The Heroic Epic

Yes, it's cheap, good culture, and it increases the chance of getting more leaders. In order to get a benefit you have to be at war, and when you attack with an elite unit.
It's a 1/16 chance when an Elite unit wins a battle and 1/12 with HE (those denominators are doubled if the Elite unit is defending), regardless of the Militaristic trait or not.
Of course it is worth building. Anything that increases your odds of getting a great leader is worth it. The production burden is not too much.
The Heroic Epic does increase your chances of producing leaders, which enables you to create armies which, if victorious, enable the construction of the Military Academy. So I can see where he was coming from with that, although it wasn't expressed well.
If you can build the HE, you've already had a victorious Army, which means you will also be able build the Mil Acad.
Heroic Epic is absolutely worth it.

It's four culture per turn. And makes it a little easier to pop MGLs. MGLs are fun. May take a while for this effect to show up because it's not a drastic change (before HE your odds of an elite unit popping an MGL is 1/16 on offense, 1/32 on defense. HE makes it 1/12 and 1/24, respectively. So you still have to keep trying, just like you did for that first one)
well... lets face it. in a way, ALL GW's and SW's are worth building, we just don't need them all, because some aren't as useful in the ways we play... HE is worth alot to me, because i fight wars alot... if i maintain peace the entire game, *except for the elite unit generating an Army, which HE requires i believe* than why would i need it? If i am going to war some more, i would say build it. But then again, you could say that about just about every building in the game.

to sum this all up... YES! ALL GWs/SWs are worth building, it only depends on how you play... and if you can get them-(only applies to GWs)
I just built this for the first time recently, I never build armies they do me no good, just to see if it had any effect. It seemed to me that it boosted leaders appearing slightly -- maybe about as much as the militaristic trait. It is worth it even if it gives you one leader, cause that is essentially a free wonder. BTW 1.29f here.
You really should build armies ecuwins. They're very useful.

But in vanilla their usefulness is nothing compared to rushing wonders. Also, using armies will reduce your chance of getting more leaders (units in armies don't generate leaders)
The epic is great for both builders and warmongers. A builder gets four culture a turn, and if you get it early enough it doubles. The warmonger gets the increased leader odds.

Its a no lose.
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