The history of the celts


Mar 10, 2009
Hello this is my very first post and story so i hope you like it.

Chapter 1 : The Begging

A young Leader by the name of Brennus Decided that his small handful of men were know longer going to be nomads and so in the year 4000B.C they settled down and founded there first city Celtoria ( Named by me ) . Celtoria was a coastal cite and was surrounded by plenty of hills . Celtoria had some problems finding a good food source on land but soon they work and discovered how to fish . Now that food wasn't a problem they could focus on building mines on the hills . Soon Celtoria was building buildings very fast . They celts soon found some Bronze in there Hills and also some stone to celebrate this they built the great wonder and called it Stonehenge and for this they would build a monument in every city thereafter . The Celts soon found an other Civilization named the Aztec's these Aztec were not as smart as the celts and had not discovered bronze working . Brennus saw that the Aztec capitol had many pastures and farms they even had a magical animal the celts had never seen know as the horse . Brennus saw that with the celts knowledge of bronze the Aztec would easily fall under there control so the battle soon began .

The Aztec warriors and archers fell under the mighty spears and axes of the Celts . The Aztec capitol was taken by the celts and renamed Bia . Soon after this the celts learned how to use the horse . Using the horse the celts found 4 other civilizations The French , The Inca , The Americans and the Turks

The French soon became good allies of the celts and the celts adopted there religion Hinduism some trading sparked up and we soon learned metal casting and iron working from the French . The Inca were very savage pagans that were not as advanced as the celts or French . The Americans were a sly group of Buddhists they would no agree to become Hindus and would not sigh open boarders or trade any tects this started a feud with the celts and French . The Turks were also Hindus but were not very strong or advanced they were enclosed by the boarders of the Inca and Americans . The Turks were good at sailing and owned the seas around our continent .

Chapter 2: The Holy Wars
As the Celts now had iron near the city of Bia they were upgrading and train a unit only known to the celts named the Gallic Warrior these were excellent at raiding cities . The hadn't been any wars since the Aztec's fell . Soon after meeting the pagan Inca the had stupidly chosen to become Buddhists this angered the French Celts And the Turks . The peace did not last long because the Americans declared war on The Turks and soon the Inca joined the Americans. I could not stand to see my brothers in fate be destroyed so i joined the war and after some bribing I got the French to join . My Gallic warriors moved into incan land and took an incan city only protected by two archers . The incan city was a coastal city that had access to several fish . This city was revolting for some while but after some time it accepted are culture. This city could train troops at great speed and as soon as we has gotten a road to it we had a good few Gallic warriors . We soon took another Incan city but found no use for it a gave it to the Turks . The incan Capitol was well protected as the incans had gotten feudalism from the Americans . But there bowmen may have had the upper hand but are countless numbers of Gallic warriors had them beat and the capitol was ours . We named the city Talamh because of its many hills .

The French we stopping the Americans from taking any cities but the Americans had gotten many Great scientists and were now the most advanced civilization on the island . They did not however have many cites compared to the French(6) or Turks (5) they only had 3 cities and they were not very productive there first city fell to the Turks and the second to the French . We wanted there capitol for it had many great wonders in it . But as we got to the city we saw a unit that was far above ours the Maceman And Crossbowman our Gallic warriors stood no chance so Brennus II taught of an idea he but all production of Gallic to a hault and focused on Science and wealth . As we then had got Civil service and machinery we started building catapults and upgraded our Gallic warriors to macemen . As we start launching rocks at the American capitol there defences fell and we moved in a took it . As the city was of no use and to prove how much stronger we where we razed the city and plundered all of its gold .

Chapter 3 : Betrayal
With only Hindu's left on the island there was a golden age of peace wealth and science . We soon traded world maps with Turks and found that there was 2 other continents there was still a black area on the Turkish maps . So out of pride for his country and so that he could sell celtic maps of there world Brennus III Built several Caravels and set them in two directions two right two left . Just as Brennus taught when the four ships returned there maps proved the world was round . After Trading with the French the Celts learned the secret of gunpowder and sent some musketmen and a setteler across to the closest continent to set up a colony . When they got to the continent they found the perfect area near some stone marble and horse . The colony did cost some money to maintain and the economy of the celts did suffer but the colony soon had cottage and hamlets making money the keep it running . We meet A group of people called the Arabs on this island that followed the Islamic religion this did cause some problems but we gave them money and things were ok .

As Brennus III was Focusing on the colony he did not see that the French were building an army of musketeers and they then declared war on the celts for no reason they took the city of Bia and Talamh and Celtoria was the one remaining city on the continent that was under Celtic control the Celts Soon started using slaves to build units faster as a result celtoria was an unhappy city and people lay dead in the streets . But Brennus new that the Arabs could help soon after some hard barging the arabs gave the celts access to a tech called riffling . The celts also ask the turks for help and they then declared war on France . Using the rifleman unit we took back talamh and began making rifle man much faster . The turks were destroying all of the French improvements with there special rifleman called the janissary . Three French cities fell under turkish control . As we Beat back the French we won back Bia an we took the French Capitol it was very under defended as we new the French Capitol was the Hindu holy city so the celts named it Naomh . As the two last French cites fell to the turks we could focus on Science and growing our power over other parts of the world .

Chapter 4 : Growing pains​

The time of Factory's and mass production , assembly lines and coal it was the time to build armies faster and stronger . As we found out the Arabs had taken most of the continent that the first celtic colony was on and there was only one civilization left on that continent The Romans . Th romans and Arabs have been fight since our colony was built the arabs had over 14 cities and the romans had two they new they were going to lose but just kept trying to keep there cities . On the other side of the world the Turks had know become the world strongest super power and had taken control of an other continent they had wiped 3 civilization off the map (The Viking , Greeks and India ) . The turkish Economy was starting to suffer until they found plenty of oil and coal on there continent and started trading for money and had now become stronger .

Suddenly we heard news that the Roman Civilization had fallen to the Arabs . Now the celts were the smallest Civilization on the planet lucky do we had the most money the Arabs did not like me because of our religious deferences but we just kept bribing them . The Turks however gave them noting and war broke out .

Chapter 5 : Sneak Attack​

Brennus XX Saw his chance and started build Infantry in every city . The war went on for over 100 years and the celts had bargained with the turks for a lot of techs we now learned about Rockets tanks Planes oil powered boats machine guns . Using all of these we built an armada of ships and started a war with the arabs while they had most of there men in ships trying to attack the turks there homeland was almost defenceless so city after city fell into celtic hands . So it was only the Turks and the Celts left .

Chapter 6 : Suprise​

Turks declared was on the celts very fast and using all of the arabic cities we built dozens of ships and helicopters we block them from sending ships across and we soon took control of the first continent with Celtoria on it so with all these cities under there control the celts forgot about there economy and just built rockets in every city and sent them to all the turkish cities it was know just a matter of send over some troops and capturing the cities . It was a horrible site to see not a single thing was growing on the turkish continent fallout was everywhere there was people just lying on the streets dead . They took most of the turkish cities and it was the final siege on the new capitol that was hard .

Chapter 7 : The Final Siege​

Taking there final city would prove hard as it was covered in peaks and had only one way in making a sneak attack impossible . So Brennus XXI taught of a plan because the city had SDI we could not Nuke it so we built tanks in every city we had a sent them over to the turkish continent we sent all the tanks in at once and it didn't work so we then built more tanks and just kept them around the city and watched the turkish people starve the city got smaller and smaller and could produce men fast enough so we sent every unit we had and finally we took it .

The celts had taken the world
That was some quick story!
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