tells the story of Julius Caesar through the eyes of two fictional soldiers in the "Thirteenth Legion". Sex, violence, swearing, and a lusty Cleopatra make this the definitive best show of all time.

Seinfeld: Set the standard by which all future sitcoms will be judged.

Simpsons: Same as Seinfeld but for cartoons.

Lost: easily takes the cake in the drama and adventure categories

Southpark: funniest show on TV

House is okay (who doesn't love junkie docs) but I prefer Scrubs for my hospital TV.

I never found Arrested Development to be very funny. Sure, it had its moments but I think the main character was just to plain for my tastes ('Mr. Normal' and his wacky family would've been a better show without 'Mr. Normal'). I saw the pilot and a number of subsequent episodes.
And now I want to see Darkshade. If ever I am rich, I should finance its production.

And don't we have enough threads on religion and gay marriage without bringing it in here of all places?

We always welcome investors, even though such are not particularly necessary. It is more a case of waiting for the right timing for a truly appreciative audience, sundry pesky legal restrictions related to some parts of the cast, and allowing the hedges to grow and the Nazgul to mature.

This second point is a most pertinent one. Now is the hour to reclaim even a small vestage of the once green grass of this off topic land for something other than interminable political discussions on the most odious of topics.

It is interesting to note that most the performances on the electric television that are cited here do come from the recent past; it says a lot about the vintage of the participants thus far.
Doctor Who, Monty Python's Flying Circus anything by the Chaser crew are very some of my favourites. If I had to pick one, it would be Doctor Who.
Mentioning the puerile Chaser show in the same virtual breath as the others does dampen my intended toast to your powers of choice, but a fine selection for the winner.

Which Doctor?
Out of the 3 doctors I've seen more than 3 episodes of (6th, 9th and 10th), Colin Baker is #1 on my list, followed by David Tennant.

Chaser is probably there because its so much better than most of the other so called "comedy" on Australian TV at the moment.
That may alter once you are properly educated in the deeds of the Doctors.

It is not even on the level of a pearl among swine, but rather akin to a pig that gazes up at you from the trough whilst all the others continue their wallowing. There is a dearth of amusing material on the television, but they do occasionally ameliorate such problems by repeating good British material from days of yore, and by cancelling undergraduate dross such as The Glass House.
Honestly? I think in a few years Battlestar Galactica might rein supreme for me.

I don't think it's "the best show ever" from a standpoint of impact on popular culture etc...

But it's certainly my all-time favourite.
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