The New Team Leader


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
This thread will be used for organizing and processing the information needed to bring about a new Team Leader.

In this democracy, our Team Leader should hold office for a term of 1 month. Any active and posting citizen is eligible to participate as a nominee for the office. All nominees shall be nominated by another citizen or by self-nominating. Anyone nominated for the office must accept the nomination by posting in the nomination thread (for this election, this thread will suffice).

The Team Captain is allowed access to the saves and other information pertaining to the game. Most contact from the referee to the team is through the team captain. Also, the team Captain authorizes others on the team access to this information. Just as everyone here has been allowed access to this private forum.

The Team Captain is also a touchpoint for the other teams in the United Nations. Contact and communications can and probably will be directed at this office in the future. Keeping the team updated with new information from the UN will be an important part of the job.

Making sure the team, as a whole, is united in the decision making process will also be part of this job discription. Solving internal problems, setting up needed threads and polls, and staying involved in discussions will also be key to the position.

As the game is now starting, and the holidays are upon us, I believe we should take this election process (our second) slowly. We can use this week for nominations (too long?), then the following week for the election, leaving a week before the new year (and month). The new year would bring on the next term.
So far, we've had four nominations for the office of Team Captain (also called Team Leader).

Evil Conqueror

More nominations are welcome and expected. Remember a nominee must accept their nomination in order to be eligible for election.
I'll accept the nomination, as long as I don't have to post in German. I'd gave to use an unreliable translator.
I'll accept I suppose. Was the reason we didn't want links to CiFo here because of security? I think I saw a post like that somewhere, but I can't remember.
Note: I'm not a member of the Eagles team, this post is in my capacity as moderator.
I'll use this thread to ask a question on behalf of staff, since Cyc brought it up in the OP.

How does this team want to handle access to the private subforum? The OP appears to take the position that access control would be a team captain role, and thus potentially elected on a monthly basis. I don't think we want to bother the admins to change the management rights to the access control user group every month. It appears from Cyc's posts that he does not want to continue in the access control role. (correct me if I'm wrong)

A moderator (such as myself) could take care of membership requests, but that opens a question of authorization. I would not want to be responsible for vetting applications to the team or verifying the applicant is not a member of another team in the game. I'd imagine any disinterested 3rd party would have the same reservations. So we'd need a mechanism for the team to approve membership requests, and then the designated group manager can push the button.

The other reasonable alternative would be to have some team member sign up as the semi-permanent keeper of the keys, and that member can be set as manager of the user group. I'd just like some kind of long-term commitment to the position. We can, and probably will, set the DG mod(s) as co-leads, so we can handle it if the designated player goes AWOL.

One other comment, it is traditional and generally accepted practice to give referees access, for private communication with the team and to be able to see evidence should there be any in-game disputes. And as it sits right now, moderators have to be added to get the ability to moderate here. (don't go wild based on that, I can get reinforcements pretty easily :lol: )
Cyc, you're ignoring my nomination for Calis :nono:

Though I suppose it's a moot point if he doesn't want the job.
Sorry Elephantium. I did miss the nomination in the closed poll. Situation fixed in the 2nd paragraph. :thumbsup:
How does this team want to handle access to the private subforum? The OP appears to take the position that access control would be a team captain role, and thus potentially elected on a monthly basis. I don't think we want to bother the admins to change the management rights to the access control user group every month. It appears from Cyc's posts that he does not want to continue in the access control role. (correct me if I'm wrong)

The other reasonable alternative would be to have some team member sign up as the semi-permanent keeper of the keys, and that member can be set as manager of the user group. I'd just like some kind of long-term commitment to the position. We can, and probably will, set the DG mod(s) as co-leads, so we can handle it if the designated player goes AWOL.
No, you were right, and don't need correcting, Dave. I did want to be relieved of the access control duty. But I've settled done now. I don't want to create any kind of extra work for you or ainwood. I'll be your semi-permenent keeper of the keys and stay manager of the user group. If that's ok with the rest of the team.
No, you were right, and don't need correcting, Dave. I did want to be relieved of the access control duty. But I've settled done now. I don't want to create any kind of extra work for you or ainwood. I'll be your semi-permenent keeper of the keys and stay manager of the user group. If that's ok with the rest of the team.

Fine by me. As long as you do not kick members without communicating it to the team. ;)

Please let Worf in before we get a whole armada of Klingon Birds of Prey. :lmao:
In this democracy, our Team Leader should hold office for a term of 1 month. Any active and posting citizen is eligible to participate as a nominee for the office. All nominees shall be nominated by another citizen or by self-nominating. Anyone nominated for the office must accept the nomination by posting in the nomination thread (for this election, this thread will suffice).

The Team Captain is allowed access to the saves and other information pertaining to the game. Most contact from the referee to the team is through the team captain. Also, the team Captain authorizes others on the team access to this information. Just as everyone here has been allowed access to this private forum.

The Team Captain is also a touchpoint for the other teams in the United Nations. Contact and communications can and probably will be directed at this office in the future. Keeping the team updated with new information from the UN will be an important part of the job.

Making sure the team, as a whole, is united in the decision making process will also be part of this job discription. Solving internal problems, setting up needed threads and polls, and staying involved in discussions will also be key to the position.

Is the Team Leader also responsible for playing and sending the turns? I remember you mentioned that in the first Team Captain poll:
I'll be your semi-permenent keeper of the keys and stay manager of the user group. If that's ok with the rest of the team.

That would be fine with me as well. But as Calis said, please let the team know before you give someone the boot.
For now I will play and send the turns, regardless of the ranking.

That is, if nobody has other plans, of course.
Designated Player (DP) (the person authorized to play the save) can be a different person than the Team Leader. As DP, Calis can also authorize another to play in his stead, should he not have the time.

I will notify the team if the situation of booting a person from the group comes close to materializing again.
Thanks for the nomination Cyc but I'm going to have to politely decline due to a lack of free time.

Sorry to hear you won't be running for office, EC. Maybe next month you'll find more time.

But we still have three contenders. I'll put up an election poll tomorrow.
Got tied up yesterday. Will put together a Team Captain Election poll now.
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