I most probably have a little more information about it than "expert economists" actively participating in this thread.
Honestly curious: what makes you think so?
I most probably have a little more information about it than "expert economists" actively participating in this thread.
I agree that world needs Russian fossils
True but if we take this tack, we really need to vastly expand the scope of the conversation beyond what Russia is doing wrong.The thing about this is, there won't be much of a world left if this is still true for very much longer.
Then the world is over, nobody outside west will leave fossils unless the alternatives will be much cheaper.The thing about this is, there won't be much of a world left if this is still true for very much longer.
If you want a neutral indicator for how a nations economy is doing, look at the performance of its currency.
The Ruble has dropped 26% in value to the Dollar the last 8 months alone.
Putin wanted China to pay for oil in Rubles to artificially prep up his own currency; China obviously told him nope, we'll pay you in Yuan. So, China is paying for Russian imports with Yuan, illustrating the future status of Russia as a Chinese vassal state.
"What is the difference between dollar and ruble? One dollar."I'm going to be a lot more cynical guys and just say that this only represents the Ruble falling in value compared to other currencies which would only impact Russia's ability to conduct foreign trade (which Russia doesn't seem too reliant on), the more important indicator is how the currency is doing domestically within it's own market and whether or not domestic prices for basic necessities is inflating.
You can have a currency that is absolutely terrible on the international money markets but does fine domestically due to prices for various things being overall cheaper. I believe China despite intentionally having a less valuable currency internationally in trade has something like a better mileage per unit of currency if spent domestically thus making China have a larger economy overall compared to the United States when this adjustment is added into calculations. Also a cheaper currency internationally isn't bad if your goal via trade is to be an export based economy, internationally your currency having substantial value only matters if you wish to have an import based economy taking advantage of cheaper labor and lack of pollution controls overseas.
I can get a better read on the US economy just by vibing in rush hour traffic than many sources.Honestly curious: what makes you think so?
Yes peace by surrender to paranoid patriarchs. Vote no on divorce while you're at it. Keep turning that cheek until you need an exorcist.Look, from my perspective you are all "butting" genocide all the time when you start in on half-baked notions about what "we" are going to do to save the world. Really? You're gonna save the world? With what, the UK government? Please.
It's called critical analysis. And please stop with that "illegal invasion" nonsense. What's a legal invasion? Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia? Uh, no, not technically. The incipient ECOWAS invasion of Niger? Oh it's a coalition of nations! That means it's good, right?
Look, it's about understanding the international perspective and taking responsibility for being a high-ranking citizen of the empire. My voice counts for more than a Ukrainian's. I'm sorry, but it does. And I am not going to use it providing implicit support to the hawks that run the biggest imperial war machine in history (interestingly: neither Russian nor Chinese). You want to say I'm giving license to Russia? What, for criticizing the notion of an incipient NATO involvement in Ukraine? I say it's the consumerist pigs who refuse to find their own moral center who keep the war machines running.
Moderator Action: Split from Ukraine War thread #7. Birdjaguar
You have a bad memory.But as far as I remember, CFC consensus back then was that growth of ruble was a sign of Russia's imminent collapse.
So, how is the Russian economy doing?I most probably have a little more information about it than "expert economists" actively participating in this thread.
Just because your worldview is so deranged that you perceive any evil committed in the world to be the fault of Americans, no matter the amount of atrocities russia keeps doing on a daily basis (with impunity, just because they can)?My voice counts for more than a Ukrainian's.
You aren't sorry. You are enjoying your anonymous cynicism.I'm sorry, but it does.
please stop with that "illegal invasion" nonsense. What's a legal invasion? Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia? Uh, no, not technically. The incipient ECOWAS invasion of Niger? Oh it's a coalition of nations! That means it's good, right?
By this neutral indicator, Russian economy was performing exceptionally well in first half of 2022. Because rub/usd exchange rate gained roughly 40% in that period.
But as far as I remember, CFC consensus back then was that growth of ruble was a sign of Russia's imminent collapse.
That Russia's economy has done alright all things considered is a testament to how mismanaged it was pre-war. That you could lose that much access to real economic efficiencies but government stimulus more than counteracts that loss highlights how much potential was being squandered year after year. This is not at all unique to Russia.
You know, it's really telling that everyone in the English-speaking world immediately goes to "But what about Hitler?" to justify any kind of war whatsoever going on in any other different context anywhere, at any time. Argentina tries to hit the Falklands? "Nazi Germany of South America." A country that is under embargo tries to secure nuclear weapons? Well they're part of the authoritarian AXIS of evil.Hitler invade Russia ? Hitler was just protecting the German speak Volga people and protecting the free peoples of Europe from the Communist
I cannot use my brain to figure out when a war is justified, that means Hitler good right ?
Educate us oh wise one. Waken the sheeple.You guys have fallen for this propaganda bit hook, line, and sinker.
You guys have fallen for this propaganda bit hook, line, and sinker.
I mean, the "collapse" of the ruble is like, just as much a good thing as a bad thing. My first hunch is that the long term effects of being sanctioned outweigh the benefits of a government finally investing in itself. But there's so much squandered potential in Russia thanks to its corrupt leadership I could see a virtuous cycle of competence emerging given necessity. I could also see it collapsing even worse.I think the fact that Russia is big also matters here. The international issues, currency problems etc matter much more for a country dependent on imports, which Russia is largely not, at least as regards basic necessities (sophisticated electronics and other things needed for advanced weapons may be a different story).
Anyway, I don't think we quite have enough information out of Russia to say whether government stimulus has counteracted the losses. The Russian government's numbers certainly can't be trusted.
But I don't disagree in principle. Liberals tend to place too much importance on the forex performance of a currency as a measure of economic health. It matters very little for countries whose citizens are mostly not doing a lot of foreign business.
I made this thread for you and you didn't vote https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...ink-of-the-democrats-while-growing-up.684718/You know, it's really telling that everyone in the English-speaking world immediately goes to "But what about Hitler?" to justify any kind of war whatsoever going on in any other different context anywhere, at any time. Argentina tries to hit the Falklands? "Nazi Germany of South America." A country that is under embargo tries to secure nuclear weapons? Well they're part of the authoritarian AXIS of evil.
You guys have fallen for this propaganda bit hook, line, and sinker. Nobody fought Hitler out of the goodness of their heart. That had nothing to do with anything. Nobody is fighting Putin out of the goodness of their heart either. And unlike y'all I don't think it's worth my life and treasure fighting someone else's adventures while there's still the class war raging on in my home country.