The Most Realistic Earth Scenario


Aug 4, 2001
New Zealand
Since C3C has pretty much supplied every major civ to make a historically accurate game, I decided to give it a go, and adding a few tweaks with it.

So I created a scenario, adding every civilization except the Americans.

I wanted the Aztecs, Inca, Maya, Zulu and Mongol to have their own tech tree and be stuck in the ancient era throughout the game - I managed to find a way to do all this and it has worked out amazingly well.

One major tweak I made was that the above ancient civilizations each have their own tech tree, their own buildings, wonders and units. I gave them all massive boosts - so that the Mongols can cause havoc (using the Knight Templar wonder) and the Zulu's can stay alive and also cause some trouble (also using the Knights Templar, but weakening it a bit).

Ok the story:

So, I started as the Byzantine - I don't know why, I don't really know anything about this civilization in real life, I think I am a bit intrigued and curious by it, that's probably why I chose them.

Despite Europe and the Middle East being jam packed, I have 6 cities, extending from Constantinople and upwards around the large lake (Black Sea is it?).

Everything seemed to go pretty smooth for everyone for the first 3000 years. Then the Hittites were wiped out by the Babylonians, an almost instant win for them.

I noticed that the Greeks really pushed hard around this time, they weren't big, but they had a force to take notice of, every civ, no matter how big they were, could not weaken the Greeks one bit.

By about 1AD Europe and the Middle East's land was officially used up, and thus, war began - I usually play as peacefully as I can, but even I was 'forced' into going to war with the Russians. Civ3 is a different game when you only have a few cities, and there are about 10 other civs jammed right next to you and have no where else to go - the ocean won't help 'em!

Anyway, the tech pace was almost historically perfect. Right now, the Persians are the most powerful, then me at a close second.

The below screenshot shows that I can now finally see all of Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia, thanks to Navigation, being crammed up, really slows down the exploration rate, there are just too many obstacles, so you are really in the blue for quite some time.


Shortly after, I discovered the Mesoamericans, thankfully I was the first (can make a lot of money from communication trading!)

They were all really large civilizations, which is historically correct - however, even cooler, was that they were all still in the ancient times, they were stuck there, they were an entire era behind us, so coming across them like that, and knowing Europe to be as advanced as it is, it's really very cool to have a game that has worked out this way. I really wonder what the future of Mesoamerica will be - Of course, I will post as time goes on!

London has a population of 24 in the middle ages?? :eek:
i didn't even know that was possible!

this is really interesting, please keep writing.
With C3C Shakespeare's allows your town to grow past size 12 before hospitals. I presume that's what happened, just another nice touch to what looks like an interesting game.
actually, because of the space limit in europe, using the landmarks, I have increased europes land and wheat food production - works like a charm!
I will post it eventually, but I want to play it thru to see what needs tweaking - so far so good tho!
What about the terrain - I take it that its one of yours but I've never seen that irrigation before (perhaps I've missed one of your terrain sets - I try to get all the terrain I can). Anyway this is getting off topic (sorry) please continue with the story.
Cool game! :goodjob:

This is just a suggestion, but you might want to try a game with pre-placed cities. The AI is loathe to build cities with even one overlapping square, even if they are full of wheat and cattle and can grow to a large size. If I was France, I'd try and get 5 or 6 cities into that area.

I'm going to try a game like this on my map, I think. It's only 180x180, but Europe is larger.
That's a good idea thestonesfan, but for it to work properly I would have to increase the shield and food in europe even higher

thanks to c3c, this can now be done, without effecting the rest of the worlds terrain!
Originally posted by Snoopy
That's a good idea thestonesfan, but for it to work properly I would have to increase the shield and food in europe even higher

thanks to c3c, this can now be done, without effecting the rest of the worlds terrain!

Yes, I have yet to experiment with that, but I plan to.

Another possibility, which might even be better, is creating new bonus resources and having them show up with certain techs available to Europeans. Maybe a "Crop Rotation" advance could allow Medieval Europe access to a new bonus resource(Rotated Grains? The names would be tricky:).) that gives 4 food instead of 3.

The main problem here is that resources can't become obsolete, so you'd have the old bonus wheat sitting around, which would be weird. Also, you couldn't have too many, because you'd run out of squares.
The Iroquoi own most of Northern America, the Aztecs own a fair bit of texas and california

I destroyed the Iroquoi because they attacked my only colony with a thousand warriors, after many fights (I had muskets), they finally won. Can't have that if I plan to make North America my new home land :D
thats really cool did you tweak it so the american civs would be behind you?
Casual_moose - he said that he modified the game so that the American civs were on their own tech tree so I assume that this doesn't allow them to keep up with technology (perhaps same techs but increased cost).
Earth Scenario File

Note: Number 9 in the list below is not included in the zip, I forgot to add it, but it is kind of important to know!

Here is the Scenario, I've stopped playing it coz of work, but hope to get back to it soon!

Thanks to the above suggestions, I changed it accordingly, it should be a much more interesting and accurate game!

The file is 285KB (Includes graphics for Hard Wood Terrain Type)

Here is the text file:


Sn00py's Realistic Earth Scenario

To Install:
Copy "LMForests.pcx" to Civilization III\Conquests\Art\Terrain\ and overwrite

Copy "Earth.biq" to Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios\

To play:
Load up Conquests, go to "Scenario's" then load up "Earth"

Some Notes:

1. The American civilization has been removed.
2. All start locations have been pre-set.
3. Zulu, Mongol, Inca, Maya, Aztec and the Iroquoi each have their own tech-tree line, their own unique wonder and of course unique unit.
4. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy each have an additional city (to give them a boost, because of their lack of land).
5. All Civilizations that lack land in Europe have been given a land value boost. For example, there is now a "Lush Grassland" terrain that gives additional food; cows and wheat also give more food. There is also "Hard Wood", it is NOT a resource but a new terrain type, it will increase your productivity rate.
6. I have changed the Warrior graphic around with the Enkidu Warrior, simply because I found that the warrior unit is not really a unit that fits in at this time. I feel that the Warrior unit is something from 10000 BC, not 4000 BC. The Sumerians however, will get the original Warrior graphic for their unique unit.
7. Note that to save time, I haven't included any Civiliopedia additions.
8. Note that I have also set this to "regicide", I personally like the fact that there is a unit that if killed, brings down the whole civ, I think it is realistic to a certain degree, especially in an Earth Scenario.

If you have a really interesting game going, please tell us at , I think keeping it to one thread is a good idea. I myself am really interested to see how accurate your games become, and how random everyone's game is. I also wonder what it would be like to be a Mesoamerican facing the Advanced Europeans and Asians, or the Mongols (who have a battle booster! In my game, despite the huge lack of Mongol Tech, they easily wiped out the Russians!)
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