The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

Ten year from now you'll put on a jacket, reach into a pocket and find a mask and think, 'What a weird year that was!'

Then you'll pick up your machete and continue across the wasteland, keeping to the shadows to avoid roaming gangs of cannibals.
Man walks into the doctors to get his results.

Doc says "It's bad news I'm afraid. You've a very rare condition that means you can't remember the 80's"
Man asks "What's the cure?"
Doc "It's worse than I thought!"
I laughed rather too much at that one. :)
More of a blooper than a joke. A joke with the possibility to come up with the end yourself, perhaps. Definitely lame.

From Swedish news: of the accused's DNA has been found on more than 2000 cartridges/shots.

1. How do you get your DNA on so many?

2. Has the criminal labratory tested each one separately?
If you tell dad jokes when you're a child, you have to wait until you're an adult before the punchline becomes apparent.

I wrote down the names of all the people I hate, but my roommate used the paper to roll up his joint. Now he’s high on the list of people I never want to see again.

Jeff, an Oxford comma, and a semicolon walk into a bar. They both had a great time.
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