The hills are alive - Austrian Civ

Oct 24, 2005
Vukojebina, Croatia
A. E. I. O. U.


Austria as playable Civ. Including unique art and sound, two dozen cities, four leaders and a unique unit.

Starts with Hunting and Mining.



Rudolph IV, Spiritual and Expansive, favors Organized Religion


Maria Theresia, Aggressive and Financial, favors Hereditary Rule


Franz Josef, Industrious and Organized, favors Nationhood


Sissi, Philosophical and Creative, favors Emancipation


Unique unit: K.u.K. Infantrie(replaces Rifleman) - Imperial and Royal Infantry, equal to common rifleman, but has 25% bonus vs. gunpowder units.

Download Austrian Civ 1.00

Alles klar, Herr Komissar?
You didn't update your signature yet ;)
I am from Austria and i am really GLAD that you have made this Austrian-Mod! :D

But I have no idea how to install it without overwriting the original Files - what i wanna say is this:
If i install the Austrian Mod, i will not be able to play the Croatic Mod as well i think, or am I wrong? :confused:
Gringo77 said:
I am from Austria and i am really GLAD that you have made this Austrian-Mod! :D

But I have no idea how to install it without overwriting the original Files - what i wanna say is this:
If i install the Austrian Mod, i will not be able to play the Croatic Mod as well i think, or am I wrong? :confused:

You never want to overwrite the original files.

Yeah, to play this and the Croatic Mod you'll need to combine the 2 mods or wait for L'Ankou to hopefully add this to the SuperCiv modpack.

You do not need to overwrite original files. Just unpack the mod into your Mods folder(in most cases C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Mods, or wherever you installed the game)

Then start Civ4, go in the advanced menu and load the mod.

or you can start the mod by batch command:

Civilization4 mod="Mods\Austria"

I would like to fine-tune the mod before I ask LAnkou to include it in his SuperCiv mod along with all other civs.

Things to do:

1. Add German language, currently everything is in English.

2. Touch up speech. Right now speech is ripped from Der Kommissar and Jeanny, and a few Falco quotes. I'd rather not use same speech as German Civ since the accent is all wrong.

3. Improve Civilopedia entry for K.u.K. Infantrie and redo its bonus. Right now its just a weaker version of Redcoat. I am thinking of adding another 25% bonus when defending vs. cannon.

P.S. How do you like the musical selection? :D

I rolled on the floor laughing when I founded Vienna and the voice of "FALCO" was saying "I bin a ogfackter Wiener" - :goodjob:


Perhaps you can also include our Eagle on the Flag ;) - would look cool i think


or the Double-Eagle of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire

Only an Idea... :cool:

It´s a really great Job! :D
Dear Anima Croatorum!

I just started playing your Mod. I want you to know that i enjoy it very much since I am a Wiener! :D
How can I help with your mod?
Here are the bugs I found so far:
1) the text for the new 1.52 speed "marathon" is wrong
2) it want's to set a cities name to "TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_LINZ"

keep going!
I don't think the flag with the eagle is a good idea since the eagle in this form is a very recent one (1945).

The Austrian red-white-red banner dates back to 1230 and is one of the oldest national symbols of Europe. So I'd suggest we stick with that.
Bright day
Nice work, but superb riflemen?
When it came to parades and uniforms no one could match the K.u.K. :D

Alternative idea for UU was Feldschlange, some kind of 16ct. Tyrolian cannon, but due to lack of further infor decision fell on K.u.K. Infantrie.

As for the eagle. Its too detailed and wont look good on such a small size as flagdecals. I did use coat of arms for Hungary and Croatia, but motives were larger on both(the reason why I put 1848 CoA for Croatia and not modern, the crown doesnt look as good)

The only alternative flag I'd consider would be Yellow/Black.
@ tjaja

maybe you are right, but as long as the american civilization is one of the start-civs i can choose 4000 BC!!! as long it would be also ok to mod the flag with an eagle i think :lol:

@ anima "The only alternative flag I'd consider would be Yellow/Black."

then red-white-red is ok ;)
originally I was about to suggest gold(yellow)/black but red-white-red is *much* more traditional. I put the explaining link in my previous post.

special unit:
since I am personally - even as a native Austrian - not aware of any special troops we ever had I'd suggest to give whatever Civ4 special austrian unit there will be a hills bonus. For that bonus is one we Austrians always featured during wars.
great work again anima

austria is now a part of Superciv, so you can paly both croatia and austria (and many many others...)
Well done, Anima Croatorum!
Now I can play my home nation.
two questions:
How can I get rid of the bug, that names cities like: "TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_LINZ"?
What is the difference between KuK-Infanterie and normal riflemen?

Falco makes the game very funny!

btw: What about making Hussars an Austrian UU?

Thanks for doing that MOD :) - nice to play our country.
The things I would ask you to do are:
Changing the sound in a more realistic way ;) Nice to hear Falco, but it's not connectet to the units and there orders...
May be you can give some flavour Units to Austria - same battleship as Hungaria? Viribus Unitis was the first Ship of the Tegethoff Class I think and that was built in Triest, the Austrian Habour...
Kaiserjäger as WWI Unit for Infantry?
Please fix the Problem with the Name Linz...
Maybe you could change a little bit the K.u.K. Infantry: Black Tschakkos (hats) and black boots. And the name should bee k.k. Infantry that's befor the revolution of 1866 and the change to Austrian Hungarian Empire (reason for k.u.k.)...

Great to have your MOD anyway...
Keep on doing such things... :goodjob:

best wishes from snowy Vienna
A general question - what does K.u.K. stand for, anyway? My only guess is Kaiser und Kaiserreich (??), but I speak absolutely no German so I have no clue and want to see how horribly I fell off of the mark.

(A quick Wikipedia search reveals kaiserlich und königlich - imperial and royal. Sorry to have bothered you.)
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