Kiwi Tyrant
Evil Jollification
Whew, played this on Emperor level, won on turn 352, but a bit of a slog! I don't think I could handle this on Deity....

* Should have made a 'canal city'; but as the scenario randomizes resources, I had my only mana node there and desperately needed a 'fire node' for the upcoming battle's. As a result I never bothered with the deadly Kraken's.
* Cities placed next to the north and east mountain passes proved critical to survival. Hawk's placed in each city gave a good 'heads up' warning.
* It's like an 'advanced start', so you can grow quick and get your base of 5 or so cities up and going. I found the starting civic's of God King & Conquest produced a good launching board!
* After studying earlier post's about this scenario, I went OO, held against the Calabim (used them as a buffer), and used Cultist's to take out the lakeside Infernal cities A.S.A.P!!! Thank's Schlalex, that tip was pure platinum!
* Inner Infernal cities on hill's were another story entirely. I made the mistake of trying to fireball my way in; no go bro, you'd need a large mage stack that would take too long to muster. You must use siege to make the opportunities hit quick and deadly, as Perpy keep's changing his mind, and you need a good roll at the Duke as he is very powerful both militarily and culturally, and will only get stronger!
* With OO, I used Saverous and the unreliable Lunatic's initially to hold back the hordes (in conjunction with Cultist's & Adept's). Once Dr Zoidberg and his clones came on tap I started really breaking out and razing. All unit's had to have the Mobility1 promo, especially to out-maneuver the slow Infernal, since I started with no horse resource. Actually, there were no horses on the entire map!
* At first, I was shocked and dismayed when I initially had mass war declared on me. Later, I was begging for war, just so I could get some progress going.
* Once the damn Infernal were taken out, I re-focused my main army to sweep east along the shoreline. That's when the Lanun World Spell did it's damage to speed thing's along!
* Sailed the Black Wind around to Cpt. Uldanor (who for some reason felt he had to maintain 10+ Galley's outside his capital) and just perpetually feasted....
* Beeri managed to stay alive with his single city. Yay!!, 'cause there's little I could do to help him if the crap hit the fan....
Overall, a good challenge. After the easy intro scenario, I was jolted out of my short lived complacency!
Spoiler :

* Should have made a 'canal city'; but as the scenario randomizes resources, I had my only mana node there and desperately needed a 'fire node' for the upcoming battle's. As a result I never bothered with the deadly Kraken's.
* Cities placed next to the north and east mountain passes proved critical to survival. Hawk's placed in each city gave a good 'heads up' warning.
* It's like an 'advanced start', so you can grow quick and get your base of 5 or so cities up and going. I found the starting civic's of God King & Conquest produced a good launching board!
* After studying earlier post's about this scenario, I went OO, held against the Calabim (used them as a buffer), and used Cultist's to take out the lakeside Infernal cities A.S.A.P!!! Thank's Schlalex, that tip was pure platinum!
* Inner Infernal cities on hill's were another story entirely. I made the mistake of trying to fireball my way in; no go bro, you'd need a large mage stack that would take too long to muster. You must use siege to make the opportunities hit quick and deadly, as Perpy keep's changing his mind, and you need a good roll at the Duke as he is very powerful both militarily and culturally, and will only get stronger!
* With OO, I used Saverous and the unreliable Lunatic's initially to hold back the hordes (in conjunction with Cultist's & Adept's). Once Dr Zoidberg and his clones came on tap I started really breaking out and razing. All unit's had to have the Mobility1 promo, especially to out-maneuver the slow Infernal, since I started with no horse resource. Actually, there were no horses on the entire map!
* At first, I was shocked and dismayed when I initially had mass war declared on me. Later, I was begging for war, just so I could get some progress going.
* Once the damn Infernal were taken out, I re-focused my main army to sweep east along the shoreline. That's when the Lanun World Spell did it's damage to speed thing's along!
* Sailed the Black Wind around to Cpt. Uldanor (who for some reason felt he had to maintain 10+ Galley's outside his capital) and just perpetually feasted....
* Beeri managed to stay alive with his single city. Yay!!, 'cause there's little I could do to help him if the crap hit the fan....
Overall, a good challenge. After the easy intro scenario, I was jolted out of my short lived complacency!