President: Sixchan (100%)
Vice President: CornMaster (Appointed)
Foreign Minister: Spycatcher34 (100%)
--Deputy: None
Military Leader: adamsj (100%)
--Deputy: None
Leader of Internal Affiars: Hippo (66.7%)
--Deputy: Kev (33.3%)
Science Leader: Juize/gonzo_for_civ
--Deputy: Juize/gonzo_for_civ
Luna: Dell19
--Deputy: None
Phobos: ACM (68.8%)
--Deputy: Stormbringer (31.2%)
Deimos: EmperorSnefix
--Deputy: None
Vice President: CornMaster (Appointed)
Foreign Minister: Spycatcher34 (100%)
--Deputy: None
Military Leader: adamsj (100%)
--Deputy: None
Leader of Internal Affiars: Hippo (66.7%)
--Deputy: Kev (33.3%)
Science Leader: Juize/gonzo_for_civ
--Deputy: Juize/gonzo_for_civ
Luna: Dell19
--Deputy: None
Phobos: ACM (68.8%)
--Deputy: Stormbringer (31.2%)
Deimos: EmperorSnefix
--Deputy: None